
Thursday, October 20, 2011

Apple Blossoms

One of the joys I look forward in our garden each spring is watching our apple tree come into bloom. This is the third spring since we planted our apple tree and we've not yet had an edible apple from it, and maybe never will as our climate is a little too warm for apples. I still love our apple tree for it's delicate blossoms and the structure it adds to our backyard. If it ever produces yummy apples that will be a bonus.

Sharing at And Then She Snapped, This to That Thursday, Weekend Flowers.


  1. Exquisite! And such fantastic captures! Love the macro and the colors! Hope you've had a great week!


  2. All of these photos are so lovely, but i especially love the second one. Some how it reminds me of the human life, gently unfolding and opening up into maturity and full beauty. beautiful capture! Interesting, I am posting pumpkins and you are having apple blossoms. Love your photography! What sort of camera do you have. I am a NIKON girl myself. Have a good day or night or what ever it is there. Have to check my telephone. LOL

  3. aahha..the joy of spring :) I love spring and Fall both.. Karen , the flowers are so pretty..lovely lovely color..

  4. Thank you, your comments are like honey in my busy day.

    Jeanne, I have a Lumix compact zoom (not a DSLR) which I blogged about here is you would like to have a look. I'm really only beginning to explore it's many features.

  5. Karen, Lovely flowers and stunning photographs... !!!

  6. So pretty! The last one is my favourite :)

  7. These are beautiful - but love the first one. The subtle color pulls my eye back to it...

  8. I am also looking forward to see my appletree in spring. Clouds of blossom she's bringing. I also love the concert from the bees who are visiting te blossoms. To me that's a beautiful moment. Lovely photo's.
    Have a lovely week,

  9. Belles photos, belle musique ! Bonne journée !

  10. such beautiful pastel shades, love the macro.
    i hope you get apples from this tree! :)

  11. I know this sounds crazy, But I don't think I have ever seen an apple blossom.. It is beautiful..

    Hugs, Linda

  12. This is beautiful - lovely pink! :-)

  13. Gorgeous photos Karen!!
    I was telling my parents about your beautiful photos & adventures the other night and how much pleasure I get from reading your blog (& the memories it stirs up of a beautiful place I once lived).

    God bless you. You are so inspiring!

  14. this is beutiful! i love the colors:) great work!

  15. Good morning Karen,
    Thanks Karen for you help. But I have the new interface of blogger and the only thing I can choose for is: who can leave a comment. and if you want to moderate comments yes or no.
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    gr. Marijke

  16. Prześliczne zdjęcia kwiatów jabłoni. Ja wiosną każdego roku czekam na kwitnienie drzew owocowych.Ogrody wyglądają wtenczas jak z bajki. Pozdrawiam

  17. Fantastic Macro shots from the apple blossom. Beautiful structure in the little leaves and gentle colors.

  18. Gorgeous captures. Such a pretty pink against the green bokeh.

  19. Oh, apple blossoms do contain the hope and fragrance of spring! Lovely shots.

  20. Its beautiful. How lucky you are having spring ahead of you :0) Its autumn and soon winter and snow here :0)

  21. Oh wow... I love the shades of pink and green. These are stunning photos! Every single one is gorgeous!

  22. delicate and beautiful! Stunning captures.

  23. Is it possible for you to send me the link for your camera equip in my email. For some reason, the link did not work here, and cold not find your blog on this. Interested in reading it as have never heard of that camera. Obviously it is a great camera, or is it just the photographer???? Thanks, Jeanne

  24. As always, your photographs are stunning. I want to come live in your neighborhood.

  25. Gorgeous! These photos just draw one in...almost as if I am another flower sitting next to these. Wonderful!

  26. Just beautiful! Great close-ups.

  27. One more comment to add to your many...These are SO beautiful (there needs to be an adjective that includes ALL the "beautiful" ones!), I especially like the second one, so wonderfully close-up. I'm in love with close-ups and especially "the heart of the flower". God's creation is breath-taking and I feel sorry for (and don't understand!) those who don't take time to notice these details. Congratulations on such fine pics.

  28. Your garden must be such a treat to wander through. Love all the angles you've taken of this soft sweet looking flower, your second one is fascinating. The way you capture flowers always encourages me to view the whole flower not just the petals which is why i'm still recovering from the awe of seeing your incredible capture of the centre of the red poppy from Monday.

  29. Thanks for posting the photos. I had never seen it's beautiful blooms.

  30. So pretty! Maybe you will get apples from it some day; don't give up. :)

  31. Wow! These are just so stunning and delicate! Love how close you were able to get and capture the details!

  32. Beautiful captures... love the color! =)

  33. Stunning captures! We have apple trees but have never seen blooms like these, love the soft colours.

  34. I like your macros very well .... wonderful details of the apple blossom soft colours....great...
    LG: Karin

  35. What does this heart very beautiful in this first macro. Very nice series you have put down here. Beautiful photos.

    Greetings from Holland by Helma

  36. Piękne, minie zima i zakwitną i u nas :)

  37. Beautiful photos! The third one is my favorite!

    We have an apple tree too that hasn't produced any apples. It may be too warm here also. The deer like to eat the leaves so it's struggling. Next Spring, I'm going to trim it and fence it off to give it a chance!

  38. What beautiful shots, such delicate flowers.

  39. This blossom is so wonderful to see as we go into our autumn in the U.K :) beautiful images

  40. Hi there - Great shots - as I walked in the front gate today Inoticed that our apples trees are already past their best! Only seem like last week that there were no flowers!

    Cheers Stewart M

  41. These are just gorgeous!
    Reminds me of springtime here.
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  42. In Germany, the countryside is dotted with plenty of wild apple trees. So when spring arrives, it is a riot of apple blossoms!!! I never got around to clicking some pictures last year, but I vowed that next spring I am not gonna miss the sights!!!

  43. Beautiful, the soft spring colors and structures.
    Here autumn is approaching fast!


  44. great blossoms! thanks for this wonderful weekend flowers :)

  45. Beautiful apple blossoms, lovely pictures!!
    Here in Canada I picked our last apples in the garden.

  46. We have the firts frost and are far away from blooming trees. But I´m looking forward to spring.
    Your photos are great. Sure you will have sweet apples!

    Liebe Grüße,


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