
Sunday, October 16, 2011

Early Sunday

                                                                                      Available for purchase here

Another beautifully mild, misty morning ahead of a warm sunny spring day.

I was not the only out for a walk along Fig Tree Avenue in the delightful early morning air.

The jetty where much fishing has been happening. Three of our children are fishing there as I write this.

I could hear the traffic on the bridge, but not see it.

Our three eldest girls were helping with music again at church, giving us time for a play while they set up and practiced.

Perfect catch of the glider on its landing.

The view westward from church, very green and rural right now with cattle dotted over the hillsides.
A tiny wildflower which appeared to be a cross between a pea and a miniature lavender. Then we all headed inside, ready for a 9:30 start.

Hope you all have a wonderful start to you day too.

Sharing at Sunday Bridges, The Simple Things, I Heart Macro, Our World Tuesday, Communal Global, Weekly Kodachrome, Good Life Wednesday, LEM Photo Challenge: Anything, Capturing Beauty.


  1. Another beautiful series of shots!!
    I love reading the stories that accompany your photos! :)

  2. Looks stunning - great pics! :-)

  3. Another great post. Beautiful images.

  4. Wow, love the misty atmosphere. Great shots again

  5. Those trees are TOTALLY AMAZING LOOKING! What are they? We saw some in Hawaii that reminded me a bit of these, but not really the same. The pictures of your children are great also. Did I see somewhere that you have 8 children that you homeschool. How incredible that is, and what a blessing from God in your life. Lovely photos, and hard to imagine spring, when we have fall. loved your post

  6. I had to put your firs two photos on hold while I caught my breath - superb. The photo of the scenery made just that little bit homesick for the northern part of the state that I grew up in. My favourite of all these favourites though is your last shot. Have a good week, Karen.

  7. Hi Jeanne! I have added a link to the post for more photos of these fig trees.

    Yes, we are blessed with eight children, six daughters (including one set of twins) and two sons aged 3 through to 19, currently homeschooling the six who are school age.

  8. such beautiful pics. I love the foggy scenery, such peace and mystery in one image.

  9. The first two photos feel for me like they are reading a visual poem to me....
    Truly beautiful portrayals of a mystical morning Pieces of Sunshine, thank you.

    The Countryside gives a spaciousness in which to breathe deeply in.

    Beautiful sharing.
    Appreciation from Magda and Family in Queensland.

  10. I followed the link from Sunday Bridges to your blog. I'm glad I did because you have other fantastic photos for my eyes to feast on.

  11. At first I want you to know that I have a great respect for you raising up 8 childeren. I have only 2 at the age of 16 en 19. Maybe in your country it's different then it is overhere. A difficult age I think. Not young childeren anymore but not adult either. I love your morningwalks and gougeous photo's you making. I wish I could walk with you but I have terrible fear of flying.
    And make my trip to Austrialia swimming is not going to work haha.
    Have a beautiful day.
    gr. Marijke

  12. Beautiful series of photos, the landscapes are gorgeous and the last shot of the little girl is just lovely.

  13. Marijke, thank you. Raising and schooling our children is a joy and hard work. Thankfully our children are all wonderful people, none are openly rebellious or overly difficult. Partly personality, partly homeschooling, parenting and God's grace that we have come so far with such joy. Four are teenagers now.

    Swimming to Australia, no not going to work, we'll have to enjoy blog visiting instead. :)


  14. These are all gorgeous! I love the misty captivating and romantic. You live in such a beautiful place.

  15. Wowie!! Really Fabulous photos!! And love the music you have playing! Happy Sunday to you!

  16. Beautiful pictures!! I want to come visit where you live-it is just amazing!

  17. Stunning shots! I really love that Fig Tree Avenue shot!

  18. Wow, these are beautiful thanks for sharing. It's always neat to see other parts of this world we live on. Your last shot is stunning they all are really :)

  19. Those misty tree shots are just awesome!!! Still catching up on my visits and always enjoy coming here.

  20. stunning shots, the misty trees are wonderful.....

  21. I’ve had an emotional day today struggling with my feeling, thought I would come over tonight for visit to see some of your beautiful photos you always make me smile thank you. I hope you have a lovely day.

    Always Wendy

  22. I do love those misty mornings and you've captured them perfectly!! The trees are gorgeous! And what a fun look at your day! Beautiful family! Hope the new week brings lots of beauty and laughter into your world!


  23. Amazingly beautiful shots. I love all the foggy pictures, especially the line of fig trees. What a magical place you live in.

  24. You must live in a place with a breathtaking nature. You are so good at capture it. Just so inspirering and beautiful :0)

  25. Frumoase fotografii, cea de a doua este misterioasa si deosebita!

  26. Lovely shots, I especially like the misty ones at the beginning.

  27. What a lovely post! You have a very artistic eye! I wish I was at this magical place! Thanks for the peek!

  28. I enjoyed all the photos, especially the early morning fog. You captured some great shots of the kids!

  29. Absolutely gorgeous images....I love them. Well done!!

  30. Those misty shots are breathtaking. These are all such amazing shots. Looks like the perfect start to a wonderful day!!!!


  31. What an awesome swing! You can't help but smile when you are swinging! Beautiful pictures!

  32. I love the pic of the your sweet little girl in the swing! And also the one with the flower... Well actually I like all the pics because the foggy ones are so great too.

    Visiting from The Simple Things.

  33. what a beautiful start to a Sunday morning! HE fills us to overflowing... thank you for sharing from your abundance!

  34. I love the shots of those trees in the mist!

  35. beautiful images! i realy kike it!:)

  36. I rally love the picture with the fog.


  37. Beautiful photographs. The tree lined roadway in the fog took my breath. And those beautiful children brought a smile as well.

  38. my little ones love it when we drive down this street, they call it the tree tunnel.

  39. Those foggy morning photos have a magical quality. Love how the day gave way to sunshine and fun. Glad you're enjoying it!

  40. the second photo - what a great feeling! I would not mind walking there in the morning

  41. Love those foggy shots...

  42. I absolutely love those first dreamy and peaceful!

  43. What a captivating series of beautiful and interesting sots. You have successfully put together a most inspiring post. Beautiful photography. My favorites haveto be your daughter in the swing and the one of her with the lavender flower in the back Gorgeous captures.. Sheer happiness on her face. genie

  44. I like the recycled tyre swing. They last a long time.

  45. Great pics. The last one is my fave. Love the swing!

  46. Beautiful collection of photos. The mist adds so much to the atmosphere.

  47. Das ist eine großartige Serie....die Nebelfotos sind traumhaft schön...einfach wundervoll...
    LG: Karin

  48. «Louis» thanks you for this fine contribution to Sunday Bridges.

    A fine series of photos!

  49. So pretty, Karen! The pictures of the stand of trees with mist reminds me of some of the pictures I took on the mountains a few weeks ago here in Virginia (the day I dropped my camera and lost the pics!) Such a pretty, mysterious kind of day.

  50. These are so lovely, I especially love the shot of the flowers in the foreground with the girl in background. Beautiful.

  51. Wow - these photos are lovely. The mist adds an extra dimension! And I love your daughter on the swing...

  52. What magical shots! Love the last one with the ponytail peeking in.

  53. OMG, that first photo is pure magic! I could look at it forever...

  54. I love those first misty shots, beautiful!

  55. What a superb series of shots - love those first misty scenes; one can almost feel the dampness in the air and on one's skin! And the view from the church looking down the winding road with sweet purple flowers in the foreground - just lovely! Blessings to you and yours.

  56. Beautiful series of shots. I like those misty mysterious scenes.

  57. what a wonderful happy post !
    gorgeous images !!
    have a nice week

  58. Those trees and the road...simply wonderful images!

  59. your images on your morning walk are breathtaking...beautiful shots!

  60. Love the misty foggy morning shots....we have gray, windy and chilly here. The photos of the flower is very lovely!

  61. Wow, these are stunning. I adore the first two!!

  62. The mist in your part of the world looks like magic!! This side, in the mornings, we cannot see a thing !!!

  63. What stunningly beautiful photographs!

  64. What beautiful images - I love misty shots.

  65. Outstanding! I especially love the misty photos, they're wonderful and mysterious.

  66. Absolutely gorgeous photos and blog!!! I am so grateful I stopped by.

  67. Beautiful place and you capture it so well! Thanks for sharing at Beach Cottage Good Life Wednesdays.

  68. I love stopping by here and seeing your photos of glory on earth. Even with all the superb pictures you take of nature, I hope you never stop capturing and sharing those of your family, they are my most favorite.

    Have a blessed day!


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