
Monday, December 26, 2011

Wonderful Day

I truly hope you have all had/having a wonderful Christmas Day. We shared gifts, with much excitement, everyone being thrilled with what they received.

My Mum had Christmas with us for the first time (my father passed away last year). She loved her Shutterfly calendar, filled with photos I have taken this year.

Church was lovely, as always. Ours is only a small church, we make up about a fifth of the congregation most weeks.

 Christmas in summer brings with it much fresh fruit, including these mangoes which Mum brought with her. We also enjoyed cherries, lychees, peaches and other fresh fruit.

A selection of the fresh homemade treats made by our eldest Miss E (19), snowballs made by Miss G (14). Miss E also made her very first boiled Christmas pudding, a very large delicious one for all to share. I didn't cook a thing this year and didn't even ask the children to either, they just wanted to. What a blessing.

A cool summer's sunset walk is one of my favourite ways to end the day, just enough light to snap some flowers too!

The sun sets on a wonderful Christmas Day, yet each day is special for Christ lives in my heart. Warm Christmas and holiday greetings to you all!

Sharing at Macro Monday, Our World Tuesday.


  1. What a beautiful and delightful Christmas you and your family had! I am so happy for you all! Wonderful captures of the day as always. So much beauty -- and thank you for sharing it all with us! May your New Year be just as wonderful as this has been for all of you!


  2. Awww - such nice pics of a lovely day! :-)

  3. Looks like a lovely Christmas day!

  4. Such a lovely post this is. Can almost see all of you with all those goodies made by your kids. How wonderful for your mum to be there with you. Hard for her with her first year after losing her partner, and how wonderful to be with you instead. Blessings to you and a very Merry Christmas!

  5. Wonderful captures of your Christmas day.

  6. Lovely photos of your Christmas celebrations!

  7. wonderful shots - glad you had a terrific day!

  8. You are blessed. I'm sure your mother loved her calendar with all your beautiful photos. Miss E and G look like they are very good bakers. That's wonderful too that you didn't have to cook anything ;-)

  9. Your photo's sparkle lovely to see how you enjoyed your christmas time.
    gr. Marijke

  10. So glad your day was filled with happiness and love. Wonderful seeing these pics, made me smile ear to ear.

  11. Hello.
    Today, Boxing Day.
    Traditionally, we visit relatives.
    I wish you warmth and love
    people will not let you fail
    and let the smile in the heart of the guests.

  12. Sounds like a wonderful time was had by all. Those mangoes look delicious.

  13. Such a lovely family, fabulous shots as always.

  14. Looks like you had the perfect Christmas day! Such lovely photos..

    Hugs, Linda

  15. Wonderful pictures! It's so exotic with a Christmas tree and your children in summer clothes - in the same picture:)

  16. Patrząc na uśmiechy, z prezentów wszyscy zadowoleni :-).Mama przyniosła pyszne owoce, córki zrobiły ciasteczka - rodzinne Święta.
    Widok z wieczornego spaceru - cudowny . Pozdrawiam

    Looking at the smiles, all happy with the gifts :-). My mother brought a delicious fruit, his daughter made ​​cookies - Holy Family.
    View from an evening stroll - wonderful. Yours.

  17. what a great, happy christmas with all your beautiful children and mum !
    It's really nice to see these images !

  18. So beautiful, all of it. I love your closing photo and thoughts, and am grateful to share your joy.

  19. Looks like fun!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  20. What a beautiful day you had - thanks for sharing!

  21. Looks and sounds as if you have a lovely day.
    What helpful children you have - my middle daughter made the Christmas cakes this year.
    Your pictures are lovely, lucky you having some sun at this time of year.

  22. It's hard for me to imagine Christmas in summer. It's strange enough with our mild winter and no snow yet. It looks like you really did have a wonderful day, and you certainly captured some beautiful memories.

  23. It looks like you had a beautiful Christmas!
    I wish you a very Happy New Year.

  24. delightful photographs as always; best wishes ...

  25. A beautiful and thoughtful Christmas. we had a quiet one with granddaughters and daughter doing all the cooking and baking. What a treat!

    Have a happy aftermath and New Year.

  26. Christmas in summer must be so exotic and wonderful to be able to eat lots of fruits:)
    Thanks for sharing and have happy holidays.

  27. It made me smile to see the joy on the 'faces watching the other faces with joy'... how perfectly sweet!! The flowers look so velvety soft and the plate of goodies makes me wish I had some! :))) Thanks for sharing your beautiful photos and beautiful family :)

  28. mangoes please, Reminds me of the Christmas I was at the Gold coast 2 years ago.

  29. Looks like you had a beautiful and joyful family time. Delightful photos as usual. May you share much love in this Holiday period!
    Take care.

  30. It was wonderful to walk with you on your Christmas day! Each photo beautifully exquisite... thank you for sharing the peace and the treasures of your family time


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