
Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Master J had a very good first day (ever) at school yesterday. Today he is wearing his uniform as his class mates do, shirt untucked and no belt, unlike yesterday when he wore it "properly" and looked much smarter - but he is happy.
Here he is off to catch a school bus for the first time, quietly confident and a little nervous.

Mission accomplished!

While watching big brother waiting for his bus, the younger ones discovered numerous tadpoles in the street-front grassy gutter, proof of our very wet weather. Our latest "pet" adventure, currently being fed boiled lettuce.

Late yesterday Master J mowed our front lawn but our backyard was still too damp underfoot. Then last night we had 129mm ( 5") of rain, most falling within a couple of hours. This is the view today from the back deck across our neighbours' yards. The ground is so wet, the water is just sitting. The river is rising slowly but the rain has thankfully stopped. I dare not complain, one man in a nearby town lost his life in the flash flooding over a road last night.
Very sobering.

A huge staghorn adorns a neighbour's tree, looks like it has been thriving in all the rain.

I'm off to greet Master J, he's due back on the school bus any minute....


  1. I do hope Master J had a great day at school! Following your children on your blog is like revisiting my own four children's "growing up"! I love it! Sorry about all the rain, we've had much flooding here in Washington as well! Great shot of the tadpoles! Have a great day, stay dry!!


  2. Karen,

    Master J lookws very sweet in his uniform walking toward the bus stop. I'm glad he is happy. Beautiful capture. :)

    Tadpoles are great! Loved them as a kid and still do now, truth be told.

    And my goodness! All that raining going on there still! Oomph! I hope it stops now.

    As always, lovely images and writing. :)

  3. I was just wondering today how Master J was getting on! Looks like he's fitting in with no problems ;-) You must have all been SO full of questions for him. Hope your rain subsides soon.

  4. Dla dzieci zaczęły się obowiązki szkolne i dobrze, że syn pojechała zadowolony do szkoły. Mam nadzieję,że woda Wam już nie zagraża. Ale będzie żabek :-). Pozdrawiam. ***For children started school duties and well pleased that his son went to school. I hope that the water you are no longer threatened. :-) But it will be frogs. Yours.

  5. simple facts of life, but great reasons for joy: kids, nature, a nice day. :)

  6. My kid too! But he will tuck the clothes when he walk into the class as he is the class monitor !

  7. How exciting for Master J, and for you! I hope he had a great day.
    It's unbelievable all that rain. It looks like you have a river in your backyard. As you say, it could be worse and I'm grateful that for you and your family, it wasn't.

  8. Glad the school is working out! That bus is so cute. So are the tadpoles. Have a great day!

  9. Wonderful photos and story! So sorry about all the rain. My house, and many in my neighborhood, sits on underground springs. When there is too much rain (and it doesn't take much!) my basement takes on water. Yuck! 20 years ago, when I bought the house, it was bone dry. Water is a powerful thing!

  10. It's great to hear that Master J had a great first day at school. He will be fine of course as you have raised him well.
    I had to laugh at the shirt out... such a boy!! :)

  11. WOW! that sounds like a lot of rain.. We don't even get that in a year here in the desert.. I guess that is why it is so green there and so brown here.. Hee Hee... Your photos look fabulous...

    Hugs, Linda

  12. I am thinking you have had way too much rain and hopefully it has stopped. Isn't it wonderful when your child enjoys school?!!

  13. Looks like a lot of rain, so nice that Master J had a nice day though ;0) Great story and shots :0)

  14. That is a lot of rain, glad that it has stopped and hope that the water level gets back to normal soon.

  15. Our son is a Master J as well... I understand how you might have felt seeing him of to his first day ever... I did the same when our boy entered grade 11...and he did fabulously! God is big!


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