
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

It Is Finished!

How good it feels good to have my hexies lap quilt finished, ahead of time for that special gift as mentioned. It is just the right size and I'm very happy with how it has all come together.

 For the "top"edge and both sides I cut the quilt straight across ready for binding, wanting a strong, neat finish. However I couldn't bring myself to trim the bottom or "skirt" off straight.....those cute points needed to remain to keep a certain handmade beauty about the quilt. I had already extended the quilt top past the full width of the backing fabric so I had to be a little creative to back those points. As you can see I used a strip of the binding fabric and I love how it turned out, adding an unexpected feature. The points have been carefully hand hemmed to give the effect I was after.

The only thing left to do now is the label. Something new to think through.......


  1. Wow, that's amazing - I'm in awe of people who have the skill and patience to create these types of quits. I really like the pointy edges.

  2. lovely job, you are very talented!

  3. Thank you for your encouraging words Journey Photographic and Deanne. It's wonderful to be able to share my projects via a blog - it adds to the joy and satisfaction and serves as a great record for myself too.

  4. I'm sighing in awe - what lovely work. I'm always impressed of the skill of the quilter to be able to combine so many colours together with it all looking like one. It's hard to choose but I think my favourite 'square' is the one with the dark blue background and red flowers & green vine leaves.

  5. Thank you Renee. Your fabric favourite is one of my two favourites also, although in real life the background colour on that one is black. It's so hard to capture exact colours, especially when they are nice and rich like these.

  6. I love the points at the bottom edge! A beautiful project.

  7. awesome handquilted quilt!! it makes me want to get back to quilting!! the color/fabric designs go together really well! ^)^linda

  8. NOT in a million years would I have ever tried one of these. You have the nerves of a saint. You out did yourself. Gift... what a treasure someone is getting.

  9. It IS beautiful! Don't you feel good about that sweet pointed edge too? I love that. Thanks for sending over the link! :)

  10. It just looks gorgeous. The fabrics are just beautiful. BTW how large are the hexies you have used. Thanks.

  11. Thank you Needles and Pins. I photocopied the hexagons and cut the papers out myself. Each side is 1 7/8" long.


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