
Thursday, May 19, 2011

Science at the Park

St Andrew's Cross Spider

Remember what arthropods are? We have been studying them in our science this week, so what better way to do so than a quick trip or two to a local park. Armed with cameras and eager eyes, we set off.

Red Dragonfly

Golden Orb Web Spider

Praying Mantis

Of greater interest to the children.....feeding the ducks....

This photo taken by one of the children

Admiring the water.....

And searching for tadpoles, little fish and water insects with home made nets.

But their eternal favourite is.......having leaf-boat races down the water cascades!
My guess is they will ask to go back to the park again tomorrow for further "research" instead of working on their written projects!


  1. Wow what stunning photos! I can't wait to go through more!

  2. what beautiful photos! impressive spider

  3. You take the most incredible photos, a real talent. You make that little spot look far, far better through a lens. I've told David that I would like a camera like yours for Christmas if we have the points.

  4. lovely spider photos!! Wow. Did you know that we are homeschoolers too? Well, nice to meet you (again)
    : )
    ~Monika in Canada

  5. Really nice flowers on your blog, i will comeback later.

    Greetings, Joop

  6. Your children did an outstanding job with the photos! What wonderful specimens they beheld. We see these insects in late summer early autumn.

  7. Thanks Cathy, although only one of these photos (the ducks) were taken by the children. I have encouraged them to add their photos to their own blogs.

  8. Very nice spider shots. Those are really very good.

  9. Ahhh, yes, children and nature. What a wonderful combination!! And such a passion of mine. The family I use for a lot of my 'children and nature' photos numbers 12! Homeschoolers, like you. Such a lovely family. What fun we/they have together.~karen

  10. You got much better spider picts then I! I was trying to zoom in, but my macro lens wouldn't focus.


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