
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Strawberry Dreams

Please click on photo to enjoy a larger view..........
Taken yesterday afternoon.

Sharing at Aussie WW, Tina's WW, Alicia's WW, Rachel's WW.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Flavour of the Week

The children love cooking, especially something sweet to eat. The favourites for the last week have been lamingtons and decorated cupcakes, all made from scratch. Here you can see Miss V (7) and Miss N (13) completing their lamingtons. Yesterday they made a plain cake slab, cut it into cubes and froze it for easier handling. This afternoon they are dipping them in thin chocolate icing then coating them in desiccated coconut. They are very nice, although I usually avoid most sweet things myself (except for dark chocolate).

Something a little different.....Master T is allergic to cocoa, so he made these earlier in the week adding a little food colouring instead of cocoa!

NB Lamingtons are a traditional Australian food which explains why many of you have not heard of them before. They are very nice, especially homemade ones, and they freeze well too.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Golden Aussie

What a difference two hours makes! Another everlasting daisy on it's daily opening and closing journey.
I'm amazed at the great variety of habits of flowers as I'm beginning to observe them more closely. The poppies which have just started opening over the last few days open once only and very quickly, then last only a few days.
These native daisy flowers take months to fully mature, opening and closing each sunny day along the way.
Love the differences, always something new to discover.

Sharing at Macro Monday.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Australian Sunday


Church fence

On the march!

Tree fern frond

Four of my six lovely daughters

Welcome to Sunday! All the photos above are taken at our church, after today's service.
 Beautiful sunny almost-spring day in our corner of the world, so much fresher after yesterday's rain.
 A time for refreshing, new grace and love unending.

Early this morning I was looking carefully at a poppy bud, pointed high but showing no signs of opening. About half an hour later I glanced outside and look what I saw! I'm wondering if they are called poppies because that pop open so quickly!!!! A lovely salmon pink this time.

The smell of fresh bread in the house is a joy. I made a couple of loaves this afternoon, nothing too fancy, a healthy bread mix made by hand and eaten warm. Some bread for our physical life.

Today's delicate salmon poppy in the late afternoon light, a beautiful sight to remember today by.
 Hoping your week is a safe one, filled with beauty, wonder and gratefulness.

Joining Today's Flowers, The Simple Things, Communal Global, Our World Tuesday, The Good Life.,
PicStory: Animals, World Bird Wednesday.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Marvellous Day

Straight out of the camera (SOOC) - no editing or cropping

Yesterday was one of those days I was extremely grateful to be home most the day. By 8am this brilliant orange poppy had popped its cap off and quickly unfolded its crumpled, pristine petals for the world to see. Many times I wandered down to capture it's transient glory with my camera and to just admire the vivid pop of colour amongst the mostly green surrounds.

Today its full head is bowed over, touching the ground, drenched in this morning's raindrops.
Here are some of yesterday's treasures for you to enjoy too.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Lost in Poppy Love

My first two poppy flowers have sprung open today. They are simply stunning. I've not grown poppies before.
 I've been busy with my camera this morning, so busy I will need some time to sift and sort. 
But for now I just wanted to share this glorious image and enjoy all the beauty still happening outside
 as well as what I've captured so far........hope your day is as sunny and wondrous as mine!!!!  

Sharing some poppy love with you!

Thursday, August 25, 2011


The first flower from my African Daisy seedlings....taken over a 9 day time-frame.
Another "common", everyday miracle, happening before my eyes, speaking of a beautiful generosity.

Sharing with And Then She Snapped, Texture Thursday, Sneak Peek Friday.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Goodbye Flu, Hello Fun!

Over the last ten days my husband, and then all the children have been down with the flu. I alone remained completely well. Thankfully all are now improving and the sights and sounds of fun and laughter are returning.

Sharing at Aussie WW, Tina's WW, WW, But with Words, Alicia's WW, Simple Pleasures, SkyWatch Friday, Weekend Reflections.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Morning Light

Early this morning I had a dental appointment and took my camera with me because..........across the street from my dentist is a lovely old Anglican Cathedral. I was amazed at how beautiful it was inside with the morning light streaming through all the windows.

Here's some closer detail of the carved woodwork, I love the coloured light falling on the floor from the stained  glass windows.

It was a wonderful interlude between dentist and home.

Sharing at Communal Global, Photo Story Friday.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Pansy Perspectives

A few weeks ago I added some "Jumbo Giants" pansy seedlings to our garden. It's been my pleasure to watch the first bud gradually grow and try to open. The flower appeared fully formed yet still bowed over under the weight of it's huge petals, completed hiding it's face. After recent showers and wind I decided to pick it today so I could see it's pretty face and keep it safely inside for us all to enjoy.

Sharing at Macro Friday, Pink Saturday.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Waiting and Watching

Strawberry flower this morning

Australian native, this afternoon. (SOOC)

I have been eagerly watching this plant for months as the buds have continued to swell. Today something special is happening! There will be more to come on this Australian native over the coming weeks. Spring is nearly here!
This photo unedited - straight out of the camera (SOOC).

This afternoon

I love how the light was catching the same strawberry flower this afternoon - so tiny (less than an inch across) yet so pretty. I hope you have a pleasant Sunday.

Sharing at SOOC Sunday.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Bright Spot

10 am Yesterday

Ok, I admit it, I'm fascinated by the growth and development of plants, particularly their flowers. A week ago I planted out two punnets of gazania seedlings, some of which already had buds. Most days I wander around our garden at least once, camera around my neck, observing and recording on camera what is or isn't happening.

Each day this week I have checked this gazania bud, looking carefully for any perceptible changes and finding none. Then yesterday morning the action started! Every time I looked there was further opening and development, much to my excitement and amazement. 

9:40 Yesterday


No man can make anything of such intricate design and beauty, only God can create something as marvellous and alive! Look at the brilliant colours and structure of each unfolding "petal".


Tigerland gazania, open to the sunshine. Look at the tiny true flowers beginning to pop open in the centre - aren't they stunning!

11:20 Yesterday

Such a large flower for a tiny, growing plant!

12:20 Yesterday

Only an hour later and the whole ring of outer flowers has burst into life. Mid-afternoon the sky clouded over and showers came. The gazania half closed and continued to tighten overnight........

8:30am Today 

11am Today

11:40 Today

...... only to unwind and spring back into full bloom by mid-morning today.
 Thank you for watching with me.

Sharing at Macro Flower Saturday, Flowers on Saturday, Your Sunday Best, Today's Flowers,
I Heart Macro (most "likes"), Macro Monday, The Creative Exchange, Sweet Shot Tuesday.