
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Nature Sings

Early yesterday

Joy to the world
The lord had come
Let earth receive her King
Let every heart prepare Him room
And heaven and nature sing
And heaven and nature sing
And heaven and heaven and nature sing

Four hours later.....

When first I looked at this second photo, I felt in my heart that the flower was singing, clearly proclaiming God's glories. The words of the well known carol above came to mind. At CHRISTmas we remember afresh the host of angels who appeared to the shepherds, praising God, "Glory to God in heaven, and peace on earth to all whom God favours".
We also recall the wise men who saw his star in the east and came to worship Jesus. The night sky, the day sky, the angels and even the little zinnia flower in my garden "sing" and proclaim God's glory if we will but observe and listen with our hearts.

Sharing at Rachel's WW With Words, Macro Flowers Saturday.


  1. These two photos are so beautiful, I was in the Gold coast when I saw lots of water lilies. Your profile photo reminds me of when I visited Gold coast.

  2. Merry Christmas.
    Love your images.
    You have a way with flowers.

  3. With beautiful flowers like this, nature does sing and brings joy to the world. Have a lovely Christmas with your family, and a New Year filled with peace, joy, and blessings. Mickie :)

  4. Nature certainly sings at your place! It's wonderful to remember the real reason of the season amongst all the busyness. xo

  5. It's like the flower is singing to me too.
    I am falling in love with this flower. Have a great day!

  6. It's FANTASTIC..... compliments.

    warm greetings, Joop

    very nice music on the backround !!

  7. Very nice pictures! great....
    Greetings Karin

  8. Wow. Beautiful images. I love that you found something beautiful and re-visited it again hours later to see it change. I haven't thought about doing this before. It's amazing to me how it transformed to something even prettier in such a short time. Lovely images, and a lovely message to go with it. Thank you for sharing!

  9. Beautiful post Karen. And that Zinnea is so stunning.
    I love the way it bursts forth with those tiny yellow "flowers" and then more pink petals unfold... it IS rather like it's singing.

  10. Beautiful macro with such precise details! Thank you for sharing the beauty that surrounds you.

  11. Amen! I love how you're picture of Christmas is so different than ours! Beautiful all the same!

  12. Cudowne i masz ciekawe skojarzenia z drugim zdjęciem :-). Pozdrawiam ciepło

  13. you'll always catch my eye with a lovely zinnia pic and these are gorgeous :)

  14. Your posts are always so peaceful, thats why i love stopping by here. Cheers me up! Those pictures are beautiful, as always & the colors... Well THE COLORS! <3

    In our sea of love

  15. Wow, and all creation sings His glory! Thanks for letting me stop by. It makes me grin crazy at our Artist God. Thank you.

    Jennifer Dougan

  16. Hi Pieces of Sunshine,

    RYC, What a vulnerable, tender image of God you just said... gives us choice, loves ununconditionally and yet still desires to be our first love. How humble and amazing that is!

    Thanks for stopping by. Merry Christmas.


  17. Such joyful flowers!

    Thank you for your comment. I could not call them anything else except 'meadow flowers', since they naturally grow in European meadows and are considered a weed here.

    Happy Christmas!

  18. beautiful shots...the textures are so evident in these!

    happy holidays,
    My Third Eye

  19. What a beautiful song! Lovely pics too.

  20. a perfect caption for these exquisite macros.

    happy holidays!


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