
Saturday, June 11, 2011

Friday Evening's Photo Story

Just finished by our proud 16 year old. He has been flying various  RC planes for many years.

Preparing for it's maiden flight.

This photo Straight Out Of the Camera (SOOC)

All photos except the first are taken on our church's property, a hill on the edge of town. Many kangaroos "live" there, can you spot the group on the fence-horizon in the last photo?

Shared at Photo Story Friday (I had never heard of this until after I had published this post).

Last photo linked to SOOC Sunday.


  1. A wonderful serie of your son with nice light and colors.

    Greetings and a lovely weekend, Joop

  2. Great photos, great job on the plane J

  3. Wow, what a sense of accomplishment it must be to see it fly off into the horizon!

  4. beautiful work! I like history Friday

  5. What a great plane...quite an accomplishment!

    Your sunflare shots are gorgeous. I still can't wrap my head around having kangaroos just out and about. Kind of amazing, really!

  6. what gorgeous, gorgeous sunset photos... lovely!!
    and kudos to your son for his impressive plane.
    thanks for visiting me this week!

  7. What wonderful sooc captures!!!

  8. It must have been a perfect evening. :)

  9. Very cool! I love the idea of a photo story.

  10. Such a great post...beautiful pictures and story!


  11. These are fabulous photos. You must be so proud of your son. Yes, I spotted the kangaroos in the last photo, after you told me where to look!

  12. These are great pictures! I love the kangaroos and that lovely sunset. It looks like your son is quite talented with the planes.

  13. Beautiful sun set shots and those kangaroos are so cute at least for me ( never seen on live them).

  14. What a great photos, love the pic with the kangaroos.

  15. Kangaroos are magical in my land. I am wondering today if the kangaroo you spot are as abudant in you land as deer might be in mine. The deer here walk onto our lawns while we sleep and eat out pansies and lilies.

  16. Thank you everyone. Our son is passionate about planes and loves flying his RC ones. He loves going to church each Sunday partly so as he can have some flying time before and/or after .

    There are quite a number of kangaroos at church and they grow quite large. Kangaroos and their smaller relative, the wallaby, can be a nuisance for gardeners in the country or on the edge of towns, although not in the middle or residential areas. Quite possible like your deers Cathy.

  17. These "cute" kangaroos are also very dangerous on our roads, especially at dusk, dawn and evening. Friends of ours who live out of town a little had a kangaroo run into their van last night

  18. What a cool plane.
    The kangaroos must be like our deer everywhere and thinking they own everything. Love the sun through the tree photo.

  19. I had never realised beautiful deer could be a nuisance. We don't have deer here, except in zoos. It's wonderful learning new things from around the world.

  20. Fabulous photos! Love the kangaroos and I especially love the silhouetted tree with the sunburst.

  21. Hello again!.....

    When you commented regarding RC Flying I know I'd seen this post and thought how strange that your son should be flying a 3mtr Multiplex Cularis when currently I too get most peace/fun when flying a very similar 3myr electric glider!....... encourage him all you can because there are few better ways to chill!....:)




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