
Friday, December 30, 2011

Upside Down Flower

Wanted to share this little flower with you from my parents'-in-love garden. Between gusts of wind (still very windy) I've taken photos of different flowers to show the opening process. Quite a fascinating upside down flower with petals which curl right back once open and change colour as the flower matures.

I suspect it is becoming a nuisance in the garden as its leaf tips curl around surrounding plants allowing it to climb over other vegetation like a vine, but I do like the flowers!

A big thank you to all who have been leaving comments while we're on holidays. The internet connection here is so slow it has taken many, many attempts intermittently over many hours to even upload these photos and text. I am not able to visit blogs or leave comments until we return home in a few days. It will be a treat indeed to be back to our "normal" internet access. Thank you for being understanding, it certainly is lovely to be able to share some of our holidays and read your wonderful comments.

UPDATE: Thank you to Bernie who has correctly identified this plant as the Gloriosa Lily. When I asked my parents-in-love if they knew what it was, my FIL said it had a very long and difficult name to pronounce and then proceeded to spell it for me "W-E-E-D"! MIL was a little more helpful and thought it was a lily of some sort.

Sharing at Weekend Flowers.


  1. Oh, welch wunderschöne Blume!

    Ich danke Dir für Deine immer so großartigen Blogbeiträge und Deine wunderbaren Rezensionen zu meinen Werken.

    Ich wünsche Dir und Deiner Familie von ganzem Herzen en guete Rotsch is 2012. Möge Euch im Neuen Jahr Gesundheit, Glück und Wohlergehen beschieden sein.

    Herzlichst und liebe Grüsse aus der Schweiz


  2. Te kwiaty mogły by mi obrosnąć cały ogródek, bo są śliczne. Śliczne zdjęcia. Jeszcze raz wszystkiego dobrego w nadchodzącym 2012 roku. Pozdrawiam (smutne, że masz kłopoty z internetem ).

    These flowers can grow to me across the garden, because they are beautiful. Beautiful pictures. Once again, all the best in the upcoming 2012. Yours (sad that you have trouble with the Internet).

  3. What a beautiful series, so nice to see the development of the flower. Excellent colors: wish you a nice day!

  4. Wow, That's a great serie. Is this a lily?
    The change of the coloure is fantastic.

  5. It's a wonderful plant..... beautiful flower.

    Wish you and your family a Happy New Year.

    greetings, joop

  6. What a fabulous flower, I have never seen it before. This is such an incredible series.

  7. Ich wünsche dir auch alles Liebe und Gute im neuen Jahr, vor allem Gesundheit. Möge 2012 so gut werden wie du es dir erhoffst.

    Herzlichst ♥ Marianne

  8. You amaze me, getting a photo of every stage in the flowers development. It takes time and effort :0) Very beautiful this is :0) Love to look at your blog and see you amazing pictures - inspiring ;0) Its winter in Norway, so no flowers outside here ;0)

  9. Indeed, a unique and very lovely flower! I too love taking pictures showing the growth of a flower.
    Enjoyed the previous post, too! The birds flying with the plane made me smile. Too cute! One wonders what the birds were thinking...

  10. Wow....soooooo great....

    I wish you a Happy New Year and all the best for 2012 ... I'm looking forward to a successful and creative bloggernewyear ...

    Warm greetings, Karin

  11. Beautiful to me unknown flowers.
    I wish you and your family a fantastic 2012.
    gr. Marijke and here family.

  12. Magical! you are an inspiration to me. Wishing you and your gorgeous family a peaceful and happy New Year.

  13. stunning as always... beauty packed to the brim! You have filled 2011, or rather the Lord, in filling it with such beauty, has gifted you to be able to share it so wondrously!

  14. Wow, what a flower! So gorgeous in all it's stages.

  15. That's a fantastic sequence of shots as the Gloriosa Lily opens up to greet the sun. Beautiful shots!

  16. thanks for this lovely flower and for showing the way it opens :)

  17. First time I've seen these flowers. Fabulous shots!

    Violet Flowers

  18. simply wonderful!!!
    have a great weekend!!

  19. Oh, it's lovely! Beautifully captured the always.


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