
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Fun and Games

Yesterday's chilly morning brought our first frost for the year but soon gave way to a bright and sunny winter's day.
Our much anticipated annual Home Educators Athletics Carnival was off to a crisp start.

After running 1200m the twins sprinted home, each wanting to take out first place for the girls' senior division.

400m is a long way for little legs (and some bigger ones), older sisters happily coming to their rescue.

Rarely used skills were enjoyed.

For some everything was new and delightful (and a little overwhelming at times).

New friendships and much fun for young and old.

The three-legged race is always a fun challenge....

......which our twins have quite an advantage in.

Lots of good old-fashioned fun which always ends with a series of tug-of-wars.

With certificates for each participant and fond memories, next year's carnival is already a topic of conversation.


  1. Patrząc na Twoje zdjęcia z dalekiej Australii, to tak jakbym patrzyła na gry i zabawy dzieci w Polsce. Miłe to , ze bawią się tak samo.Pozdrawiam.
    Looking at your pictures from far away Australia, it's as if I was looking for fun and games of children in Poland. Nice is that they play the same way. Yours.

  2. I love sports!
    And it looks like great fun!
    Have a nice week!
    Yvonne & Raphael

  3. The fun splashes from your images. I can imagine a tree-legged race is something twins would have an advantage in. Great to see older sisters helping their little sisters with a smile on the face. Happy pictures from the start to the end.

  4. Joyous collection of images, and your winter looks like our summer!!!

  5. Fun post indeed!Have a great day!


  6. What a fun day that must have been. Great photos to remember it by.

  7. look they have fun,......Very good shots..... with nice colors to.

    greetings, Joop

  8. What a great, fun day for everyone! Wonderful captures as always! And it's always good to see children and grown-ups enjoying healthy events like this one! Hope your week is going well, Karen!


  9. Great shots Karen! My camera batteries died and I had only just charged them- so no photos for me!

  10. so interesting that 'home-schooled' group has their own carnival!! here in IOWA(USA) we have 'track 'n field days' for upper elementary grades in the spring before school ends. great pics!!
    ^)^ linda

  11. So many great pictures!! Looks like much fun for all : ) You have very nice children! Lots of love and a bit hot sommer air from Sarah

  12. I love when kids do sports, it´s so good for them! :-)

  13. A wonderful carnival! I remember the fun of school days both my own and my grown children's. You and your twins have made happy memories.
    Their smiles have made me smile.
    Thank you,

  14. It's good to have these memories. We had 6 of our children competing this year and our eldest helped out all day at the scorers table.

  15. What a lovely day for all the participants.

  16. Bardzo dziękuję za Twoje słowa i wizytę na moim blogu!
    pozdrawiam z Polski

  17. Looks like a lot of fun for all. Great pictures.

  18. Looks like so much fun! I notice the children are running barefoot. Seems so funny that you are talking about winter in your hemisphere!

  19. Happy energetic photos. Looks like it was fun!

  20. That looks like a day of fun.. I enjoyed your photos..


  21. You can't beat a good old tug of war. Are the twins and master t the 'sportiest' out of your crew? Looks like miss e was handling the long jump ok - I'm quite the expert in long jump now- being that I was on that activity for the school's athletic's carnival. Ask me anything, and i'll get back to you after I send a message to the sports co-ordinatior. It's usually a good day though because you're busy with measuring and recording scores etc. I always write my name down for the girls though because as you can imagine age groups of teenage boys is like an age group of teenage boys.

  22. Yes, you are right - the twins and master T are the sportiest - great co-ordination, speed and drive to compete. However Miss O is not too bad. Little Miss E proved to have a fantastic throwing arm too. Miss V has a height disadvantage and with a birthdate at the very end of the year, ensures she is always the youngest in her group....

  23. Aww I wish I could take part in a three legged race too. So much fun :)
    Can't believe Australia is having winter now.. my sister stays there too.
    Thank you for stopping by xo

  24. Great you had the carnival before the rain set in this week. A great family day for you!

  25. Looks like everyone had a great time!!!! Thanks for stopping by, Laura

  26. What fun... you've caught so much joy!

  27. Looks like a lot of fun! I love the "big sister to the rescue" shot. :-)


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