
Thursday, June 9, 2011

Last Night

A cold wintery night, I saw the moon and pondered God's wonders, the beauty of the sky and the smallness of man.

"When I consider your heavens,
the work of your fingers,
the moon and the stars,
which you have set in place,
what is man that you are mindful of him,
the son of man that you care for him?"
                                           Psalm 8:3


  1. Sometimes that moon is just so magnificent in the night skies.

    You caught a great 'pose'! And a perfect verse to go with it.

  2. This is one of the psalms the girls memorized this year. An awesome psalm. A psalm that make me feel amazed and thankful that my God is MY God!!

    Blessings, Debbie

  3. I really need to get outside and up close with my camera and nature more. We noticed this moon on Tuesday night on our way home from youth group and bible study.

  4. So Beautiful...and so perfect. Thanks.


  5. It always blows me away when I stop thinking of the moon at a flat shape in the sky and see it for what it really is :) Great shot!

  6. Amazing! I've still not mastered capturing a good photo of the moon.
    So happy to have you as my newest blog follower!

  7. Beautiful and perfectly matched to the scripture.

    I'm jealous that you are in the middle of winter. Of course, in six months I would be jealous that you are in the middle of summer.

  8. My camera does not take great moon shots like that. Or maybe it is the photographer. :/ Lovely image and thoughts. Hope you are having a great day. Tammy

  9. Thanks everyone. It is wonderful to take time to consider the night sky.

    I just noticed the moon out my window and grabbed my camera and took a few photos, through the window pane (cold outside). Didn't think I had anything worth keeping but a bit of cropping and sharpening and I surprised myself. It's fun to play with a camera and see what happens.

  10. You have some astonishingly beautiful photos!!! Love the beautiful oranges!!!

  11. Beautiful! I can never photograph the moon so well!

    Tamar - also linking up with little somethings

  12. How beautiful!!
    Both the precious scripture and the lovely image of moon.
    My hubby and I are always trying to get a great moon-shot :-)
    And from one Aussie to another - I hope you're keeping warm tonight!

  13. Thanks Trish! :)
    We have our heater on right now, it's rather chilly this evening.

  14. Beautiful shot! I love how it's glowing!

  15. Oh my word....that is a beautiful photograph.

    What a blessing...


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