
Friday, June 1, 2012

Changing Seasons

Today is officially the first day of winter in Australia. There are few deciduous trees in our town, this street being the only one I know of which displays "autumn colours" with numerous liquid amber trees.

Each day I try to convince Miss E (4) of the need to wear warm clothes, the rest of us wear jackets  most of the day.

The kangaroos at church seek the sun, not the shade.

We rarely visit a park these days. Monday we took quick and energetic trip down memory lane. The play equipment seems so much smaller now.

There were times when I had three children under the age of two years as well as a mischievous four year old boy (Master J) while also home educating a seven year old (Miss E). Two years later we had four children under four years while educating the older two. A visit to the park was a logistical and physical challenge yet somehow achieved regularly.

Miss E much more at home with a classical book than play equipment these days......

Instead of needing to keep eyes continually searching everywhere and counting heads I can now stand back with a camera and enjoy the fun and games. With so many older siblings I'm not required to be the helping/guarding hands and eyes. The excitement and energy is tangible, a joy to soak in.

When we first moved to this town and visited these parks Miss E (20) was only 4 like Miss E junior today.

The seeds are sprouting....

and the first bulbs poking their heads through the soil.

The frangipanis are bare, letting the winter sun shine through.

A quick car wash this morning before school work. Miss E loves to help....and wanted to have a swim in the pool afterwards! (not happening). A top of 18C / 65 F forecast for today.

Taken this morning, six days after the one at the top of the post. The leaves are gradually falling as are the temperatures yet much green is still, and will remain, visible through winter.

Beauty and joy in every season.

Sharing at Project 52: Playtime.


  1. Some wonderful shots here. Those trees at the bottom of the post are divine. Fall is a long way off here as we are just heading into summer in another couple of weeks.

  2. Beautiful shots - all of them! It's lovely to see your children all playing so beautifully together. It brings back such fond memories of mine when they were younger (and as teenagers). Bec was 20 last week and I did a mini photoshoot on her birthday as she had the day off Uni. I included 2 shots in my Project 366 Rewind which I posted last night. I can't believe my youngest is 20!!!
    I love your Autumn colours... how beautiful.

  3. Lovely pics - and I love the kangaroo! :-)

  4. I love seeing all of the kids playing together so nicely.
    That street has beautiful foliage. Very picturesque.

  5. ein wunderschöner Post mit tollen Fotos :-)

    Schönes Wochenende wünscht Eva

  6. I am always surprised when I see fall pictures during the Europe spring. Top photo's.


  7. I am supprised to see it's winter now in your country, and still can be outside without a jacket. Beautiful to see the color of the leaves turning into a great bronze color.
    have a great weekend Karen.

  8. What lovely shots your showing here :0) It seems like you're staying at a lovely place :0) Have a great day :0)

  9. very nice shots, indeed! I'd actually enjoy every single picture here! keep it up! I will visit back! ;D

  10. Very nice shots Karen.

    wish you a lovely day, Joop

  11. I love this post and especially enjoyed the portrait of the little girl. It is stunning.

  12. I enjoyed very much reading this post. Your life is so different in Australia than it is in Europe, although the passing of time on our children (and ourselves) is the same... ;)
    Happy Winter to you!!

  13. A delightful collection of images - thanks for sharing.

  14. Dear Karen - winter appears to be a very gentle, soft period in Australia. A time to take stock, reflect, and enjoy precious moments with your lovely family.

  15. Karen, I enjoyed each and every one of these photos. I would happily write a short essay response on them all but as you know there are 2 little people here needing attention. Loved your words. Loved understanding that I should appreciate your words even though you and I both know sometimes I get stuck in the little people mode and the frustrations that brings. Out of all these gorgeous photos I love the one most of your people laughing on the swingy things. I know it's easy to gloss over and think the grass is greener on the other side but this photo to me eminates what you have put hours and hours effort into making your family.

  16. Great photos, we have some maples not far from our house in a driveway- they are looking lovely- must go and take some photos!

  17. É maravilhoso te ler e ver as lindas fotos!beijos,chica

  18. Wonderful shots of children and those lovely autumn colours.

  19. What a difference between our parts of the world. Here it's spring going into summer with temperatures of 14°C and where you live it's winter with 18°C. Only nature doesn't get too confused about that and shows the last of its lovely autumn colours; slowly letting all leaves fall to the ground. I really enjoyed your post. So full of energy and fun. Little Miss E certainly loves summer, sun and waterfun!

  20. nice, very nice, beautiful, fantastic shots :)

  21. What beautiful children!! A very delightful post :))

  22. Fantastic photograph, beautiful climates. I am greeting

  23. Das schaut gar nicht nach Winter aus, ich glaube, da möchte ich auch wohnen.
    Bei uns wird es gerade Sommer, aber es ist so kalt.
    Hab ein schönes Wochenende und herzliche Grüße

    Mathilda ♥

  24. Hello, Pieces of Sunshine.

      Sharing a moment of peace.
      It is a joy for all.

      Thank you for the warmth of your heart.
      The prayer for all peace.

    Have a good weekend. From Japan, ruma ❃

  25. A beautiful and happy photo series. Children make such a big joy. Particularly well the great avenue felled on the first and the last photo.
    Best regards, Karin

  26. So many gorgeous shots. It so fun to read about the difference in temperatures from Here in the states to there in Australia. It so hot here right now and Winter seems so far off.


  27. the last pic is so warm&magical (I love autumn)...somehow its always amazing to see/realisie that at the other end of the world u have another season...

  28. The tree lined street is incredibly beautiful! Amazing how much more color there is after 6 days. Love the photo of Miss E Sr. She looks so studious or contemplative, maybe. Great candid shots of all the kids.

  29. Love images of the children, both young and older...great shots of both Miss E's. Enjoy your cooler weather!

  30. What a beautiful view down all those trees!

  31. Beautiful shots of Australia. I'm still thinking about the Kangaroos at church. Love it.

  32. Beautiful shots. I loved the changing leaves and the kangaroo. I love fall and long for the fresh cooler air. It's doing nothing but getting hot in the U.S.

  33. what a delight to walk into your first day of winter with you! Your photos and story were fascinating!
    What a marvelous family!

  34. Suas fotos são maravilhosas , e seus filhos lindos.


  35. And here we are on the other side of the globe just beginning to enjoy Spring! Wonderful photos, full of life :) The one of Miss E walking with a book looks like a young Jane Eyre or perhaps one of the Bronte sisters, a classic.

  36. Love the first and last photos--very fallish. Your children are so beautiful.

  37. Taka zima to mi się podoba. Miło było popatrzeć na Twoje wspaniałe dzieci. Kangur też z przyjemnością oglądałam. Pozdrawiam.
    This winter I like it. It was nice to look at your wonderful children. Kangaroo watched it with pleasure. Yours.

  38. I am so impressed with your lovely family and the time spent with them homeschooling and teaching them about everything. I would love to homeschool my grandson. But his Dad won't go for it. Mom would like for me to. He tends to get easily distracted and off-task, and he is in a classroom of 32 children with only the teacher and one aide. Plus, I am concerned about some of the public school teaching he is exposed to. But we are doing a Grandmama Homeschool summer school this summer now and I am enjoying it very much. Lots of personal attention and positive reinforcement!

    It's always so odd to me to see a wild kangaroo in your pictures! The "not-so-wild" children at the playground looked more like what I'm used to. :-)

  39. Nice photos again Karen. It was specially good to see your children having fun. Good autumn shots - Dave

  40. Amazing and beautiful shots! Love the 'Roo picture. It's neat to see the beginning of your Winter season.

  41. Oh, my, you now have me longing for fall. Love your stories and, as always, am impressed with everything about your family. Have a good week.

  42. I love the changing seasons, you captured the feeling of the season.

  43. I love everything about your post. The photos, autumn in the air, your sweet children. You can feel the joy in them, it is tangible. Lovely work my friend. Such beautiful memories you are capturing here. xo


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