
Friday, March 4, 2011

This Morning

A garden beauty! The Lebanese zucchini which was in bud yesterday,  wet from last night's rain, now in full bloom. There are lots of ants running around the flower with more buds coming over the next few days so I'm hoping there will be some pollination happening. Last spring I planted some green skinned zucchini seeds which grew into healthy plants, flowered but no zucchinis formed.  For now I'll enjoy the bursts of yellow for their own splendour.


  1. You blog is just delightful (especially while I am surrounded in snow). I am so glad you stopped by so that I could find you to! Have a fantastic day doll!

  2. Thank you Christie. I am pleased I found your blog, it has similarities to mine and is fun.

  3. Zucchini update....the flower above is female. Today there are 5 male flowers but the female flower has closed up already. Just as well I enjoy the flowers as there's no promise of zuccs yet.


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