Monday, September 5, 2011

Bayside Today

We labelled today "Grandfather's Day" in our family and spent the day with my parents-in-love down at their bayside home, about an hour's drive from our town. The beginning of spring means our local wattles are in full bloom, even in the sandy soil.

I found this lovely specimen of grevillea in flower, it's the same variety which I have shared before from our own garden.

While fishing the children spotted a couple of stingrays venturing close to the water's edge at high tide. It was wonderful to see then up so close, searching for their food in the sand.

A more routine day tomorrow (with some visitors coming for lunch) after our extended Father's Day weekend.

Sharing at The Creative Exchange, Our World Tuesday, Communal Global, Good Life Wednesday, Watery Wednesday,
And Then She Snapped.


Jenni said...

Every time I see your blog, I marvel at how you can look after 8 children and husband, take such lovely photos and write a lovely blog...I am really in awe of you!! And music too! What a lovely week end.

Karin M. said...

These photos are a dream. The macros are great photo work. Super quality ..
LG: Karin

Karen @ Pieces of Contentment said...

Hi Jenni, thank you for for comment.
My children are growing older and help look after each other. The youngest is now 3, and everyone has jobs to help with, plus my 19 year old is a great help all round too. Life is much easier for me now than it has been for many years.

Leckeres für Mensch und Katze - Goodies for a pleasant life said...

Very beautiful scene :)

Nadege, said...

I love looking at your blog, you have such a variety of shots and all quite beautiful.
It sounds like you have a family that works and plays well together.

Nick said...

These are wonderful shots, looks like a great place to be. Thank you for sharing your world!

ElisabethAndrée said...

I really am impressed with your photos. Every picture make me think oh how beautiful.

Seraphinas Phantasie said...

All your photos are amazing. Very sharp and clear, wonderful colors. Thank you.
Have a nice week.

Jill said...

Stunning! Each and every shot is just gorgeous.

DeniseinVA said...

Beautiful photos!

hannah said...

You lucky thing!
Mimosa and the ocean.
What a combination.

Unknown said...

Breathtaking! I love coming to your blog!

Margie said...

Lovely post and blog! Thanks for stopping by mine and saying hello.

Liz said...

I love reading your blog! You truely are an inspiration! I love the shots you have shared here - You take such beautiful photos!!

Pat said...

Such lovely shots! It looks like you and your family had a wonderful day in a beautiful place, taking a bit of time out to photograph the local flora and fauna.

elizabeth said...

Gorgeous photography! Makes me want to come visit your amazing country!

Lisa Gordon said...

These photographs are beautiful, and it looks like it was a wonderful time for all!

Thank you so much for sharing this at The Creative Exchange.

Have a wonderful day!


Anonymous said...

Lovely shots...

Connie Smiley said...

Oh, my, those are all so gorgeous! Thanks for taking us along.

Art said...

These pictures are so beautiful, I like it!

Unknown said...

Beautiful photos.Greetings Andrzej.

Rosie Nixon Fluerty said...

I just love acacia bloooms they are such cute little pom poms. Lovely shots of your children too in this post and the Father's Day one - you certainly have them of all ages!

Amy, a redeemed sheep said...

You have foliage that I have never seen before! Amazng...The yellow one looks like a ball of sunshine.

genie said...

Your blog is such a treat for these old eyes. You definitely have a new friend and follower in me. These shots are all beautiful, but the one of your children are especially heart warming. I adore the long single pigtails down the backs of your daughters. Brings back many happy memories of my daughter when she was a child. Thanks for the kind comment on my damsel fly. I fretted it was a bit too dark, but decided to leave it that way because it really was a dark afternoon. genie

Indrani said...

A sting ray sop close, that must be most exciting. Great pictures. The first shot is wonderfully composed.

Robyn said...

We also have wattles in our "wild" garden and up close they really are little balls of yellow fluff! Great pics!

Sylvia K said...

What fantastic captures of an incredibly beautiful world! And what a delightful family you have!! Thank you for sharing them both with us today! Hope you have a great week!


lotusleaf said...

Great macro work!

Kim, USA said...

Wow love these flowers they are so pretty. And yes the stingray is pretty close. But they are not to be taken lightly the tail could hit right smack at anybody and it is poisonous. Thanks for sharing.

Pitcher Plant

Anonymous said...

Such a fun collection of photos ~ my favorite is the close up of the wattles :) Thanks for visiting and commenting on my blog.

forgetmenot said...

What lovely photos--the flowers are gorgeous and that first shot is such a beautiful setting. Stingrays--what fun. Hope the rest of your week is as much fun as the weekend seemed to be. Mickie :)

Jen Price said...

Beautiful flowers! Love that stingray shot, too.

Anthony Samson said...

Beautiful shots...
Samson's Photoblog

Michelle said...

Love the wattle shots, I can almost smell it :)

Arija said...

What a wonderful way to think of your in-laws! Your golden haired gang are a delight and the photo of the stingray is a great capture.
Our wattles have been out for quite some time, we are into the third variety now and a couple more to come.
A really lovely way to spend father's day.

Anonymous said...

What marvellous sunny shots. That last one is brilliant.

eileeninmd said...

What a lovely idea to have grandfathers day, I'm sure everyone had dun together. It looks like a beautiful place to spend the day. I love the floweers and the stingray is cool. Wonderful photos, thanks for sharing your world.

The Editrix said...

That stingray is so hideous *shudders*. Sharks have never worried me, but I've never liked swimming in the bay because of the stingrays.

Jade @ Tasting Grace said...

I love that your family declared a special day for Grandfathers! And that grevillea is stunning - such an amazing plant. Thanks so much for sharing!

Gail Dixon said...

Beautiful collection of photos!

Tamar SB said...

Wow! Gorgeous pics, what a stunning region to be able to visit!

Sanghamitra Bhattacherjee(Mukherjee) said...

Stunning shots! Love each one of them. Thanks for sharing.
Hope to see you on my blog:)

likeschocolate said...

Can you beam me over there.

Unknown said...

Beauitful! Thanks for sharing!

Unknown said...

Love the purple flower too, and the pelicans. A great shot of the stingray!

Anonymous said...

very pretty... love those flowers

Anonymous said...

looks like it was a really great day & all the babies & the stingray was an awesome added bonus =)

happy week

abeachcottage said...

Your pics are lovely as usual. Thanks for linking up at Beach Cottage Good Life Wednesdays.

rachel said...

what great shots! I love that first one. and you really have EIGHT kids? kudos!

EMily said...

What a lovely day! That's pretty neat that a sting ray can just come up and "swim" near you!

Lisa said...

Wow.. This last one is amazing. I have never seen anything like that. I m so scared of the sea.
Lovely Lovely work

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