
Sunday, August 14, 2011

It's Time

When I began blogging seven months ago I had no idea I would love sharing my photos and pieces of my life as much as I do. I have also been thoroughly delighted to discover so many beautiful people and their wonderful blogs. Looking into the world of others, particularly their photos, adds joy and beauty to my days.

However I am finding I don't have enough time to enjoy browsing others blogs and continue returning comments as much as I have been. With my family and home responsibilities (eight children, homeschooling etc) I need to be very wise with my time.

I hope you all understand. I don't want to close my blog or stop posting as it gives me so much joy. I have also found blogging and reading others blogs has been wonderfully inspiring and helped me improve my photography skills and to look into the world around me on a whole new level.

So.....I have decided to change my "comments" policy and will have to discipline myself to not return visits and comments as much as I would like......Thank you for listening and your support. I SO appreciate my followers and other visitors and will continue to read and treasure all your comments (and peak into your worlds as much as I can manage).


  1. I'm glad to know you're not going away completely. With eight children, I can certainly understand on having to limit your time blogging.

  2. I think you have a busy day with 8 childs. :) And I can understand. It´s ok if you don´t comment :)

  3. I totally understand! The time involved in blogging, reading other blogs and commenting is huge. Something that I didn't realize when I started a few months ago. Love your photos!

  4. Frühling, Sommer ??

    Wunderschön ♥

  5. I relate totally. I too need to find the will and discipline to tear myself from this oh so lovely past-time. You do have a wonderful blog... I scrolled down to see your other stellar photos (those kids are adorable, the flowers magnificent). Good luck on finding the right balance.

  6. I don't have 8 kids and I barely get around to all the wonderful places I'd like to. Living life always comes before the blog.

  7. A blog is a bigger commitment than some people realize! Sometimes at night I can hardly move my hand to type a comment and I'm only looking after myself and my hubby!! Have a great school year! and I will still be stopping by.

  8. Thank you all so much for understanding. I believe blogging should be a blessing (to all) and not a burden in any way.

    Fudelchen, spring has nearly arrived here in Australia.

  9. Oh I so totally understand...and look at how many followers you have in such a short time. I am on the slowing down side of parenting...I couldn't have blogged at all with four teenagers and home schooling.

    Blessings on your time and your family...stop by my blog when you have time, comment only if you desire...and never feel obligated.

    I have enjoyed meeting you and you will be in my prayers as you continue to raise and educate your family.

  10. I can completely relate! Except for the 8 kids thing. :) Just do what you do and don't worry about returning visits, etc. Blogging can be so time-consuming! Just enjoy, post when you can, and be.

  11. I'm amazed you do what you do! No worries ... we love visiting your place!

  12. How do you manage everything and still have time to yourself. Glad you are not stopping all together as I enjoy your blog so much. Visit when you can and enjoy our coming spring and summer.

  13. Beautiful bokeh in this shot. I will still be dropping by. :)

  14. I agree. I can only find little pieces of time here and there to blog. I try to spend some time weekly reading others blogs when you see I understand perfectly.

    Your photos are lovely as always. I will check in and partake.


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