Thursday, August 18, 2011

Framing the Moon

This one is favourite night sky photo for the week, closely followed by the one below.
 No colour or saturation adjustments have been made in either. 

Which do you prefer?

Sharing at Black and White Wednesday, Skywatch Friday.


Nadege, said...

I love the look of the first image, but both are excellent captures.

Erin said...

LOVE both!!! Absolutely brilliant, i think my fav pics yet.

Jill said...

Beautiful! I love both but would really love to have that first one framed!

Anonymous said...

I like them both but I would go for the second one because of the glympse of color. your macro shots are amazing. I've been through you blog and I'm delighted :)

Hootin Anni said...

Breathtaking!!! Stunning...and spectacular. I can't think of enough adjectives to describe the beauty of your photos.

HOT TOWN SUMMER IN THE CITY is my link for Thursday's Themesong.

Nancy said...

The first one is my favorite. Very well done -- shooting a full moon is not ever an easy task.

And thanks so much for changing your comment settings. I'm so happy to be able to comment now. :)

Ashley Sisk said...

oooh beautiful.

Shirley @ The Gardening Life said...

I love the first photo!!! It is incredible!

Thank you for stopping by The Gardening Life earlier and for your kind comment.

Reena said...

Love both, but the second one is my favorite. Wow!

Tara said...

stunning, the first one is just gorgeous

Anonymous said...

Wow - just stunning!

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

They are both exquisite, but I absolutely LOVE the first one! I love how the shadowy, lacy leaves frame the moon.

Now those are glimpses of heaven on earth of the most divine kind!

Karen said...

Gorgeous, I like the first one best.

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

I do like the first one -- maybe because it is a bit brighter and you can see clouds and and the trees framing it nicely. Hope your day is great. Tammy

Unknown said...

gorgeous photos, love the B&W detail the best!

Jim said...

It looks beautiful.
Sydney - City and Suburbs

Gemma Wiseman said...

The wonder of the moon! Beautiful, atmospheric photos!

Kel said...

the first one - by the light of the silvery moon
i played with the full moon this week too, it was fun

Judy said...

I like the first shot, because you can see more of the branches of the tree which has captured the moon, but I love the colour in the second. Hard to say which I like better!

Scott said...

Very nice. I have taken a few photos of the moon and I have tried to expose it so that the moon comes out looking correctly exposed and I have to date not really liked what I have done.

These really show me another way of doing it though and to expose for the way the moon lights up everything around them. I really like these.

Lisa Gordon said...

Both of these are so very beautiful, but my favorite is definitely the first one. It is a truly breathtaking photograph!

Nayana said...

wow..gorgeous work..its hard for me to pick. I was just going up and down scroll..which one is

Cassy said...

Beautifully captured. My favorite is the first image.

Cassy from Acoustic Guitar Lessons

Rosie Gan said...

Wow! Wow! Both are fantastic! How did you do that? Aperture and shutter speed details, please.

Steffi said...

Love it!Fantastic photos!

Bren Graham Thebeau said...

I don't think it's possible to choose between them for myself. I love the impact that each makes on my senses.

Marianne said...

Du machst ganz wundervolle Foto, hinreißend schön.
Was hast du für eine Kamera ?

Herzlichst ♥ Marianne

Unknown said...

They are both beautiful, but I like the second one better. Must be the warmth of it.

lina@home sweet home said...

Both are stunning, but the first is more dramatic for me :)

Karen @ Pieces of Contentment said...

Hi Marianne, I used my Lumix camera (I don't have an SLR) handheld on auto with a little editing on iPhoto.
Here is my camera:

NatureFootstep said...

lol, I have a choise photo too. But I think yours are the better one. I like the bw one better. Mainly because of the clouds. :)

Tatjana Parkacheva said...

Both photos are excellent, but the first one I like more :)


黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

Superb moon shot !


Wunderschön. Romantik pur!

Viele Grüsse aus der Schweiz


Anonymous said...

i like the b & w one :) i was just skyping with a friend from australia. you asked about my location. i'm in mid-michigan, new to the area and the mushrooms just amaze me. thanks for the lovely comments ♥

Lori said...

My jaws just dropped! oh wow!
I can't say which one is my fave, they are great!

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