
Sunday, December 4, 2011

Morning Walk

Nice and sunny with blue skies today, spent quietly at home as the children recover from their colds.
This gave me opportunity for an early walk, so I can to show you the beautiful poincianas in splendid daylight.

I passed one of the many railway viaducts around town. They are all well sign posted to warn drivers of their low clearance levels.

However as you can see, this one along with most other local viaducts, shows evidence of many roof-top experiences!!!

Many thanks to Mark who has identified this tree for me as Brachychiton, an Australian native commonly called Pink Kurrajong or Pink Lacebark. Apparently it is a relative of the Australian Flame Tree and Bottle Tree. I can see the resemblance in the tree but the flowers are rather unique. There are several planted through local streets, gracing us with large pink furry flowers.

Love the front of this Bed and Breakfast and had planned to take some photos of their street front garden until a resident dog decided I wasn't welcome. This seven bedroom home is over 100 years old and was once surrounded by large rose gardens. It must have been spectacular at it's peak.

Sharing at The Creative Exchange, Our World Tuesday, Sweet Shot Tuesday, SkyWatch Friday.


  1. Great photos Karen, I don't know what those trees are either. We had a day at home too, ours have colds as well!

  2. Like the light in the tree with the blossoms.


  3. would also love to know their name and origin
    lovely walk and photos... ours was on foot and horseback through snow today and glorious sunshine

  4. The poinciana trees are amazing and look just beautiful! Looks like a beautiful summer day. Raining here for 2 days and supposted to be "freezing rain by tomorrow. Good weather to stay inside and make soup.Looks as if you had a lovely walk.

  5. Wonderful trees with the sunbeams coming through the leaves. Such beautiful, red flowers too.

  6. Hi Karen,
    The beautiful tree is a true blue Aussie latin name Brachychiton species or commonly called Pink Kurrajong or Pink Lacebark. It is a relative of the Flame tree and Bottle Trees.
    I agree that it is a spectacular tree.

  7. What gorgeous shots - that first one is magical!

  8. Wow, those are fantastic perspectives, wonderful shots. The red of the flowers is lovely.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Dear greetings Karin

  9. Your first photo is fabulous, and I also enjoyed the post before this. That photo of the moon is lovely with the fronds blurred. You're working your angles well.

  10. What gorgeous colors these trees are.
    Thank you for sharing this lovely morning walk.

  11. Loved the 'clearance' shot... lol... some truckers or motorists must have forgotten their vehicle height to do that damage...

  12. greta angles on the first ones and the red-green color gives a bit of christmas feeling :-). We don't have any snow yet, it's +5 C, sunny and windy. The wonderful pink flower looks as if it has a complicated knot in the middle.

  13. I like the tree with the wonderful red bossom in your first photos. Gorgeous !

  14. Wow! What a beautiful tree all ablaze with red flowers. Quite a contrast to our snow here.

  15. what a lovely morning walk! have a great week ♥

  16. These are all great shots but I particulary love that first one. I could almost feel the sun on my face. It's such a beautiful tree. Thanks for sharing your walk with me!

  17. What a wonderful walk indeed! And such gorgeous captures and colors and beautiful skies! I love the colorful trees! And what a delightful looking Bed and Breakfast! Thanks for sharing your walk with us!


  18. your first photo is amazing and makes me want to pack up and move....thank you for sharing your photos......

  19. The neighbourhood is so pretty!

  20. I'm not familiar with poincianas, but they are beautiful. The first photo is spectacular as you look up into the sunlight shining through the tree. Hope all are better at your house. Mickie :)

  21. It's hard to explain but often when i see photos of your area i'm instantly back home in A. It just looks so familiar I can feel the scent of it if that makes sense. How lovely with the poincianas out. Sorry to hear that the children aren't 100%.

  22. Very beautiful photos!
    Thank you so much for your nice comment, I´m so glad about it!

  23. Oh wow... how beautiful! Those first two shots are amazing. Looks like a perfect day for a nice walk. I hope your children are feeling better soon!

  24. Those trees are so beautiful! YOu are so blessed to have such an abundance of blooms around you.

    Hope the kiddos continue to improve!!

  25. I just love how encouraging you are in your kind comments! Thanks so much. Your photography is so lovely.

  26. What a lovely walk! I love learning about your flora. Enjoy all those beautiful blossoms!

  27. Aren't the poincianas gorgeous?
    They're flowering everywhere here, too. We have a baby one in our front garden the I just discovered this morning has flowered for the very first time. I'm so excited. Haven't snapped it yet, it's been raining! :)

  28. Wonderful pictures - it's nice to see blue skys and sunshine - it's doing nothing by rain here groan. Hope the children are feeling better by now.
    That house looks stunning.

  29. love the poincianas and your little tour with camera. I'm never game enough to stand outside a house to take a photo; fear that not a dog, but an owner might come out and give me a hard time and whisk my camera away from me :) Background bird song and music really so relaxing on your blog...

  30. I have met the owner of the B & B years ago and figure it's a somewhat public place being a B & B, otherwise I would be hesitant too Carole. It's also currently for sale.

  31. What amazing and gorgeous color! A huge contrast to the snow and gray outside my window!

  32. Such a lovely neighborhood, with streets lined with these beautiful flowering trees! I love the angle of the first shot.

  33. Beautiful images and lovely to "walk" with you around some familiar streets. The Poincianas are gorgeous!! I hope I haven't missed them by the time I return home to brisbane next week. They were stunning when I left... but the weekend was so busy with the Hillsong musical, that I ran out of time.

  34. I'm partial to the first photo, too! It would be a wonderfully fun one to paint with all the colors incorporated into its composition.

  35. Such wonderful colours - great pictures!

  36. Oh my how gorgeous threes, I mean really gorgeous:)

  37. Great capture of the morning light. Fantastic job.

  38. Oh my goodness, all these beautiful colors, and just look at the light in the first one!! Love each one of these.

    Thank you so much for sharing all of this beauty today at The Creative Exchange.

    Have a great evening!


  39. Gorgeous scenery and the poincianas are just beautiful. I love the tree and the colors. Wonderful photos, thanks for sharing your world.

  40. Beautiful photographs and I love that first one especially with the sunshine streaming down the foliage!

    You may like to share you lovely flower posts on my Floral Fridays Fotos meme:

  41. Those trees are awesome! Beautiful captures!

  42. There is great beauty in your early morning. I do hope the children recover quickly.

  43. The poincianas are so beautiful. I remember them well from trips through Carnarvon. Our children loved the long seed pods that rattle. I am wondering which state you are in to have them grow like this?
    Thank you for stopping by my blog to say hi, and for your lovely comments - you have brought me to beautiful blog.
    I wish you well, and recovery from those colds - and a blessed Christmas.

  44. Wow, beautiful photos!
    The first photo is magical!
    Have a great day.

  45. It took a while for your images to all load up to get to this newer post, yet it was well worth the wait. very pretty~

  46. So lovely sharing your walk with you. Those poincianas are simply stunning! Hope the children are all better soon.


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