
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Starfish and More

So what is a cnidarian? How about an echinoderm? Any volunteers for molluscs? This year we have been studying animals for science, starting with mammals then birds and so forth. Last week saw us learning some fascinating detail about shells, starfish, sea anemones, coral, sponges, sea cucumbers and other interesting marines creatures.

While we were visiting my parents-in-love on Sunday I went to a local beach for an hour or so in search of some fresh air and sea life. All six girls were eager to come with me.

With cameras and plastic bags we set off on our adventure.

The rock pools yielded many treasures for those knew what to look for.

Sea urchin hiding between rocks

First starfish found, still under water.

We were all amazed at how stiff these little starfish are, something we would never have known without holding one.

Check out their magnificent underside! The hole in the middle is their mouth. Let me quote to you from our science text (God's Design for Life: The World of Animals p117).

"Starfish eat clams and oysters. A starfish will use its legs to pry open a clam shell.
 It only needs to open the shell a little bit. Then it sticks its stomach out through its mouth 
and into the shell. It can then digest the clam while it is still in its shell."

As you can imagine the children thought this was pretty amazing.

Back into the water where they belong

Sea slug

We had a wonderful time, heading home with a treasure trove of seaside beauties. The very next day we had the pleasure of exploring another nearby beach, finding even more starfish and enjoying lovely blue skies and even a bit if whale watching.

Sharing at Wordless Wednesday, But With Words,  Project Alicia In The Studio 
and Photo Story Friday.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Marvellous Monday

A stunning winter's day here in my part of the world. My brother and his family from interstate are currently holidaying at a nearby beach village. Today we had a delightful time with them at this beach location. The holiday house they are renting overlooks the ocean. Just a short stroll across a quiet road and you are on the shoreline.

Sandy beaches with shells and also lots of rugged rocks which beckoned all to explore and collect.

A nephew in quiet contemplation

Humpback whale - there are many around the area now

Still feeling sunny from a magnificent Monday!

More starfish photos from yesterday here.

Sharing at The Creative Exchange, Sweet Shot Tuesday, Tuesday Around the World,
 Good Life Wednesday, PicStory: Outdoors and Simple Pleasures.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Sneak Peak of My Sunday

Visiting with my parents-in-love, having family time together, I took this from their front balcony this afternoon. A simply lovely reflection from my weekend. Hope you have had a wonderful weekend too.

Sharing at The Simple Things and Weekend Reflections.

Sunday Quotes

Straight Out Of the Camera - no editing or cropping.

Lord, you have made many things;
with your wisdom you made them all.
The earth is full of your riches.
                                                   Psalm 104:24

Sharing at SOOC Sunday.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Unexpected Joys

I spotted this dandelion flower this afternoon in a hidden spot in our yard - isn't it so sunny! The closer I look the more marvellous it is.

 I had just finished planting out some seedlings today, tidied up and come inside. I glanced outside and saw this kookaburra using our pool as a bird bath! He didn't stay long enough for me to come closer before flying off out of sight. I love little surprises, especially at home when it seems the garden is bland and wintery. I hope you are finding unexpected joys at your home today too.

Lots more beautiful flower photos over at Flowers on Saturday.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Little Girl's Delight

Seven year old Miss V chose this lovely yellow primula on Wednesday,
 a little pot of sunshine to brighten  our winter days.

Sharing at Crazy Days of Summer: Yellow and Macro Friday.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Not a Flower

A stunningly beautiful coleus plant in a friend's garden. Aren't the leaves just amazing, both in colour and shape - love their frilly edges!

Sharing with Little Somethings Photo Challenge.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

A Small Beginning

Taken this bright, breezy winter's morn. The first flower on one of our Grevillea bushes, an Australian native, is slowly beginning to open.

Sharing at Wordless Wednesday.

I took several shots of this flower, then had a look at them on the computer before heading back outside to focus on the most interesting section. I had to hold the flower stem with one hand to stop it blowing in the breeze and avoid getting the fence in the background, bringing my camera lens up to nearly touching the flower with my other hand...."and then she snapped". I cropped (I don't have an SLR or macro lens) and increased sharpness and contrast a little using iPhoto.
Joining in the fun at And Then She Snapped for the first time.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

A Place for Grace

A place for enjoying God's wonderful creations.

A place for overcoming fears and insecurities.

A place to stretch your wings and fly afresh.

A place for love and caring, connecting and knowing more fully The Way, The Truth, The Life.

A place of freedom, joy and release to live in His grace everyday!

All photos taken last Sunday, before and after church, in our "church yard" - set high on a hill, overlooking town. 
May you know and live in His grace too.

Delighted to share at Your Sunday Best.