Saturday, October 20, 2012

A Bright Weekend

Yesterday Miss E helped me make a new pair of pants for her. I had bought the material a couple of months ago for this purpose knowing she would love the bright colours.

She was very keen to do some pinning and help sew with the sewing machine.

As soon as they were finished she wore them....and slept in them. They have been washed this morning and she is now wearing them again.

A mystery bright, any guesses?

As I type the temperature is 38 C / 100 F with a drying wind. After watering the garden early this morning I picked some wonderful rich green silverbeet/spinach before today's heat hit. (Four of our children are out playing cricket in the heat all afternoon, and two played this morning - not pleasant).

Another mystery bright.......any ideas?

As I washed the silverbeet/spinach in our kitchen sink, this little fellow fell out, he must have been hiding under one of the huge leaves. Master J was eager to collect and relocate him for me, hoping to frighten a sister of two in the process!

One last bright, not so mysterious. I'm loving my cornflowers (bachelors buttons)!

Hope you find some brightness to add sparkle to your weekend too!

Sharing at Sneak Peek Friday, Weekly Top Shot, I Heart Macro.


Sylvia K said...

Delightful captures, beautiful colors and I love Miss E's colorful new pants in particular!! Wishing all of you a wonderful, happy weekend, Karen!!

Jan said...

Always so bright and energetic at your place, Karen! Love the flowers and the delight Miss E has in her new candy stripe pants.

Jeanne said...

Looks as if you picked out just the perfect material for Miss E's pants. So funny that she slept in them, but guess she knows just what she looks very cute in. Great flower shots too. Have not seen a batchelor button for ages.

Unknown said...

cute pants- I am surprised you got them off her long enough to wash!

geanina said...

beautiful pictures! :)

Giga said...

Ja bardzo lubię dziecięce ubrania w takich żywych kolorach i nie dziwię się, że dzieci je uwielbiają. Pięknie ozdobiłaś post kwiatami i żabką. Pozdrawiam.
I really like children's clothes in such vivid colors, and I am not surprised that the kids love them. Beautifully adorned with flowers and frog post. Yours.

Cinzia said...

Very beautiful colors and photos!!!

eileeninmd said...

I love Miss E's pants, very cute and stylish! Your flowers are beautiful and the spinach looks fresh and yummy. Lovely images, have a wonderful weekend!

flowersandhome said...

Your colourful pictures certainly brighten up the grey, grey, grey rainy days we've had over here. And today won't be any better. I think we're in for a looooong period of this. It's the time of year I really don't like and I feel it in my bones, literally. If only I could just crawl into a hole and begin a wintersleep I often think when this weather comes and keeps hanging above our heads. No Indian Summer here at all this year. Your spring and summer posts really lift my spirits. Thanks for that!

The cutest pants!!!

No clue what the mystery brights are but the pictures are wonderful.


s.c said...

Nice combination of details and macro's without to much 12 in a dozen. Like it.

Unknown said...

Such pretty colours and match her pink top perfectly. Its no wonder that Miss E is so fixated with them. I love the pic of the green frog.

Gail Dixon said...

Is that second bright a celosia?

Miss E looks so cute in her new pants. The bright colors are so fun! Adorable.

Beautiful pics as always. Enjoy the weekend!

Mary Lamoray said...

That is so great that she's already 'slept in them' lol!! Love it!! :)))

Oh the little frog just made my day... so adorable...just one of God's countless masterpieces!! :)

FilipBlog said...

Your whole article is just full of amazing colours and pictures.


TheChieftess said...

Made with love and worn with pants for Miss E!!! I'm betting she's feeling quite stylish!!!

Gorgeous mystery brights!!! I have no clue...but then I'm pretty clueless in botanical speak!!!

Seeing Each Day said...

The pants look great - she just needs a top in every matching colour and she'll be set for the whole week. That's so cute that she slept in them. I hope it works out if your parents in law could get a place in town - are there spots available now or is there a waiting list? You must be so busy at the moment with all of this. I appreciated your thoughtful heads up about the spider, and really loved the beetle capture. Hope your upcoming week goes ok. Today I have the greatest of intentions on making some online photo books and also completing a photo project for my cousin. If you're looking for me I'll be with my lap top squashed in between 2 high piles of both folding and ironing. I'll let you know who wins.

betty-NZ said...

Lovely, bright new pants for a cute little one! The flowers are wonderful and I love the colors. Don't know what the mystery plants are but they are gorgeous!

Amy Burzese said...

I don't blame her. Those pants are beautiful colors. They go with your other photos too. I would like for a cute little green frog to fall out od my greens :) .

Nikki said...

Love the bright colours in your post Karen. Miss E's new pants look wonderful. You must be experiencing the same heat as we are in S.E Qld at the moment. We were at 37 degrees yesterday. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

Unknown said...

Miss E looks so cute in those paints. I just love the wonderful bright colors. And all your wonderful shots are gorgeous. This is such a bright and happy post.


Dave said...

Looks like Miss E was rapt in those rainbow trous. Made your efforts worthwhile huh Karen

Anonymous said...

The flowers are wonderful and I love the colors. the girl... cute ib her colorful pants

A Creative Grace said...

Great post and I love those macros but the trousers get my vote this time ;) they're adorable, as is the wearer!

Karen said...

Love the vivacdity of your post, and Miss E's pants are marvellous!

Unknown said...

The frog is super cute and the pants are fabulous.

Annette said...

I love the pants too! Your macro shots are fantastic and I have no idea what the mystery pics are!

Anonymous said...

Love those bright pants too... lovely series of shots, I especially like the cornflowers... the blue is gorgeous! Thank you for sharing on Weekly Top Shot #53!

Doug Hickok said...

Oh my goodness, what vibrant colors! Always a pleasure to stop by, and see your upbeat world view :^)

Jackie said...

Cute pants and cute little girl. :) I love the Bachelor's Buttons! Very pretty.

Jennifer {Studio JRU} said...

Oh my goodness... those pants are adorable! Love the pretty, fun colors. Your whole post has me smiling with the colors! :)

Jana said...

very happy colours+pics:-) a sunny new week from tulipland...

Rosemary Aubut said...

Beautiful series of photos! Loving those pants! Wow and she helped make them! You are such a wonderful mama!

lorik said...

What a rainbow of colour! Beautiful shots! My favourite is the closuep of the orange flower- but the frog is adorable! Rather like those pants too:)

Ocean Soul said...

First off, my bachelor buttons have never looked near as stellar as yours! Gorgeous flowers and surprises in the beet greens! YIKES. Of course it was used for scaring the sisters! LOL.

Ocean Soul said...

And i almost forgot...the pants...I love those pants! I would wear them 24/7 too!

Unknown said...

I was like me Ms E too when I was little! So eager to wear the dress sewn by my mom and would wear them everyday! Can you believe that? Can't wait for it to dry at times :-)
Those good old times.
Pants look good on Ms E!
Love the bachelor buttons. Great shots.

federica said...

The photo of the little frog is lovely! F.

HappyK said...

Oh Wow, all of your photos are absolutely beautiful.
Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving a comment or I never would have discovered your blog. : )

Liz said...

I love those pants!! It's clear she does too! Well done, mum!

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