
Thursday, March 29, 2012

Bayside Birthday

Hot on the heels of Miss E's 20th birthday was her grandfather's 85th birthday. We spent the day celebrating with my Parents-in-Love and Uncle B. After a birthday morning tea some of us headed to the park at the end of the Bay.

This hibiscus plant isn't shrub-sized but a rather large tree right on the edge of the saltwater bay. I wouldn't have recognised it as a hibiscus if it hadn't been in flower. I have just discovered that it's a native Beach Hibiscus (Hibiscus tiliaceus).

This beautiful orange jewel beetle, which I found on the hibiscus tree, is the Australian Hibiscus Harlequin Bug, Tectocoris diophthalmus, (isn't Google wonderful!) and it's main food plant is..... the native Beach Hibiscus! I love making new discoveries as I take photos and track down details to share with you.

Every time I pass this tree I'll now be on the lookout for these gorgeous bugs!

As I was sidetracked with beautiful flowers and bugs, the children made their way to the park, which they found of more interest.

My camera and I found these of interest at the park......yes, another smaller beetle on a bottle brush tree.

Also a stunning Blue-Faced Honeyeater which the camera allows a closer view of.

Everyone was happy with our bayside walk as we returned ready to help with final lunch preparations..

Sharing at This or That Thursday, Shoot. Edit. Submit.


  1. What a wonderful day for everyone and such a great way to celebrate! I love your colorful and beautiful captures!


  2. Dzień był wspaniały dla wszystkich. Dla solenizanta, dla dzieci, bo była zabawa i dla Ciebie, bo zrobiłaś kolejne piękne zdjęcia. Kwity piękne, ale chrząszcz też ciekawy. Pozdrawiam. *** The day was wonderful for everyone. For Birthday, baby, because she was fun and for you, because I've done another pretty picture. Receipts beautiful, but also an interesting beetle. Yours.

  3. Sounds like a happy visit and birthday. Thanks for sharing these beautiful pictures, that beetle is wonderful colours.

  4. I don't know how you capture those bugs like that! I just love them! Thanks for the brief moment in heavenly Australia . . .

  5. Happy Birthday to the Celebrants! And it looks like a lovely place to go for a family walk! The flower photos are lovely, and the birds! And I just love that harlequin beetle! How interesting that all he eats is the beach hibiscus!

  6. every day you get better pictures, felcito you for your progress .. insects and the bird are beautiful!!!Congratulations to the birthday

  7. Karen thanks for the vieuw of your day. The photo's are so beautyful.
    gr. Marijke

  8. A wonderful day had by all, and some more absolutely exquisite photos. Each one a surprise and delight as I scrolled down.

  9. Congratulations to the celebrants

    these pictures are again so wonderful.

    Greetings, Joop

  10. those happy faces at the birthday are so precious
    more beautiful bugs too

  11. Congrats to them - and the pics are lovely as usual! :-)

  12. The Harlequin beetle has gorgeous vivid colours - love those close up details in your lovely photos :)

  13. All photo,s are very nice and i like especially the bird pictures. Well done.

  14. a wonderful day! great pictures :)

  15. the photos are nice, but I hate bugs ;)

  16. Family celebrations, outings and stunning nature shots make a beautiful selection of photos.

  17. So many moments, so many extraordinary patterns discovered by you and your camera. Love taking the journey with you

  18. Wow! I haven't seen bugs like that before--but I also haven't been looking for any :).

  19. Once again my friend you have outstanding shots. I just love them..

  20. Tuas fotos estão cada vez mais bonitas, adorei o besouro laranja e tambem o pássaro das últimas fotos.


  21. Fascinating photographs, stunning images,
    great photo work, I enjoyed your photos ...
    Best regards, Karin

  22. Looks like a fun family get together and birthday celebration. I loved the photos, even the big. But, my favorite shots are of the honeyeater. What a gorgeous bird!

  23. What a wonderful day! Beautiful photos, and looks like everyone found something to enjoy! Great job!

  24. Beautiful the bugs and that gorgeous bird.The kids look like they spend a wonderful day at the park.

  25. Love the macro shots of the bugs! One thing about a photo is that it can make a tiny bug look huge! And the camera brings you close to things that you normally would not get to close to! Happy Birthday wishes as well to Grandpa!

  26. hi darling relly amazing photos!!
    I think you cold be interested to my contest:
    Spring is all around us! The Nature Jotter opens its doors to all photography's lovers!
    Send your naturalistic photos to or post it on the facebook fanpage! All the photos will be published on the blog with links and names of participants! Enjoy! :))

  27. Love the glittering patterns on the beetle... Lovely shots, Karen !!!

  28. Lovely images but arrrgghhh the music. Sorry a real pet hate of mine. I love your images but the music playing makes me hurry away.


  29. congrats to the 'birthday boy'!!! nice to see happy, smiling faces!! lovely bugs!! and blooms!!

  30. Gorgeous photography! Love those vibrant colours.Adorable kids.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Hope to see you on my blog:)

  31. the orange-green beetle is so gorgeous, I am in love with it, never seen something similar in Europe...look like you had a lovely day! greetings from the other end of the world:-)

  32. Gorgeous collection of photos again. I love the beetle. Really great macros!

  33. Wonderful collection of memories. The bugs are unreal. Macro delights

  34. You are the master of macro shots. And what a wonderful day you all had! :)

  35. What a lovely day in such beautiful surrounds! Your Orange Jewel Beetle images are great. I love the Blue-faced Honeyeater. I captured one in our new townhouse complex gardens. The facial colours are stunning. I posted them for World Bird Wednesday, yesterday.


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