
Thursday, April 7, 2011

Hexies - Quilting Underway

Last week I finished stitching the hexies together for the lap quilt which has been in progress for a while. On the weekend I basted it, hoping to make a start on the quilting while away from home this week.

As the colours are rather rich and busy in this quilt I didn't want to chop the hexies up any more visually with the quilting. However I didn't want to detract from the neat top stitching by quilting in the ditch, either by machine or hand. I had a look around the internet but wasn't happy with any of the quilting options I could find so I had an idea of my own to try out (which no doubt others have used too). My idea seems to be working well. Can you see the quilting in the photo below? No??? Good!

Now if you have a look at this close up below you will be able to see the quilting at the intersection of the blocks.

Using a dark green Gutermann quilting thread I am making a little "Y" of stitches at each intersection, beginning and ending with an embedded knot. It is rather fiddly but it is producing the effect I was after. It is a little similar in effect to "tie quilting" yet a bit more secure and without any visible threads or knots. I would be interested to know if you have used or seen this technique before. If so, were you happy with the end result?

1 comment:

  1. Perfect, it looks lovely. I am still getting ready to leave for the cabin.... went to bed for a bit of a nap, but now trying to get in my last computer moments befor time to leave. Your quilt is beautiful!


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