Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Wait is Over

For many weeks the younger children have been hankering after a swim in our pool but with cool nights the water was still too cold (so I said). Today, with the temperature at 23 C (73 F) and slightly warmer nights, I relented after morning lessons were completed. The younger 6 scrambled to dress in their swimmers/bathers, racing to be first in the pool!

They loved it but did find it still quite cold, needing a good deal of time in the sun afterwards to warm up again. They are satisfied for now, maybe until tomorrow......

Sharing at WW But With Words, Wordish Wednesday, Simple Pleasures, Our World Tuesday, Communal Global.


Nadege, said...

Won't be long and they will be in there everyday. Nice images.

elizabeth said...

It is turning fall here and suddenly we have record high temps that we didn't have all summer!

Unknown said...

They had much fun, even though it was still cold:) Are they all yours?

Karen @ Pieces of Contentment said...

Hi Emille,
Yes the children are all mine. The eldest two didn't go for a swim. We have 8 children, aged 3 to 19.

s.c said...

Lucky for you that spring is started. We are going into the cold. thanks for showing

FjÀllripan said...

So wonderful with an own pool, so fun for the children, even if they were a bit cold this day :)

You have some very beautiful photos here on your blog, I loved the ones with the poppies against the sky!!

Bren Graham Thebeau said...

Sure looks like they had a lot of fun and you captured those moments with your camera :-) Great stuff.

Robyn said...

Lol! Your littlest one is too cute! I remember in South Africa we could only start swimming after the first of the spring rains. It only rains in Spring/Summer in Jo'burg so that was always the starting point.

Anonymous said...

thz nice 2 c thm ths post...

EMily said...

Satisfied for now...:) Love the photos!

Jill said...

Pure joy! :)

Unknown said...

These are great, you have a beautiful pool.

Nayana said...

ohh..what a joy..our time do this is over...

theconstantwalker said...

A wonderful post... brings back so many childhood memories.
Thanks for sharing

cococita said...

This first visit to your blog won't be the last. It made me very emotional: goosebumps, speechless and smiling at the same time :) Love the beautiful, dreamy and relaxing music in combination with your colourful and amazing photos. Your blog is like a little paradise. Thanks for being here and for sharing all this beauty, joy and contentment with your audience: it's catching! I will be back soon ...

Unknown said...

I was the meanest mother in the world the other week, when I wouldn't let the little ones go in for a swim, they all had colds, it was not really that hot and we were waiting for a gas delivery which meant no hot water for warm showers after. but VCH and a few went swimming the other weekend and it must have been fairly cool as they haven't ask to swim again since!

Brenda said...

Glad you visited mine because it brought me back here. What beautiful pictures and so interesting. Enjoyed and and look forward to coming back.

hannah said...

Lovely to meet [some of] your children. And they seem so happy.
All these scenes are just delightful.

Lisa Gordon said...

Awww, they look like they are having so much fun!
These are wonderful shots!

Reena said...

It's going to be fun watching your spring turn into summer as we begin losing our summer days!

Joyful said...

They look so happy though I see the little one in the last photo is shivering. Kids will be kids and they won't suffer long ;-)

Ms.Daisy said...

Beautiful children in a pool make very happy children! Love the pictures you've shared with us for Simple Pleasures.


Nellie's Cozy Place said...

Watching your children have a good time is definitely a simple pleasure
at least it is for this Mom as well.
Mine are all grown up and I still love watching them have fun!!
blessings, Nellie

Anonymous said...

How fun. What awesome photos.

Dayle ~ A Collection of Days said...

What a fun post. And anticipation is half the pleasure.

Nikki (Sarah) said...

beautiful pics.....they look like they're having so much fun in spite of the cold

E. Charlotte said...

Looks like fun! Strange to think of for me, because right now our temps are dropping and the pool is not such a welcome place as Fall comes on! :)

Seeing Each Day said...

This was such a fun post to read and to see the children's delight in swimming. And the last shot? That would be me - no actually that wouldn't be me because I require heated pools at all times, I'm talking heated as in warm water.

Kay K said...

Nothing like that first dip in the pool ...enjoy those days as ours is coming to a end ......

Martha Z said...

I bet the sun felt good when they got out.

Sylvia K said...

What a fun day! And you've captured it perfectly! I can feel the excitement of finally getting to get into the pool -- even if it was still a tad chilly! Spring/summer are the best! Enjoy!


Indrani said...

Love the laughter in the shots. :)

Anonymous said...

You've captured the excitement of the season's first swim!

eileeninmd said...

Your children must really love to swim to put up with the cold water. Great captures. Have a great day!

Stewart M said...

Hi there - how did you make your kids admit they were cold! Mine would be blue and catatonic before they would come out of the water!

Nice set of pictures.

Stewart M - Australia (a bit further south than you I think!)

Anthony Samson said...

Beautiful photographs

Arija said...

Where water is concerned, it is difficult to keep children out at the best of time, you managed very well to wait for a warmer day. They all look so happy to have got their way . It is amazing what youngsters will tolerate, I know I too was a water=baby. Great shots of your handsome brood.

Barb said...

Such happy faces on the children (even the one shivering!).

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