Friday, April 24, 2015

Silver Trimmings

This week we celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary and I would love to be able say that life is wonderful, but it isn't, and that's ok. For 25 years we have struggled with my husband's various health issues, adapting our family's lifestyle to accommodate his needs. Thankfully he has been well enough to keep a full-time job for most of these years. The last 13+ months have been seen us face one major health challenge after another, stretching us in ways we hadn't imagined. I'm hoping that by the time our next anniversary comes around he may be able to hold a decent conversation for more than a few minutes, to be capable of working part-time, that maybe his skin will tolerate being hugged and that it would be possible to sleep in the same room again. Maybe we will be able to go out for an hour or two as a family, all of us. That he will find peace in his body and mind. In the meantime we continue to rely on God's grace, and a good deal of determined perseverance.

Despite all this, we know he loves us all dearly. I was able to choose a silver chain as his special gift, and he was pleased. The children baked treats and prepared a special afternoon tea just for two, with flowers from the garden and an abundance of chocolates to share. They also insisted I had the day off from homeschooling while they cleaned windows, baked and made a yummy cheesecake for dessert! There is so much to be thankful for.

Hockey season is in full swing, a change from our summers of cricket. 
Miss N was awarded a small sports grant by our local federal MP. 
My Biology quilt top is complete. 
I have bought a Trimmings pack from Umbrella Prints. Their annual Umbrella Prints Trimmings Challenge will finish in a few weeks. I'm not sure if I will make something to enter or continue working on my current quilt. Meanwhile those lovely organic Moody Blues fabrics sit calling my name too.....


Kim said...

I sit here and read your words, Karen, with sadness in my heart for you. May God hold all your hands in these challenging days and help you all to fly.

Giga said...

I wish you a happy anniversary and for the health of her husband. Afternoon tea prepared by the children for you, it's a nice gesture on their part. Quilt will manage to finish earlier or later. Regards.

chica said...

Karen, parabéns pelos 25 anos juntos. Uma pena que a vida nos dá "presentes" e por vezes dolorosos. Mas depois passa! Desejo aqui, de coração que teu marido possa estar melhor o mais cedo possível. Ainda bem que és forte e guerreira! beijos, tuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuudo de bom,chica

christine said...

YOur strength, love and family are amazing. My heart and prayers go out to all of you for the struggles and challenges presented by your husband's health. It is amazing how you find the beauty and positive in daily life.

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Dearest Karen ~ Happy 25th and may you have many more.

You and your husband are in my thoughts and prayers. May you both feel God's loving presence flowing through and surrounding you at this time.

In spite of all that you all have been through, your blog is a light to others of God's continued love and goodness.

Thank you ~ FlowerLady

Susan said...

Wishing you a happy anniversary, despite the challenges, it shows a great deal of love and commitment. Lovely that your children prepared a celebration for you both. X

DeborahGun said...

Sweet Karen. I pray that you and your family continue to know the depths of His grace in these difficult struggles.

Jeanne said...

Dear Karen! So glad that you were able to still honor this day in your lives, and can guess how hard the past years events have been for all of you! Loved seeing the photo of the two of you and it gives me a picture to add to my prayers for you. Sending a big hug to you from Texas. Do your best to pray I Thessalonians 5:18 and you may need supernatural help to do this.

kramam said...

Dear Karen,
You have such a lovely family and I am so sorry to hear of the problems you have to face. I admire your positive way of looking at things. And although I don't leave a lot of comments, I enjoy your posts! Happy 25th anniversary and I wish you all the best! Sometimes I hope it would be so easy that wishing something to be true would make it so.
Best wishes, Anita

A Colorful World said...

I am so sorry about your husband's eczema. I know what a challenge it must be for him and for all in the family. Prayers for you all! Have a blessed Anniversary!

Love the pretty trimmings! I wore fabric roses like the ones in the first photo, in my hair when I got married 45 years ago!

Erin said...

Sending you both lots of love and prayers {{}}xxx
I'm certain your Anniversary brings lots of thoughts and reflection{{}}
Looking at your photo I realised it's been many months since I've seen Jim.

Michelle said...

Congratulations on 25 years! That is quite an accomplishment and truly shows what love is all about.

Barb said...

I'm thinking of your family, my friend - the struggles you have faced and your intent to move forward with life in a positive way. Your children honor you and your commitment. Hugs from CO.

Carla said...

Oh my heart. I had no idea that condition was so hard to treat. I pray for a healing for him and strength for you! Blessings on you all

Aimz said...

Happy Anniversary! Agree with you about marriage, it can be hard and constant work, well done for sticking with it :-)

SarahZ said...

What a peaceful, joyous post! Happy Anniversary to you Karen! And may you enjoy many many more! The photo of your quilt with the shadow of the holder is really quite something!

Cat said...

A very happy anniversary to you both what a wonderful milestone to have reached, your love and commitment to one another is a special gift. I am so sorry to hear of the health challenges facing your husband and you and your family I do hope that there will be positive changes for all of you very soon. Take care. xx

Rosemary said...

Life certainly does test us at times. I'm happy you had a beautiful anniversary, full of what matters most, love.

Unknown said...

Dear Karen, I am so sorry for all you and your family are going through. Ins spite of all of this, it sounds like you truly have a beautiful family, and so much to be thankful for. Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. xo.

SewPsyched! said...

Congratulations on 25 years as partners! What a wonderful milestone and wonderful aspirations for this coming year. I wish hugs for you, too!!!

Seeing Each Day said...

I'm sorry that you are dealing with so much right now in regards to your husband's health - I know you've tried to explain it but I know there's many many moments that aren't explainable and hurt the heart. Looks like the children planned a lovely afternoon tea with the royal dalton no less. But what is this 'day' off honeschooling - shouldn't it have been 25 days ? ( sorry kids, I tried......) Renee

Cathy said...

Karen, As I even now take a moment to pray for you, I have always seen His grace, truth and beauty in you. Are you familiar with Amy Carmichel's book, Rose From Briar? Here is a little poem included in this comforting book.

"Lord, more and more
I pray Thee, or by wind or fire,
Make pure my inmost heart's desire,
And purge the clinging chaff from off the floor.

I wish Thy way,
But when in me myself would rise
And long for something otherwise,
Then, Holy One, take sword and spear, and slay.

Oh stay near by,
Most patient Love, till, by Thy grace,
In this poor silver, thy bright face
Shows forth in clearness and serenity.

What will it be
When, like the lily or the rose
That in my flowery garden blows,
I shall be flawless, perfect, Lord, to Thee."

You are such an encouragement to me.

Marijke said...

I’m lousy with words of comfort, but I can’t stop thinking of your post here, thinking of you and your husband and your challenges.
I admire your strength and your calm when the goings are tough and to find joy in the small things. Sending you love and a hug.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to both of you on 25 years of marriage!! Praying for God's touch over your husband and for His loving endurance and comfort over you and the children.

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