
Monday, January 30, 2012

Slowly Yet Surely

3 days ago, river height:  5.5m (above normal)

Thank you to all who have been thinking of us as our river rose with recent rains. Here's the latest photo update.

Today 3m and still falling

Slowly yet surely our river is falling. As the sodden grass and river mud are being revealed, the accompanying smell is decided unpleasant, drifting as far as our house when the breeze blows from the river's direction. However we are not flooded!

Just for comparison, below is a photo taken in last year's near-miss flood as it peaked at 7.7m, about 10cm short of over-topping the wall's low points.

January 12th LAST YEAR:  7.7m

All the land is saturated and our yard is a little like a soaked sponge under foot. Light showers have continued and no sunshine has been seen for days. We are very relieved to see the river falling but in this condition the whole region is vulnerable to a another bigger flood if heavy rain were to fall (which is elsewhere in our state at this stage).

Even this frog was seeking dryer vantage point this afternoon, sheltering in our letter box.

I spotted this spotted beauty in our yard, yet another variety of ladybug to add to the surprisingly long list.


  1. Great reportage. Love the frog picture. A great one.

  2. Knowing me as you do, you know i can't put 'love' and 'frog' in the same complimentary comment. However i am impressed with the photo of that figure in your mailbox, for a variety of photographic reasons but due to the subject, none of which i wish to explore for too long...

  3. Happy to see the rain is going away - the photos are lovely. I especially love this little frog, very sweet!

  4. We've had the exact opposite of weather to you recently. Very hot, very humid and no rain for weeks. Until last night. Looking forward to a cooler day tmrw. I see more rain predicted your way - hope it's just a light one. As always, great capture!

  5. Unlike "Seeing Each Day," I do love that frog. Awesome lime green! :)

    Take care and I do hope your weather dries up soon.

  6. That's scary stuff...I hope the rains hold off for you!

  7. We, too, have seen so much flooding in the lower areas around Seattle after so much snow and rain earlier this month. Glad to know things are getting back to normal. Love that GREEN frog! Wonderful captures as always, Karen! Hope your week is off to a great start!


  8. Cieszę się, że wody opadają :-).Żabka wygląda uroczo i jest śpiąca :-), a biedronka nosi kroplę wody na sobie. Pozdrawiam. *** I am glad that the water fall :-). Frog looks lovely and is sleeping :-), and the ladybug is called a drop of water on himself. Yours.

  9. Your photographs are really gorgeous. Hope you have a great week!!

  10. ... the photos are fantastic ... that's the power of the water, nice that it goes back.
    Best regards, Karin

  11. Wow, that's a lot of water. Glad to see the river is going down. I love the frog image.

  12. Hi Para CC. Thankfully the sun is out today (at last) and there's light at the end of the tunnel. The frog's cute isn't it.

  13. I'm so happy to hear that the river is receding. Praying that you don't get anymore heavy rain any time soon.

    Love the frog and ladybug images!

  14. And in other places of Australia, they are suffering from sizzling temperatures!

    That rain looks delicious.

  15. I love the image of the frog and the ladybug. Great shots!

  16. It makes it hard to realise that its summer huh? We have had a lot of rain during spring and early summer here in NZ too. This summer is strange I think.. - Dave

  17. I hope you see sunshine-y days soon! So enjoyed the photos of the frog and the beetle. You have the most interesting subjects in nature to photograph.

  18. Great photos, and I love frogs, I've read they are a sign of healthy environment.
    It is still so damp underfoot isn't it? I lived in your town for about 15 years, and now about 100km away.
    Blessings, Jan

  19. Glad the water level is dropping, hope it is soon back to normal. Funny picture of the frog in your mail box.

  20. I remember that flood sight all too well from way back in April 1989 just before I was dropped back at the Grafton base hospital to have my oldest son.
    Great frog shots too!!

  21. everyone love the frog... me included :)

  22. The frog is adorable! What a great capture! Scary how high the water is going. Thank you for your visit and taking the time to leave a comment.


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