Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Blessed to be a Blessing

During our years serving in missions we met thousands of people from dozens of countries. Some of these wonderful people have had an ongoing influence in our lives. This man of one of those. Three years ago we had a privilege of opening our home to him and his beautiful wife for a few weeks - note the kangaroos in the photo, taken at our church.

Our little church has kept in contact with this man who now has quite large ministry in north India. When my husband and I first met him in India in 1988, we were all young singles. You may remember this photo from early last month, my husband was speaking at a fundraiser event to be able to contribute to the ministry when our team goes.

Early yesterday morning we began the long drive to the international airport. I snapped a few photos as my husband drove......

You can see the Pacific Ocean glistening on the eastern horizon.

We didn't wait to see their plane leave for we had a long trip home again. However we all enjoyed  watching planes for a little while.

Then we said our goodbyes and left before threatening tears appeared. No photos of the trip home for I had to drive - it seemed such a long way.

My husband and Miss E (20) will be back within two weeks, so short a trip compared to our mission days. Our team of five is on their way to support and help our friends in any way they can. Three of the team, including my husband and Miss E, visited India five years ago to support and help some other of our Indian mission friends. There will be many stories to tell when they return.... for so much more always happens than what you expect or even see.

Sharing at Our World Tuesday.


Michelle said...

Prayers for safe travel for you family. Looking forward to hearing of their adventures.

Jeanne said...

What an awesome experience and will be anxious to hear some of the experiences of the mission trip. Will keep your husband and miss E in my prayers. Did not know that you had been in missions, but know that God is still working through you in many ways.

Jennifer {Studio JRU} said...

Praying for a safe and wonderful mission trip for your husband and Miss E!!

Unknown said...

praying that they have a safe and successful mission trip!

Beth said...

Prayers for you all and for the mission's success.

Joyful said...

What a wonderful story of missions and friendship. I pray for travel mercies and good success.

geanina said...

nice images!
everything will be fine...:)

Seeing Each Day said...

See, you can even beautiful perfect captures in a moving car! I really enjoyed reading this post - the pictures were almost in motion if that makes sense, along with your words. Did you have to travel to capital city 'B' in state 'Q'?. Can I please put a note in that I'll be thinking of you in the next two weeks - lots of responsibility on you during this time, and I hope it goes ok and you go ok. (I'll be wishing for lots of rain during the weekends so the council ground have to be closed so cricket is cancelled - sorry, don't let your twins read that, it's meant in the nicest way) Will you have contact with J and E during their time overseas?

ju-north said...

Prayers and blessings!

Birgitta said...

So interesting and so nice photos!

s.c said...

This photo sequence gives a good picture of how it looks at your side of the world. I wish your family abroad a well spent time in India.

Giga said...

Mam nadzieję, że mąż z córką będą zadowoleni z siebie i pobytu na misji. Piękny opis i wspaniałe zdjęcia robione w trakcie jazdy samochodem. Pozdrawiam.
I hope that my husband and daughter will be happy with each other and stay on mission. Beautiful description and great pictures taken during the drive. Yours.

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

You are wonderful people!

flowersandhome said...

Respect! Can't find a better word to describe what I feel after reading you post Karen.

♥ Łucja-Maria ♥ said...

Super blog. Interesting posts.
Fantastic photos.
I send greetings from distant Polish.

Tamar SB said...

Hope they have a meaningful trip!

Gail Dixon said...

God bless you and your family for having a heart for missionary work. May God be with them during the days ahead.

Juliana said...

Wish you all the best!
Have a great day!

xoxo, Juliana | PJ’ Happies :) | PJ’ Ecoproject

Unknown said...

I will be praying for there safe trip.. And am looking forward to hearing so stories of there trip..


HappyK said...

Lots of different kinds of scenery along the way. A little bit of everything. Must make for a pleasant drive!

Dorothy said...

Looking forward to hearing how the trip went. God bless them as they go.
Yes, goodbyes need to happen quickly in airports for me too. I'm quick with the water works.


New friend... found you over at Jan's blog. :)

Dave said...

I hope that your husband and Miss E. enjoy themselves - Dave

Unknown said...

safe travels for your husband and Miss E... i didn't know you had been missionaries... my aunt & uncle were missionaries in New Guinea and my cousin(their daughter) still does missionary and/or relief work during disasters now!!
^)^ linda

Jan said...

That is so special... and appreciate the little bit of detail about your family background.
Is there internet contact while they are away, so children at home feel part of it?

Liz said...

How exciting!! They will have some wonderful stories.

You "practically" drove past our house on your way to the airport. We live only a kilometre from the Gateway Motorway. The main road our home is on passes over the Motorway just before the Old Cleveland Road exit heading south. So close!!

Ocean Soul said...

Of course you guys did missions! I should have known! And now they are going to have a life changing time in India blessing others and being blessed themselves. I pray that they will return safely with amazing God stories!

Charlotte Wilson said...

Thanks for the story of your family and your mission trips.
I pray for safe travel and return for your husband and daughter. God bless you all!

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