
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

A Shared Passion

Like me, Miss E loves to take photos. Today I lent her my "little" camera and handed my "big"camera to Master T.

 The result, some happy snaps of zinnias, daisies, flies, hockey sticks, quilts, people and all sorts of things!
(And some rare photos of me too). Zinnia snapped by Miss E.

As seen and taken by Miss E (after a little editing).

I think I'll be needing to charge the "little" camera battery soon.....


  1. I think you have a talented, upcoming new photographer in your family! Delightful captures for the day! Looks as though your week is off to a great start!


  2. what fun pictures! i especially love the perspective of the last one, taken from little one's eye level :)

  3. beautiful summer images with that lovely blond girl ! it's so cold here! have a nice day

  4. These are delightful.
    How wonderful to be able to share something so special.

  5. Nie dwóch, a trzech jest fotografów, dzielących pasje. Trzeci robi Wam zdjęcia. Wszyscy są świetni :-). Pozdrawiam. *** Not two and three are photographers who shared passions. The third is doing you a picture. All are great :-). Yours.

  6. Loved all these photos - especially due to the fact you're included among them. My absolute favourites are the second & fifth ones.

  7. Love all of the posts that you do of your lovely family. Tell Miss E that her photos are now known world wide! Very nice

  8. What a cute series, she's a very good photographer.

  9. They are all amazing. Your children are extremely talented. I always love the posts where you put up pics of your kids baking and now this.
    When we got our new SLR last year, we passed on our small camera to our little girl. Few months down the line when I went through the clicks she had taken, I was simply amazed. My girl had literally thought out of the box in every shot.

  10. A lovely post which brought a smile to my face. I think you have a budding young photographer in your care who will follow in her Mum's footsteps - "Pieces of Contentment" Jnr!
    It's also lovely to see some photos of you (nice to put a face to a name). And well done to Master T! Great composition in his shots. And nice to see some of your lovely blooming garden from a little further out.
    Always a joy to read your posts :)

  11. Miss E has a talent for capturing beauty!

  12. These are simply precious images. And I love that we get to see you in some of them. Beautiful you - the woman behind the camera. You are amazing. You have such heart and feeling inside you, and this comes through in such wonderful ways through your images and writing, and I just love your blog posts.

    Happy Tuesday to you and yours,

    Angie :)

  13. Perfection in photography must run in your family...terrific!!

  14. very precious... reminds me of the family fun at...

  15. Good shots and very interesting. If kids are interested in a topic they grasp it and become experts within no time. Kids have a talent to suck up knowledge quickly.


  16. So precious. It's lovely to see you sharing your passion with her. I just love seeing things like this!!! And she did a beautiful job, too.

  17. Precious captures. So nice that you can share your love for photography.

  18. beautiful, love the zinnas, my parents always plant a bunch of them, thanks for sharing...

  19. Gotta love digital camera's! None of us wanted to let our little ones use the camera when there was precious film to waste. :)

  20. What a wonderful story, it is great to be able to share our passions with family. I bet Miss E took a lot of pictures.

  21. it's nice to bring a child to nature.
    And what better tool of photography to give detail and color in photographic memory which is the first that recognizes the mind of a child.
    Congratulations for the great pictures.
    A smile..

  22. Soooo precious to see Miss E taking after her mommy! The passion and appreciation for God's creation being shared with the next generation...that is something to treasure right there!

  23. Lovely pictures!
    Especially Miss E :)
    xoxo, Juliana

  24. How sweet! It's so nice to see a rare photo of you too!

  25. So cute...and her photo of the zinnia turned out beautifully.

  26. I was thrilled to see you in these photos!

    It seems photography is truly a shared family passion and an "eye" for capturing those special times is very evident.

    Zinnias are one of my favorite summer flowers by the way.


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