Friday, September 2, 2011

Caught You!

6:30 am Wednesday, dewy gorgeousness.

Almost tulip-like, I was delighted to capture this beautiful delicate poppy as it was opening. Poppy buds spring into bloom so quickly! All Monday and Tuesday the bud below was pointed skyward, waiting to "pop".

7:30 am Tuesday.
 Notice the next bud on the left-hand side.

6:25 am Wednesday, still very dewy before the sun reaches it.

6:30 am Wednesday

7:30 am Wednesday in the early morning light.

7:40 am Wednesday, opening beautifully.

8:30 am Wednesday, still some dew drops.

10 am Wednesday, a saucer-shaped delicacy.

12:30 Wednesday, head held high.
You can see the next bud, promising of more delights in a few days time.

4:30 pm Wednesday

Thursday the flower was almost as beautiful, remaining fully open all night and through the day. This morning, Friday, after some rain and wind it's looking a little bruised. Another day or two and it will drop its petals and concentrate on maturing it's seed pod......and the next bud! What an amazing flower the "humble" poppy is. It has given me much pleasure to watch these poppies grow and bloom.

Sharing at Photo Story Friday, Weekend Flowers, Sneak Peek Friday, Macro Flowers Saturday, Pink Saturday,
Flowers on Saturday, Today's Flowers.


forgetmenot said...

Stunning photos of such a miraculous happening. Well done. I loved to listen to the music as I viewed your beautiful photos. What a delight to visit your blog. Have a lovely weekend. Mickie :)

minor said...

Very beautiful photos! It is pleasant to see your photos!

Anonymous said...

Wow, wow and more wow! You witnessed a miracle of beauty and have shared it with us all through these wonderful photos.

Seraphinas Phantasie said...

What a beauty !

tracie c. said...

Just beautiful!
Just wanted to let you know I've passed on the Leibster blog award to you. Check out the details on my blog :)
Have a great day!
xox Tracie

Karin M. said...

Fantastic shots, your macros are succeeded wonderfully .. you make me a great joy with these beautiful photos ...
LG: Karin

hello gorgeous said...

beautiful! LOVE the undershot ;o)


hello gorgeous xxx

Nick said...

Beautiful images of the Poppy. Great job with the sequence an all! Thank you!

Nadege, said...

I love to see your flower series. Beautiful images of the miracle of life.

s.c said...

Wow again.

LindyLouMac said...

A simply stunning series of photos, that I really enjoyed watching as you did my sunset series :)

Tammy said...

These are beautiful. You are so patient. I love the progression. I think the first shot looks like paper.

Tezzie said...

Amazing! I love seeing the progression of growth...well done!

If you'd like to pick it up, I've got a little award for you at 'my place':

FYH said...

Awesome shots!

Seeing Each Day said...

It's always feels a little ridiculous to choose a favourite photo from your posts - they are all always so very good. But I'm going to go the first one, really REALLY like that one.

Jennifer said...

I think poppies in every stage are so very beautiful! Thanks again for your lovely photos.

Anna said...

these photos are absolutely stunning. Thank you for linking up at studio RJU so I was able to enjoy your work.

Nayana said...

what a beautiful series of stunning shots...I m envy of your poppies ;)

Unknown said...

Glorious! love love the shot underneath the poppy!

Tina´s PicStory said...

This flowers are so beautiful. I love the style how you show us the opening! Thanks for sharing this event with *Weekendflowers* :)

Amy, a redeemed sheep said...

I highlighted your blog on my blog today.

Fall is creeping ever nearer in my neck of the world, so I am grateful to God, for finding your blog. It will be wonderful having a place to visit to see life, sunshine and color during my darker and colder days. It will be a good reminder of God's faithfulness.

I think I need to plant some poppies next year. =)

Unknown said...

Holy wow! These pictures are gorgeous! Love these shots!

Marianne said...

Ich liebe Mohnblumen, sie sind wunderschön ♥

Pia said...

I love Poppies. And I love your photos from this post. They are WONDERFUL!

Sadee Schilling said...

What a treasure to have captured this! SO beautiful!

Gail Dixon said...

Beautiful details--I didn't realize they are so fuzzy! Gorgeous photography you have here. Hope you have a lovely weekend.

Sivinden said...

Wonderful light in your flower images.

Christine @ the Gardening Blog said...

Beautiful photographs!!

Ms. Becky said...

this was pure pleasure, seeing the progression of the opening bud while listening to the music. your photos are exquisite. thanks for this - it made my day! and happy day to you.

Jodi Ulschmid said...

Gorgeous details!!!

Thea said...

You sure did!
Wow, wow, wow!!!

Jen Price said...

Awesome captures! I love seeing the different stages of the poppy.

Jil~Say It With Roses said...

Breathtakingly beautiful. The very first picture is so lovely....the opening poppy looks like paper....
Thank you for showing us this amazing odyssey of the poppy!

Carletta said...

A beautiful set of photos!

CraveCute said...

Lovely music and gorgeous flower!

Jennifer {Studio JRU} said...

I love the humble poppy. It is beautiful! We have an orange one, but I love this pink. Might have to find me one of these! :)

Chubskulit Rose said...

Lovely shots and bloom!

My Macro Flower, have a great weekend.

Kala said...

Beautiful series of poppy images.

carol l mckenna said...

Macro Poppies are dazzling ~ thanks ~thanks, namaste, Carol (A Creative Harbor) ~ from Flowers on Saturday hop



Liebe Grüsse aus der Schweiz


Nancy said...

My only sadness is that poppies do not last longer...

Beautiful photos of the progression. You did well! :)

Cheryl said...

What an incredible series of photos. I've done this with a rose and know the patience it takes.

And I have no words for how gorgeous this poppy is.

LV said...

Those are the best shots ever of those poppies. You did an awesome job. They are lovely. I really like the first one with the water drops.

Laurie said...

Wow, that is beautiful! I love the chronology of it.

queen of rainbow said...

wow! that's absolutely amazing. and congratulations catching the whole blooming :)

check my flower:

Modern Mom said...

Stunning captures!

My entry.

Connie Smiley said...

That is a wonderful sequence, beautifully presented. Our poppies are long gone here, and I loved seeing yours. Happy Spring!

Denise at Forest Manor said...

Wow, these photos are just amazing!! You captured this process so clearly and beautifully. Poppies really are a cheerful and lovely flower. Thanks so much for sharing and Happy Pink Saturday.


Cindy said...

I like the music on your site to accompany the beauty; the birds' song is so appropriate! And my favorite shot is the one with the poppy and the next bud obviously above you...I am imagining your position as you took this shot!

Blessings blogland friend!

Junelle Jacobsen said...

Once again, your study in blooms is breathtaking. Thank you. I have been addicted to the early morning light lately as well and have spent many mornings on my tummy in the garden trying to capture what you do so well.

Brilliant sweet girl...brilliant!

lotusleaf said...

Amazing pictures! The colour of the poppy is very attractive too.

Indrani said...

These are fantastic captures.

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous series of shots! Delicious color too!

minor said...

Beautiful! You give me pieces of beautifulness and also pieces of Sunshine.

DeniseinVA said...

Your flowers are absolutely stunning, brilliant photos!

Linda Landig said...

I love poppies and you captured the beauty with great delicacy. These pictures were a joy to view. Thank you!

Liz said...

Absolutely gorgeous photos!
I photographed my first poppies on our visit to the Roma Street Parklands last Friday! :)

Unknown said...

Those are some incredible photos! You've inspired me to go out and find some flowers to shoot!

Jeannette StG said...

You are a persistent lady! The first one is my favorite, because it reminds on a princess' dress! Lovely and beautiful!

hannah said...

These unfolding ceremonies of your flowers are so special.

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