Monday, June 3, 2013


Solitude is more a state of the mind and heart than it is a place......
In the midst of noise and confusion we are settled into a deep inner silence. 
Whether alone or among people, 
we always carry with us 
a portable sanctuary of the soul.
                                            Richard Foster in Celebration of Discipline

One of the thoughts our pastor shared yesterday, one I've been thinking on.....

Photo of friend's garden in Canberra 2010


Zena said...

Beautiful quote

Michelle said...

True words

Elise Lea said...

Beautiful words and garden, thank you for sharing.

Sylvia K said...

Wonderful and very true words and a lovely capture as always!Hope you and your family have a great week!!

Jeanne said...

Amen to that Karen! and such an important thing that is for all of us to remember.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful post, thanks for sharing! :-)

Vision By Mila said...

That looks so nice.. I could sit there with a book..

Dave said...

I think we all need solitude occasionally Karen - specially busy people. Solitude is good for the soul - Dave

chica said...

Linda palavras e plantinhas. beijos,chica

Karen Lakis said...

Very nicely said, finding the calm amid the chaos is so important for me. Your garden also looks like the perfect place for a little peace.

Kim said...

Lovely thoughts Karen. Your beautiful photos always instill in me a sense of calm and peace...a sense of tranquil rest!

Larry said...

A very lovely garden portrait... restful is an apt description... Larry

Mary Lamoray said...

Hey Karen! Just wanted to send you a link to my new Christian blog :)

Hugs! Mary :)

geanina said...

Beautiful words! :)
Have a nice week!

thefisherlady said...

This is so true~ and sometimes it takes something creative to bring that sanctuary of peace and restoration.
My husband had unsettling news where he teaches and has been deeply discouraged. Then arrived our 'second hand' portable sawmill and the seller. He cut one log to demonstrate how it works and then walked my husband through the cutting of the second one.( we have so much timber on our land and are building a home for our daughter and the three little Africans she is adopting)
After cutting 2x6s and 2x8s successfully, my husband came into the house fully satisfied and spirits lifted...I think the little sawmill will be a sweet sanctuary for my dear man.

Barb said...

What a great thought. (And a peaceful photo - a sanctuary.)

Unknown said...

Such a lovely quote. And a beautiful photo...


Rosemary said...

Beautiful spot to accompany the thought :)

Giga said...

Można być samotnym wśród ludzi, nie tylko będąc na prawdę samemu. Piękne miejsce w ogrodzie. Pozdrawiam.
You may be alone among the people, not just being on the truth for yourself. Beautiful place in the garden. Yours.

Nayana said...

Beautiful words Karen and photo to go with...

Silvina Soave said...

Es un hermoso rincón el de la fotografía y bellas palabras!
Un abrazo.

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