
Friday, July 8, 2011

Happy Geese

This week it was time to cut more fabric for my ongoing quilt project. Beginning to lack motivation, I decided to add a bit more zing to the combination with these happy brights from my stash. Each strip is 2 1/4" wide.

Many more geese later.....I have sewn about 500 in total so far, nearly enough for the large centre panel of the queen-sized quilt.

 This photo above shows how the geese are to be arranged according to the pattern in Sarah Fielke's book.
Below shows a different idea. I like the bottom arrangement but....mmm..... I think I DO like the top one best. Looks like I have more decision to make yet. The finished panel will be set on point/angle. Any suggestions????

My ironed geese are still stored neatly in counted bundles. I don't have a design wall or sewing room and with so many pieces I'm not sure about trying a temporary one - I would hate for the wind or a child to send all the geese flying! In the past I have used our large dining room table, but this will be too large for that. I guess I'll have to work out a solution soon, maybe working two rows at a time on the table.

You can see the quilt design above and the cherry fabric. This week I decided to set aside the green leaf fabric (from my stash) for the binding, when I eventually get to that point. Still pondering the back too..... I've never attempted such a large quilt. I think the actual quilting will also prove a challenge on my 26 year old domestic machine. Nothing ventured, nothing gained!

Update 9th July: Thank you so very much for you kind and encouraging words. I am now decided the zig-zag arrangement (above) is "best". When I first this quilt from Sarah's book I loved how the centre panel appeared to be like glimmering treasures or jewels. I had become so accustomed to enjoying each of the individual fabrics that it took a few hours to step back and try to appreciate afresh the overall effect. Shimmering, jewelled zig-zags it is!

Sharing at In The Studio.


  1. Fun, Fun, FUN!!! I think maybe I like the second way, too. Both are nice, though, with your geese, so I'm finding myself going back and forth, especially considering the on-point bit.

  2. Oh my, you have so much ambition! It will be beautiful!

  3. This is so pretty and I know so much work.

  4. What a gorgeous gaggle of geese! Colours are looking wonderful. Any arrangement will work well!

  5. Lovely , colored composition.....well done

    greetings, Joop

  6. Beautiful colours and a great arrangement from the particular pieces. What a wonderful work !
    Stunning !

  7. I'm not a quilter but I sure can appreciate all of the work you are doing. Your fabrics and colors and stunning. It's going to be such a beautiful piece of art when completed.

  8. gorgeous quilt! love the bright colors.

  9. Gorgeous fabric choices! What beautiful work. Making a quilt is something I would love to accomplish someday!

  10. Your choices for fabric are fantastic.
    This is going to be so bright and cheerful!

    Have a great weekend!

  11. Oh, my! That is a lot of geese! (They are not my favorite block to make.) I love how incredibly organized you are! My quilt blocks are usually thrown on a pile or put in a gallon Ziploc bag!

  12. looks like it will turn out beautiful!! Love the colors you have chosen oh I wish I had the time to quilt - so much I want to do - yet work gets in the way

  13. Wow...those geese are amazing!!! I love how you've organized...and I especially love the fabric! I'm following your blog now...I'm working on quilting fun to see ideas out there!

  14. Either way you choose to arrange your gorgeous geese, you are going to have an amazing quilt. Such luscious fabrics. Yum!

  15. Your quilting projects seem daunting to me, yet I long to do a quilt some day. The geese patterns... I do not think you could go wrong with either pattern arrangement.

    Happy Quilting!

  16. Love the prints you choose to go together for this quilt! Happen to have my mike on, so I heard your beautiful music too- made my day!

  17. I like the colors .. I use cloth hanging from the barrel of the curtain wall design and bag when not in use ..

  18. I love the vote is for an arrangement as in the 3rd and 5th photos because I really like the larger zig-zag pattern created by the layout of the light and dark prints...but wow, what an undertaking! So glad to have "met" you from Studio JRU (I don't think I have time to post this week...too much summer fun!)


  19. I love your color combination! I especially love the green fabric with the orange bird.

  20. Your vivid, cheery colors capture the beauty of summer! This will be a gorgeous, uplifting quilt!
    PS. I quilt on a old Viking. It's trusty and keeps going, so, why replace it - that's what I say:)

  21. Wow, all this must take up a lot of your time! How rewarding to see the finish product.
    Excuse my ignorance, dear, but I can't see a single goose here.

  22. Thank you everyone! I love bright happy colours, especially for a quilt, as long as there is some white for "breathing space"
    I feel the same way about my Janome as you do about your Viking Anna. The size of the quilt will be a challenge, but that's ok. I can always hand quilt the middle if necessary. Where there's a will there's a way.

    Thanks Jen, that fabric is from the "Happier" range by Deena Rutter.
    I have also used some of the Floral in Green and also the Floral in Blue.

    Rosie, the name of the "block" (each piece I have sewn together from the three smaller bits of fabric) is "Flying Geese".

  23. I am always amazed by the beauty of quilting! Coming over via Studio JRU


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