
Saturday, June 30, 2012

Macro Fun

The world of macro photography gives us a further glimpse into the awesome and intricate details of God's creation.

Just recently I discovered that my little snap-on Raynox macro conversion lens will also work with my telephoto kit lens (55-250mm), giving me opportunity to move in even closer. Today I took time to experiment and have some fun with this combination.

First photo has minor cropping, taken at 55mm.

The last two photos are not cropped at all. The one above is taken at 123mm, the one below at 250mm, minor editing only - no cropping, no tripod.

The keys to using the Raynox with both my old fixed-lens camera and my DSLR are manual focusing, keeping the camera steady (easier when sitting down or leaning the camera against something) and patience. The results are delightful and fascinating to me.

Sharing at Weekly Top Shot, I Heart Macro, Your Sunday Best, Macro Monday.

Friday, June 29, 2012

A Little Sunshine

The weather has been cool and wet each day since Monday's sunny Athletics Carnival. A little sunshine snuck through the clouds today, so welcome after its absence.

8 days ago

One more gerbera, yet to reveal its colours, still holds its secret close.

8 days ago


African daisies continue to bloom constantly, adding bright pops of colour to our winter garden.

The bulbs I planted are slowly growing, I think these must be ranunculus as the foliage is unfamiliar.

More happy daisies, soaking up the brief sunlight. Winter is so much nicer with a little sunshine!

Sharing at Flower Art Friday, Sneak Peek Friday, Shoot. Edit. Submit, Sweet Shot Tuesday.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Fun and Games

Yesterday's chilly morning brought our first frost for the year but soon gave way to a bright and sunny winter's day.
Our much anticipated annual Home Educators Athletics Carnival was off to a crisp start.

After running 1200m the twins sprinted home, each wanting to take out first place for the girls' senior division.

400m is a long way for little legs (and some bigger ones), older sisters happily coming to their rescue.

Rarely used skills were enjoyed.

For some everything was new and delightful (and a little overwhelming at times).

New friendships and much fun for young and old.

The three-legged race is always a fun challenge....

......which our twins have quite an advantage in.

Lots of good old-fashioned fun which always ends with a series of tug-of-wars.

With certificates for each participant and fond memories, next year's carnival is already a topic of conversation.

Saturday, June 23, 2012


Standing tall beyond our fence, 
a single red rose stretches high above our heads, 
declaring bright hallelujahs all day long,
as we rejoice in its song.

Sharing at Flower Art Friday.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Washpool National Park

                                                                                            Available for purchase here

The sound of the waterfall and cool mountain air greeted us as we left our vehicle. A short walk of many stairs brought us to the base of the falls.

The cool, damp gully is the perfect place for several varieties of tiny fungi, nestled amongst the mosses.

The water slowly moves away as the creek winds enticingly out of sight.

With shutter speed set to half a second, I catch the top of the falls, and consider again buying a tripod.....

Barbecued sausages followed by toasted marshmallows, a treat for the children, helps warm us this winter's day.

                                                                                                                                      Available for purchase here

A long, flatter walk leads us to Lyrebird Falls, as we listen to Bellbirds, Lyrebirds and others.

This wonderful national park is just an hour and a half from home, yet 1000m higher. The landscape and climate is much different.

                                                                                                                              Available for purchase here

On returning from our walk we discover a Red-Necked Wallaby gently grazing near the picnic area.

The best Sunday we've had for a long time - a family day bringing new sights, fresh air, lots of fun and laughter and great memories.

Sharing at This or That Thursday, Sneak Peek Friday, Shoot. Edit. Submit, I Heart Macro, Sweet Shot Tuesday.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Seeing Eye to Eye

Early this afternoon one of the children called me to see a big bird flying around. As I waited and watched, two square-tailed kites circled nearby. Soon one of them flew almost directly over me, as if to check out this strange being who stood with a big black glass eye pointed skyward.

I was delighted to have seen them again, from our own backyard. After a few minutes they flew away out of sight.

On our walk over the bridge yesterday we spotted a cattle egret flying low over the river. I love how it flies with its legs stretched straight behind.

A friendly kookaburra kept an eye on us as we returned from the bridge. It's such a joy to be able to see such marvellous birds from our own backyard and local surrounds.

Sharing at World Bird Wednesday.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Coastal Treasure

The sunny weather on the second day of our mini child-free holiday was the perfect invitation for playing tourist. Although this coastal city is only one hour's drive from home we rarely visit it. Looking seaward from "The Jetty" there is much more to explore on another trip.

 Looking back towards the mountains is also a very pleasant view - especially considering it's winter here.

On the other side of "The Jetty" lies another beautiful beach. No wonder this town is popular with tourists.

After a little more sightseeing we headed for the shops and were delighted to find it was also market day. We were only away from home for 30 wonderful hours, although it seemed much longer. It was nice to be together again as a family, we were missed (and we missed them too).

Sharing at SkyWatch Friday.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Walking Together

As "promised", the following morning brought delightful sunshine, beckoning us outside for a walk.

The foyer's atrium was sensational in the morning sunlight as we passed through towards the beach.

The resort looks rather impressive from the tree-line which separates the grass from the beach.

Quite a steep beach with a rough surf, not safe for swimming but perfect for a winter stroll.

We soon took jackets and shoes off.

A small creek runs into the ocean....

 ........flowing swiftly after the rain, preventing a safe crossing. We head for the grassed areas beyond.

Available for purchase here

A beautiful line of fig trees gently leads us back to the creek.

The rain has brought extra water to spill over one side of the creek bank.

The figs form a welcoming arch over the entry road, leading us back to the main building.

I'm always extra grateful for a sunny day after a few rainy ones, especially when that day finds you in a new place to explore and walk together. It was only yesterday, one hour's drive, yet it already seems like a dream from another time.

Sharing at Project 52, Your Sunday Best, Weekly Top Shot, Shoot. Edit. Submit - 8th photo (weekly winner), Summer Fun - Water.