
Friday, September 16, 2011

"Not Up, Not In"

My Dad had a saying, "Not up, not in" which he used in golf to encourage us to aim at least as far as the pin/hole, implying it's better to go past the pin than not even reach the pin. If you don't even reach the pin, you have no chance of the ball going in.

A few weeks ago I had noticed some of the cover photos on our weekly, free paper were a bit "ordinary". Then I read the invitation to email photos in (last sentence also accompanying today's photo) so I emailed this photo, which I shared on my blog at the time, and it was requested for publication.

This morning when I collected our paper from the front lawn, this is what I saw. If I hadn't have sent my tentative email, this photo would never have been published.  It's worth having a go rather than be left wondering if you could have made it - a lesson for many areas of life. "Not up, not in".

Sharing at Photo Story Friday.


  1. I remember the post with that photo and it blew me away at the time. I think it's fabulous that it got published, and couldn't agree more that it's better to leap than stand there wondering "if". love your father's saying too! happy day to you.

  2. That is SO cool! Congratulations for deciding to do something different. That picture is gorgeous!

  3. Congratulation. How cool that must be to see your photo in the paper. And such a great message..

  4. How fantastic!
    What a beautiful photo!

  5. What a beautiful photo and what a nice place for it to end up. It was well worth sharing. Congrats. Mickie :)

  6. When I saw this photo on your blog I was in awe! I love reflection photos and this one is so beautiful!
    Congratulations for being published!! You have a wonderful gift! xxoo

  7. Wow that is a great shot. Good for you.

  8. Congratulation and well worth the front page. I loved that shot with the amazing cloud reflections.

  9. Congratulations! A well deserved honor.

  10. Congratulations Karen! It's a gorgeous picture and most certainly front-page worthy! And taking up half the page too!

  11. Congratulations, it's well deserved.

  12. Congratulations! That is a beautiful photo. Well deserved. Good lesson, too.

  13. Congratulations! Great picture and great idea.
    Best regards,

  14. Congratulations well done, we never get this paper out in the sticks, so glad you shared it on your blog!

  15. Congratulations, Fantastic! Awesome photo!


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