Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Goodbye Flu, Hello Fun!

Over the last ten days my husband, and then all the children have been down with the flu. I alone remained completely well. Thankfully all are now improving and the sights and sounds of fun and laughter are returning.

Sharing at Aussie WW, Tina's WW, WW, But with Words, Alicia's WW, Simple Pleasures, SkyWatch Friday, Weekend Reflections.


Nayana said...

Its good hear that all are recovering and hear our children laugh is best thing in the world. your bubble shots are amazing...

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

Glad you are all on the mend... love the bubbles!!!

Joop Zand said...

These are really BEAUTIFUL !!!!

greetings, Joop

Nancy said...

Gorgeous! Bubbles are fun to photo.

Glad your household is on the mend.

Leckeres fuer Mensch und Katze - Goodies for a pleasant life said...

Great shots. Happy WW :)

Leckeres fuer Mensch und Katze - Goodies for a pleasant life said...

Great shots. Happy WW :)

Abi said...

Oh, it is SO refreshing to get outside when everyone has recovered from sickness. I'm glad you are doing well!

Anonymous said...

What an exquisite idea... love these shots!

Unknown said...

wow great pics!

Unknown said...

wow great pics!

Jill said...

Glad everyone is doing better!

These photos are AMAZING! I just love em!

Heart n Soul said...

These are SERIOUSLY beautiful.... that first shot - AMAZING.

Kellie said...

So glad to hear everyone's health has improved. And what better way to celebrate than with bubbles. Gorgeous shots! :)

Lisa Gordon said...

Oh my goodness, that first shot is amazing!
Just love it!!

Shelly - Tropical Mum said...

Wow, these are fantastic shots! You can almost see youre reflection in those bubbles!

Reena said...

So glad to hear that and lucky you not getting sick!

Nadege, said...

Glad to hear your family has recovered from their flu. Fantastic fun post.

tiff(threeringcircus) said...

Glad to hear everyone is feeling better. Those are some mighty big bubbles!

Your Gardening Friend said...

I LOVE, love, love these bubble photos!! (Great photography too.)

Bubbles... what a neat idea.

Glad the family is doing well.

Amarie said...

Glad everyone is feeling better. Those are AWESOME bubbles!

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

Clever shots ! very nicely done !

Gail Dixon said...

Glad everyone is on the mend. Love the shots of those bubbles.

Lifeasmummymax said...

Glad to hear everyone is on the mend! love the bubbles!!! great shot! happy WW

Anonymous said...

Awesome shots. Glad you were well so you could take care of them. Hope they are all 100% soon.

No one said...

These photos are really clear and creative; simply inspiring!

Kala said...

Great photos - very creative perspective looking through the bubbles.

Glad to read the family is on the mend.

Veronica @ Mixed Gems said...

Bubbles are always so much fun. I love your timing in capturing them especially as filters for the background subject. Beautiful and very creative. (via WW)

Daisy, Roo and Two said...

They are great shots!!! I'm so glad everyone is feeling better at your place :)

Seana Smith said...

What special photos, bubbles are the best and you've caught their beauty and excitement so well. Thanks for sharing!

Pradeepa said...

Good to hear that everyone is better now and those are beautiful bubble shots.

K said...

Amazing photo capturing the bubble!

Tatum said...

wowee...they are amazing photos. Love the big bubbles! Tatum xx

Tat @ Mum in search said...

Those photos are absolutely gorgeous. Well done, bubbles are so hard to photograph.

Anette said...

Awesome photos :)

Seraphinas Phantasie said...

Amazing ! Rainbows in the bubbles...
Great !

A Cajun Down Under said...

WOW, love the bubble photos!

Kate said...

Glad everyone is recovering, such beautiful photos -<3

Ash said...

What absolutely gorgeous photos! So glad to hear everyone is getting better. My little ones aren't well and its horrible to see them under the weather. Love the bubbles!

♥.Trish.♥ Drumboys said...

Stunning captures and rainbow colored bubbles, hope your family 's health is restored.

Karin M. said...

Wunderschöne Aufnahmen....Erinnerungen an Kindertage....perfekt....
LG: Karin

Rosemary Aubut said...

Awesome photos. Glad things are back to normal for you!

Amber said...

I found your blog from a comment you posted on, and I think your photos are wonderful!! I'll be sure to pop in more frequently to admire your work. :)

Lori said...

Ok, you just blew my WW bubble shot away! No pun intended! LOL
This is great!

Rug Cleaning Santa Monica said...

So cool! I love frames within frames and this is something I haven't seen yet. Great work!

deb duty said...

Glad it's over! The tree through the bubble is awesome!

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

A perfect way to celebrate! The bubbles were perfect!

Steve said...

Awesome awesome capture....well done!!!

It's Just Dottie said...

Your picture is just perfect. Smiles.Dottie

Lynn said...

Love the capture of the bubbles! Glad all your family is recovering. You have to be ultra healthy to have taken care of all of them and not come down with the flu yourself. Blessings for continued health this week.

Anonymous said...

These are great fun shot - got to love bubbles!

NatureFootstep said...

beautiful bubble shots. That is fun to work with. :)

Seeing Each Day said...

I can't believe the clarity of the bubbles - that first shot is so cleverly deceiving - my initial thought was a beachball!

Dimple said...

These are wonderful shots. Seems like it would be fun to have the children participate in art in this way! So glad the flu is leaving!

Laura said...

amazing captures!

Kel said...

beautiful bubble shots
what a wonder you stayed well
you must share your secret!

Lesley said...

what fun shots!
I hope your grateful family is letting you rest a little now!

forgetmenot said...

Without a doubt, you win the award for "most creative post" of the week. What fun and clever shots. Hope you and your family "get well" and "stay well". Have a nice weekend. Mickie :)

Light and Voices said...

Glad you are on the mend. Bubbles and children equals a lot of giggles and fun. Last shot should be entered in a contest somewhere. I think this image would win because it is so original.
Joyce M

Barbara Neubeck said...

Beautiful, clever photos.
Big Bubbles = Big Smiles.
Glad your family is getting better.
God Bless
Barb from Australia

'Tsuki said...

Those soap bubble look almost unreal, specially the last one... Great job here !

Tatjana Parkacheva said...

Excellent and very nice photos.


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