
Sunday, February 19, 2012

Thoughts From Today

 Photos taken over the last week, notes taken during today's message at church:

"Faith means being sure of the things we hope for and knowing that something is real even if we do not see it." Hebrews 11:1

"Without faith no one can please God. Anyone who comes to God must believe that he is real and that he rewards those who truly want to find him." Hebrews 11:6

Trust God and His word - He is our security. Don't look for security in appearance, uncertain riches, position, family or intelligence.

You (me, everyone) are valuable right now as a person......
                        YOU are created in God's image, to reflect God. 
                        YOU were created with God given talents, abilities and gifts.
                        YOU are valued by God enough to redeem you at the cross. 
                                                  God values us greatly.

"Believing you are valuable to God is a key to a successful life,"
                                                                               Ps Jon concluded today.

I believe all the above is true and will ponder it further.

Sharing at Weekly Top Shot, The Creative Exchange.


  1. beautiful flowers and yellow, like a sunshine that I have not today !
    wish you a happy sunday

  2. Beautiful, and what powerful things to know in our lives!!

  3. Beautiful flowers and excellent words!

  4. You are a blessing to so many and your photos are magnificent. A timely message for all, especially following Whitney Houston's home-going. Thank you; I enjoyed your post!

  5. Beautiful post for the day and the flowers are exquisite! Have a wonderful week ahead!


  6. I am too am going to ponder these words. Thank You!

  7. Enjoyed seeing the flowers unfold and reading the words to ponder! Thank you!

  8. The yellow glow from your photos has brought the sunshine right into my house! Thanks.

  9. What a lovely, lovely post. Your photos just enhance the beautiful verses. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts.

  10. A peaceful post both the words and photos.

  11. Your flowers has brought the morning pretty yellow color...soooo nice macro series...
    Greetings Karin

  12. Lovely photos but it's the words today that are the real focus. There's a great message in your blog post :)


  13. Your garden is such a delight, and the yellow of sunshine my favourite colour... and such powerful affirmations.
    Great post.

  14. beautiful flowers to view while pondering the wonderful verses and words. Thanks for sharing both.

  15. Pięknie pokazałaś rozwój kwiatka, od pąka do pełnego rozkwitu. Pozdrawiam. *** Beautifully you showed the development of the flower, from bud to full bloom. Yours.

  16. The pictures are beautiful and I love the way the series evolves.

  17. So happy to see bright flowers during these dreary February days here.

  18. So incredibly beautiful the yellow is brilliant! Lovely words of truth too... thank you for coming over to 'Weekly Top Shot,' to share this beauty, I hope you'll come by next week to share again...

  19. Oh, this makes me long for spring. Lovely.

  20. Nice flower pictures and spiritual quotes Karen - Dave

  21. I see and feel God in nature and people. And that's how and why I am inspired to love it well ;-)

  22. I'm afraid that I'm having problems with my computer and I couldn't see your pictures today. But I could read what you posted, and that has made the visit worth while in itself.

  23. Fabulous Spiritual words that definitely talk to me on this Monday morning. Lots to reflect on.
    Beautiful yellow flowers too....have a lovely week!

  24. What a beautiful post this is, and your photographs are just gorgeous!

    Thank you so much for sharing with us today at The Creative Exchange.

    Have a wonderful day!


  25. Such wonderful words.. Thanks so much for sharing them with us.. Your photos are beautiful..

    Hugs, Linda

  26. Beautiful photos and wise words warm my heart and soul.

  27. Such rich colours - your second one is my favourite.

  28. Look at those beautiful blooms! I was off today and managed to get in a walk...took some photos of 'dead' things that were still interesting. Thank you for these colors!

  29. What a wonderful world to live in...and to see such beautiful flowers like in your shots...thanks for sharing.

  30. Beautiful thoughts and I loved the flowers. Cheers, Ruby


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