
Monday, July 30, 2012

Weekend Snippets

A couple of the trees at church are now in bloom. I've missed church the last few weeks as I've been recovering from a virus. The seasonal changes in the plants are quite noticeable. Spring is only a few weeks away now.

Miss O was awarded an encouragement voucher from her hockey coach this Saturday. She wanted to share the experience with Miss V so the three of us had our first ever visit to Gloria Jean's. I must say the food looked better than it tasted, I think home cooking has spoilt us a little.

The outing itself was delightful, something we'd like to do again sometime.

A gentle walk around the neighbourhood in the pleasant warmth of the midday sun revealed some treasures. I've missed my walks, thankfully I'm feeling better each day.

 The twins love their sport, thoroughly enjoying their hockey all winter as well as girl's rep. cricket. Summer is the main cricket season, they can hardly wait.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Food, Fun and Flowers

Master T made this "Impossible" Coconut Pie (without the almonds) as a contribution to McChef Magazine. This is the second time he has made this recipe, the first baking disappeared too quickly to be photographed. It was very delicious and easy to make, however I have requested no more sweet foods, time to choose some new healthy main meals.

Glimpses of the last few days at our place......
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

Sharing at Sneak Peek Friday, Weekly Top Shot, I Heart Macro, Our World Tuesday, Creative Mondays,
Mandarin Orange Monday.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

More Than a Puzzle

It's not just a puzzle, it's a mix of childhood memories and dreams.

Dreams of a simple agrarian lifestyle, memories of my father milking our house cow and my mother tending our large vegetable garden on the farm of my childhood, of red tractors and chasing hens barefoot through long green grass.

"Look Mummy, there's even a man cleaning his teeth!"

A remembering of completing puzzles as a child and enjoying puzzles with each of my eight children. 

There are also links to my present reality, the solar panels on our own roof are close to my heart. This puzzle is the one "treat" I bought while on our recent child-free night away. Something which ties past and present, child and parent happily together.

Miss E (4) can now complete it without any help but she still prefers it to be one of our "together" activities and it's my pleasure to oblige.

Sharing at This or That Thursday.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

McChef Magazine

MasterChef Australia is currently our family's favourite TV program. Series 4 of this competitive cooking game show will conclude later this week. It has sparked a renewed interest in cooking amongst the children.

Each child already prepares one evening meal per week and several of the children enjoy baking sweet treats. However there is a fresh enthusiasm at the moment to try new and more difficult recipes.

I have decided to harness this interest, the children are currently working on their first edition of a mini publication, "McChef Magazine" as part of their school work. It will contain a variety of recipes as well as several food related articles.

Yesterday Miss V (8) made profiteroles and chocolate sauce for a delicious evening treat for all the family.

None of the children had seen profiteroles before. Miss E (20) helped Miss V with some of the tasks.

Miss V had seen the recipe in one of our books and was determined that this was what she wanted to make.

She constructed a beautiful cream-filled tower

 then drizzled warm homemade chocolate sauce over  them.

It was a good thing the profiteroles were petite, for we were rather full after Master T's lasagne. There are some left overs for today - yum!

Some more recent contenders for the cover of McChef Magazine, chocolate cake made with olive oil by Miss E (4) - with help, a delicious Chocolate Raspberry Slice by Miss G (14) and also by Miss G, a yeast based Chelsea Bun.

Sharing at Our World Tuesday.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

The Light

                                                                                                                          Available for purchase here

"We can forgive a child who is afraid of the dark;
the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light."

"I am the light of the world.
Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness,
but will have the light of life."
                                                                   Jesus (John 8:12b)

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Mid-Winter Brights

It's currently mid-winter in Australia and despite a few frosts out on the street front, our yard is still looking mostly green with a few bright spots of colour. The plants aren't growing as quickly which is a good thing when it comes to weeds. The photo above was taken this afternoon, others are from the last few days.

These gorgeous Golden Dollar flowers brighten our yard each winter, most with five petals, a few with just three.

Identified as Diosma by the lovely lady at  Seeing Each Day

Japanese Cherry (not edible)

Another photo from this afternoon, these Australian straw/paper/everlasting daisies only open on sunny days. They sure do make the yard brighter, especially during winter!

One of my all-time favourite posts follows the daily opening and closing of a younger daisy with photos taken each hour - I think you will enjoy it too.      :)

Sharing at Sweet Shot Tuesday, Communal Global, Flower Art Friday, Finding Serendipity 1440Shoot. Edit. Submit,
Sneak Peek Friday.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Birthday at the Museum

Yesterday we had the pleasure of celebrating a milestone birthday with a good friend. She had chosen a local organic farm as the sight for the gathering.  The owners of this farm also have a private museum, coffee cafe and gift shop, all housed in a huge barn.

It proved to be a wonderful setting to mingle with other guests and to enjoy the museum as well.

Family, friends, good food and a birthday cake made for a very pleasant afternoon. If it hadn't been raining we could have also enjoyed the olive grove and animals, including alpacas, sheep, cows, horses and poultry, all by the river.

Sharing at Our World Tuesday.