
Sunday, August 28, 2011

Australian Sunday


Church fence

On the march!

Tree fern frond

Four of my six lovely daughters

Welcome to Sunday! All the photos above are taken at our church, after today's service.
 Beautiful sunny almost-spring day in our corner of the world, so much fresher after yesterday's rain.
 A time for refreshing, new grace and love unending.

Early this morning I was looking carefully at a poppy bud, pointed high but showing no signs of opening. About half an hour later I glanced outside and look what I saw! I'm wondering if they are called poppies because that pop open so quickly!!!! A lovely salmon pink this time.

The smell of fresh bread in the house is a joy. I made a couple of loaves this afternoon, nothing too fancy, a healthy bread mix made by hand and eaten warm. Some bread for our physical life.

Today's delicate salmon poppy in the late afternoon light, a beautiful sight to remember today by.
 Hoping your week is a safe one, filled with beauty, wonder and gratefulness.

Joining Today's Flowers, The Simple Things, Communal Global, Our World Tuesday, The Good Life.,
PicStory: Animals, World Bird Wednesday.


  1. What a wonderful sunny day with your daughters and this funny bird, lovely flowers and ...
    Great shots, beautiful colors.
    Have a nice sunday with your family.

  2. Was für wundervolle Fotos und der Vogel ist so schön.

    Herzlichst ♥ Marianne

  3. You've got 6 daughters! oh boy that must keep you soooooo busy! You've got such lovely poppies in flower just now.

  4. Fantastische Bilder voller Sonnenschein. Sehr schön...

    Liebe Grüsse aus der Schweiz


  5. Thank you everyone. Yes, we have 6 daughters and 2 sons, all wonderful and home schooled. My days are much easier (usually) now they are all growing older (3yr-19yr).

  6. a lovely day to be out in nature. the macro shot of a fern is amazing. i love the bird shots, too.

  7. all these photos are very nice but the bird one is my fav. what kind of flour you used for the bread? i LOVE making bread and I love eating it even more! LOL Have a great day!

  8. looks like a great day with a lot of things going on. Daughters, birds and flowers. What more can you ask for?

    My photo is not manipulated. I took it because I thought it looked fun. And it was the shot that gave me the words. :)

  9. Du zeigst uns eine wundeschöne Fotoserie, ein Foto ist schöner als das andere....besonders gut gefallen mir deine Macros...
    LG: Karin

  10. Some great photos, such a nice day after the constant rain on Saturday!

  11. These are fabulous photos, so enjoyable. Thanks for sharing them.

  12. So nice of you to share your Sunday. Great shots, especially your lovely daughters and Galah on the march.

  13. Beautiful! I especially love the shots of the birds. I hope to visit Australia one day!

    Jamie @

  14. what a beautiful day with lovely pics...I am amazed how wonderfully you can do all this.

  15. WOW, is the sky ACTUALLY bigger in Australia? Seems to be so!

    Love so many of these shots.
    The first one of the gray and red bird, and also the one with the swing especially stand out to me.

    Everything about this post just takes my breath away!

  16. These photos are marvels! Just lovely.

  17. You are an amazing photographer Karen, love the photos! xo

  18. Beautiful photo's, I like theGalah, a pretty bird (and as noisy as our Jackdaws I believe), the poppie's are gorgeous, and I love the music.

  19. A perfect Aussie Sunday indeed. Love those fledgeling Galahs strutting their stuff, your poppies popping and your lovely daughters at play.
    Quite true, there is nothing like the aroma of baking bread. It is the smell above all others that says 'home'.

    Thank you for sharing with Our World.

  20. What beautiful and colorful birds and poppies! I enjoy to see all that nature! You make me hungry with this self made bread!!!

  21. I have to make it out to Australia someday! It's just too beautiful :) Can't believe you have 6 daughters! I grew up in a house with 2 sisters and let me tell you, the fight for the bathroom was a constant :) How do you manage!

  22. I love the photos of the birds and the landscape. Very nice!

  23. Yes Maddy, 6 daughters and two sons. Our family of 10 share one bathroom, however there is another bathroom under the house if things are desperate.

  24. How lovely is your view, family & home baked bread life, i love it!! I would have loved to have 6 children, but 4 just sat perfectly with us as my husband is always away (as in 9 months of the year + away & right now, living in Brisbane, while we're in Canberra) plus now my 4th is 7.5 years old, i am satisfied that 4 was just right. Only 3 girls in the mix (soldier's don't often make boys). Love to you & that gorgeous piece of Australia you have there, we're looking at 100+ acres just outside Canberra, i can not WAIT to start a farm. Love Posie

  25. Calling by from Our World Tuesday, I am delighted to be part of this community and look forward to sharing photos with you and getting to know your part of the world. Your photos are simply beautiful, first signs of spring arriving.

  26. I just love your cute bird. Wonderful photos, well done!

  27. Boy, that swing looks like fun! I wonder if I could fit in it ... =>

  28. Thanks for sharing this nice animals, beautiful flowers and all lovely pics with us at PicStory! :)

  29. Very beautiful bird! I thought ferns were only N.Z. Very big fern in your country!

  30. Gorgeous pics! Thanks for dropping by and sharing at Beach Cottage Good Life Wednesdays.

  31. Your blog is absolutely stunning! What a gift God has given to you through your camera lens. I will definitley be following you and enjoying the beauty of Australia through your photography. MY daughter is a professional photographer but she takes pictures mainly of babies and children. I also have a question and I hope it is taken with the good intentions I mean it with...I have often heard that Australia is a very unchurched country and very few go to church and if they do it is usually Catholic or of a liturgical church. You seem to be an exception and it is refreshing to read of your love of the Lord. Do you mind telling me if my assumption is correct about your country being unchurched as a whole?
    Gmama Jane

  32. A wonderful post...
    Your blog is lovely and I have really enjoyed my browse around it...

  33. Beautiful post! And the birds/parrots are so lovely! :)

  34. Hi there - what a great set of pictures. Not that I don’t like the others - but I think I'll have the bread please!

    Fresh bread or toast - I don’t know which is more the smell of home!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  35. Beautiful bird!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  36. Blessings to you and your lovely daughters! Thanks for sharing the galah picture with it's superb detail. ;-)WBW

  37. What a wonderful day you had outdoors with such pleasant weather! The little bird is so pretty!

  38. What a beautiful thing it is to have 6 lovely daughters and 2 sons. God has truly blessed you! Amazing fern unfurling!


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