
Saturday, December 31, 2011

A Beautiful End

                                                                                                                                          Available for purchase here

Today, like our year, began rather wet and uncertain. Thankfully our day and also our year, has finished  with unexpected joy and beauty.

                                                                                                                                                Available for purchase here

 As the sun sets on this day, one never knows what joys and opportunities lay just around the corner.....

Thank you for helping to make this year one of my best ever. At the beginning of this year I had no intentions of even beginning a blog. I am filled with wonder and thankfulness for the year just finishing and all which it has brought. May we look forward to 2012, not knowing what it will bring but knowing we can each find beauty, joy and contentment every day if we look with an open heart and mind. A very  Happy New Year to you all!


Sharing at The Creative Exchange, Kent Weakley WW. Top photo published in "Coastal Views" as Photo of the Week.


  1. Thank you for your great pictures from your country.
    All the best for 2012.

  2. Lovely post for the year end. And your photos are so pretty, the scenery is gorgeous. I wish you all teh best in 2012, happy New year!

  3. Surprising that you only started your blog this year and have more than 300 articles. Imagine how many you will have next year. Happy New Year and all the best for 2012.



    I wish you all the best for this year.

    Greetings, Joop

  5. I wish you a Happy New Year and may 2012 be a happy and healthy new year ....
    All the best, Karin

  6. Happy New Year Karen, hope it is healthy and wealthy!

  7. Wonderful picture for the end of the year!
    Happy new year!
    Yvonne & Raphael

  8. A beautiful post to end the year, Karen, and wishing you and your beautiful family a most wonderful and blessed Happy New Year! Blogging has brought so much into my life as well over the past four years and I can't imagine life without it now!! Enjoy!


  9. Thank you for the memories my friend and sharing your beauty of life with me Happy New Year xo

    Always Wendy

  10. Thank you Karen for allowing us to share in your beauty, joy and contentment.

    I look forward to being able to share these with you in the new year. It is always such a delight to drop by and wonder at your gorgeous photos and take the time to reflect as is often the case on veiwing your blog.


  11. Thank you for sharing your life and family through your wonderful photos.
    Happy New Year.

  12. I just love that first shot!

    Happy New Year to you and your family!

  13. Thank you for doing this blog and sharing it so fully with us all!
    I keep it for my quiet moments when I can savour all the beauty. God our God is a marvelous God... His handiwork takes my breath away!

  14. “O come o come Emmanuel, and ransom captive Israel, who mourns in lonely exile here, until The Son of God appears…rejoice, rejoice, Emmanuel…shall come to thee o Israel”

    absolutely love this song...
    I will sing it as a prayer for your people!

  15. I've just popped in to read your past posts - we're back home again, so if it's ok I'll be commenting all in one. The shot of Miss G & Miss E asleep is precious & then I couldn't believe your captures of Master J's plane and the birds - particularly loved the shot of the corellas resting back on the tree. The new year brings on no new easiness in picking out my favourites of your favourites, especially in your sequence shots, for the upside down flowers I think I'll have to go with no. 5 - but they're all so gloriously clear, sharp and colourful. Master T is very observant - a tour guide in the making if he can spot sharks in the water (who would have thought that was a shark!) Great shot of all the kids pointing - and brave I say under the circumstances, I would been heading towards Coffs Harbour by then. And that first shot from today's post - totally majestic. Hope you're going well. Renee

  16. Happy new adventures on blogland for this new year, and may you have abundant joy in your life in 2012.

  17. What beautiful photographs these are Karen!
    I just love the perspective in the first one. So nicely done!!

    Thank you so very much for sharing with us today at The Creative Exchange.

    Have a wonderful evening!


  18. I love the first shot. Reminds me of several places familiar and special.

  19. a lovely post - both in images, words and sentiments. Have a wonderful 2012 - may the path you take be good to you.
    and thankyou for stopping by my blog to say hi!


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