Sunday, November 4, 2012

Lighthouse Desire

The last time I visited our closest lighthouse was in the last millennium and well before I had a digital camera. While Miss V and Miss O were enjoying all the fun of yesterday's birthday party I executed my plan. This lighthouse was only 15 minutes drive away and while the weather wasn't postcard perfect nor was the time of day ideal,  I had a brief opportunity and I took it!

Looking southeast from Lighthouse Hill, down to a small beach below, one of many long the coast.

 A zoomed-in view of the surf club makes me curious, I hope for a closer inspection one day......

Further up the hill behind the lighthouse is a scale model of the original lighthouse and keeper's quarters  (built in 1879) on the original site. This replica was completed just 12 months ago and now houses a local radio station.

The original lighthouse was decommissioned in 1955 when the new/current lighthouse began operating. The following year the old lighthouse was demolished to make way for an early water reservoir which was itself demolished in1987 when the larger reservoir was constructed nearby. The lighthouse replica now sits on the original site from where you can look past the 1955 lighthouse and out to sea.

 Neither the lighthouse nor replica are open to the public but you are free to wander around their exterior and appreciate both buildings and their wonderful location.

I would love to know which of these photos you like the best. I had fun editing and ended up with so many favourites - so I have shared them all!

Sharing at SkyWatch Friday, Weekly Top Shot.


Joop Zand said...

Hello Karen

These pictures are so very nice..... i like the special color of this lighthouse.... most of them are red colored.

Warm reetings, Joop

Have you seen already my second blog?

Giga said...

Mam problem z wyborem najładniejszego zdjęcia, bo wszystkie mi się podobają. Wybieram jednak siódme od góry, bo dom jest bardzo ciekawy. Pozdrawiam.
I have a problem with the choice of the most beautiful pictures, because all I like. Opt for the top of the seventh, however, because the house is very interesting. Yours.

geanina said...

gorgeous images!! like it!

s.c said...

Great little reportage of the lighthouses. Now I am waiting on a picture when it functions in the dark . That you don't see so often.

Karen @ Pieces of Contentment said...

If I lived in that town I would like to try some night shots S.C.

Seeing Each Day said...

I'm going with no.4. I like the viewpoint of the shot - seems to make the subject even more majestic. Glad you got some time out while the girls were partying and the others were cricketing.

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

I like the first one!

Kateri said...

That light house looks very sleek and modern compared to the quaint and often rustic lighthouses here in Michigan. I like the last photo the best showing the landscape around the lighthouse.

Gone Country said...

I like the fourth and the last one. The last being my favorite! All of them are excellent though.

The cloudy day made for some dramatic photos.

Mu hubby & I honeymooned in St. Augustine, FL and we visited the lighthouse there. We have visited several other since then. We love them and their stories. They hold a special place in our hearts. Thanks for sharing your lighthouse with us!

Noushka said...

They did well to rebuild the replica, it is beautful!
The beaches seem very cosy and attractive, I bet they are over-crowded in summer!
Nice footage, thanks for sharing!

Doug Hickok said...

Lighthouses make such excellent settings to visit and photograph :^)

Beth said...

It is hard to choose as I like them all. The last one is especially nice.

Cinzia said...

I love lighthouses!!! I have seen them in Scotland and ireland...wonderful!
I like all your photos!
Have a nice day.

Barb said...

The replica reminds me of a lighthouse in Oregon. I really like the distant view because it shows the landscape so well.

Sylvia K said...

Wonderful captures, Karen! I do love lighthouses!! These are beautiful!! Have a great week!

pembrokeshire lass said...

You visited me and here I am visiting you back! It's great to have a look at your world and fascinating to see the lighthouses! Many thanks for the photos and explanation. Joan

Joyful said...

Great pis. My favs are #1 and # 6 and the second one from the bottom. Mostly because I love interesting sky shots and I do like beach scenes too! Happy weeke ahead.

Jennifer {Studio JRU} said...

These are all so beautiful! Something we don't get to see around here. :) Hard to pick a favorite... I think the first one maybe!

joy said...

Loved them all:)

HappyK said...

They of course are all beautiful and great shots, but if I had to pick a favorite it would be number 2.
I like seeing all of it and with the houses there shows you just how big it is.

Gail Dixon said...

My favorite edit has to be the first one because of the unique colors. :)

Rena said...

I love the 2nd one but the last one is lovely, too, that covers more area. Lighthouses are such fascinating things. I remember visiting one as a child in St Lucia and watching the keeper light the light. Coincidentally, I saw part of a documentary a few days ago and they were showing how they cleaned the lenses of the light of a certain lighthouse. Amazing!

Unknown said...

These are such great photos. It hard to chose but I think the last one has to be my favorite. And that's because its such a pretty landscape shot. I have a tough time with those type of shots and your composition looks wonderful. I do hope you had a happy weekend.


Unknown said...

I love them all. I can understand why you posted them as each photo has a feeling all of it's own. I love the 9th and 10th as I love a darker shade of the day. I crave misty dark days and a threat of thunder..(but, not all the time,LOL!) Glad you shared all of them..

Michelle said...

I love lighthouses and went to a couple while I lived in Maryland. Beautiful shots.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful light house, I can see why you took the time to go capture it again!

Jeanne said...

These are gorgeous photos that you have shared. So glad that when opportunity knocked, you took advantage. lovely!

Cat said...

I enjoy seeing lighthouses too, I'm not quite sure what the fascination is for me I think it might have to do with the beautiful locations they seem to reside and the fact that they carry a history. If I had to pick a photo at of all of your beautiful photos it would have to be the last photo:)

Polaris said...

Es imposible escoger una foto, todas son bellas

Rosemary Aubut said...

So glad you took the opportunity! Enjoyed them all!

Edna B said...

Gosh, I love all your photos. But I think maybe my favorite could be the eleventh one down, the shot of the whole model lighthouse. It's really quite beautiful. Have a fabullus day. Hugs, Edna B.

flowersandhome said...

Hi Karen, I think all your pictures are wonderful but if I'd have to choose I'd certainly pick the third one and the last one. The third one is special because of the lack of colour. It really makes the different shapes come out very well. In the last one, the lighthouse looks as if it's always been there, it's become a part of the surrounding landscape; and that sky, beautiful! I love skies on pictures. I wonder which pictures your other commentators love best. I think the answers may be quite diverse because all the pictures are beautiful really.

flowersandhome said...

I just had to take a look at the other comments ;-) Diverse answers but the last picture is a favourite of many I see.

LindyLouMac said...

I like both the lighthouses it was impossible to choose between them as they are so different.

Robin said...

What an unusual color scheme for a lighthouse - very striking. I like the way it resembles a classic Greek column as well, so elegant.

akwamaryna said...

All the pictures are nice. But the most beautiful is the seventh.

Lisa said...

A Delightful Series. I too love them all.

Jori said...

Fabulous lighthouse! LOVE the second one. The bluish clouds are fabulous. It's hard to choose just one shot, they are all beautiful!

GC said...

i love lighthouses. when i am near a coast, lighthouses are the first thing i try to find.

Dave said...

My choice is the replica with the wind indicator on its top - Dave

HansHB said...

A great serie of photos, - perfect sky-post!
Lovely lighthouse.
I am posting a lighthouse photo myself tonight!

Meoww said...

perfect day near the light house... Looks straight out of a story book.

Nancy said...

I really like the first and the last one although they are all beautiful. We also live 15 minutes near a lighthouse off of Lake Erie. It is open to the public and we've climbed to the! Thanks for sharing the pictures and the story behind it all. Blessings! Nancy at livininthegreen

Wally Jones said...

Very nice images! I like the view from Lighthouse Hill because it gives me a sense of why the lighthouse exists, to help guide ships to safe passage in a dangerous sea.

Karen @ Pieces of Contentment said...

Thank you Wally. This lighthouse is also at the mouth of a river, marking the point for fishing trawlers who venture out to sea and need to find their way home again in the dark.

Liz said...

Beautiful lighthouse shots Karen!! I really love lighthouses and the history behind them.

Anonymous said...

SO gorgeous... Thank you for sharing on Weekly Top Shot #56!

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