Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Made with Love

Miss E wanted to experiment, making her very own recipe for a white chocolate cake. She came shopping with me yesterday to buy the right white chocolate, she wrote out her list of ingredients and set to work early this morning with only a little supervision. She was determined to make it her way, guessing quantities as she went! Enough for two tins. Thankfully they were edible and served with great love.


Rosemary said...

Your Miss E growing up so quickly - it is lovely that she wanted to make you all a chocolate cake, especially one made and served with love

diane b said...

Good on her independence streak.

Fun60 said...

Independent learning at its best and what an outcome. Sharing it with everyone.

chica said...

Que lindo e tudo com amor é melhor! bjs, chica

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Wow, that is really neat! I'm glad it turned out edible and that it was enjoyed by all.

A wonderful bit of experience under her belt.

Way to go Miss E. May this only be the beginning.


Karen @ Pieces of Contentment said...

Thanis Lorraine. The second cake (the love heart one) was happily served tonight with jam and cream on top - it tasted even better!

eileeninmd said...

Hello, your Miss E is so sweet. I am glad the cake turned out and it was edible. I am sure she was proud.. Enjoy your day and the week ahead!

the momma said...

You are good to let her experiment! I tend to try to tell my kids why their 'recipe' won't work based on their ingredient list and fuss at them for going after things willy nilly and uninformed, rather then letting them waste a few ingredients and make a mess (!!) and perhaps figure it out on their on why it didn't work

Dirk Rosin said...

nam nam :-) ser deilig ut !

geanina said...

Is so sweet!;)
Great work!

Sylvia K said...

What a delight!! I see lots of success in life as well as cooking/baking for Miss E!! Looks delicious to me!! Hope your week is going well!!

Joy said...

So touching. So lovable girl you have!

Cat said...

What a beautiful thing for your little one to do and growing up so fast too. :):) x

Rosemary said...

It's the shopping list in her writing that tugged at my heartstrings. Cherish it. She's a sweetheart.

Aimz said...

yum! very nice, looks yummy

Barb said...

Your children are quite the bakers! Very creative to do a white chocolate - I'd be fooled by its vanilla appearance and then delighted by its taste.

EricaSta said...

Have tears in my eyes .... Miss E is so lovely!

Cheers, Heidrun

SarahZ said...

Finally got the chance to look at this! I love it! The E Cake looks delicious!! I love the table, covered with books and surrounded by students, too! (David Macauley was always a favorite of ours too. :)

A Colorful World said...

Just adorable! Looks like she did a great job!

Jeanne said...

My goodness, looks to me as if she follows my cooling style. Good that it was edible! She has grown so much

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