
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

More Than a Puzzle

It's not just a puzzle, it's a mix of childhood memories and dreams.

Dreams of a simple agrarian lifestyle, memories of my father milking our house cow and my mother tending our large vegetable garden on the farm of my childhood, of red tractors and chasing hens barefoot through long green grass.

"Look Mummy, there's even a man cleaning his teeth!"

A remembering of completing puzzles as a child and enjoying puzzles with each of my eight children. 

There are also links to my present reality, the solar panels on our own roof are close to my heart. This puzzle is the one "treat" I bought while on our recent child-free night away. Something which ties past and present, child and parent happily together.

Miss E (4) can now complete it without any help but she still prefers it to be one of our "together" activities and it's my pleasure to oblige.

Sharing at This or That Thursday.


  1. To miłe, że układanka przypomina Ci Twoje dzieciństwo. Twoja urocza córka zawsze będzie chciała układać z Tobą, bo chce mieć Mamę tylko dla siebie, chociaż na chwilę.Pozdrawiam.
    It's nice that reminds you puzzle your childhood. Your lovely daughter always wanted to lay with you because my mother wants for himself, though for a while. Yours.

  2. nice!!
    great images!

  3. Great images, beautiful child and so talented!

  4. Fantastic post, the past and present coming together, all so good :^)

  5. puzzles are always such fun to do together!

  6. Your final photograph is beautiful, I love it, and think it would look great in BW, as well

  7. Such sweet memories that you can now share with your little one. What a fantastic effort for her to be able to complete it all by herself, well done.

  8. That has to tug at your heart a bit that she can do things by herself and becoming independent. I know at that age I could not complete one of those.

  9. I love puzzles and what a delightful post for the day, Karen! Wonderful memories, fun thing to share with Miss E -- or any of your lovely children! Hope the week is going well for all of you!

  10. a lovely post, a pretty little girl !
    It's nice to remember childhood !

  11. Lovely post, and Miss E is growing up so fast. I still love puzzles and think it is a great together activity too.

  12. Miss E is so adorable. It says a lot about her disposition that even though she can put the puzzle together alone, she'd rather do it with you. Melted my heart.

  13. You've brought back so many memories!! My grandmother always had a puzzle on her library table. I just spend some time with my four grandsons and we worked a puzzle!! Beautiful post and such a lovely youn lady!!

  14. lovely post!! you just given me an idea while on vacation...look for a new puzzle to put together with my g'daughters!!! thanks for the memories!!

  15. When my mom moved in with me due to her poor failing health we spent many hours working on puzzles. It filled our time with not just something to do, but doing something together. Beautiful post, beautiful child.

  16. I love puzzles. And that smile... oh so precious!! :)

  17. What a lovely post. It sounds like you had a very special childhood. Puzzles are such a great way to spend time together. This looks like a fun one!

  18. such a beautiful heartwarming post :)
    i love puzzles too.. they are for people of all ages don't you think? :)

  19. A lovely trip down memory lane. And Miss E's big smile brought a smile to my face (I have a 5-year old granddaughter who does that too ;>)

  20. These photos have emotion attached to them. Really like the last one. And am completely impressed she can complete it on her own.

  21. What a cool puzzle - so nice that it brings back your memories!

  22. I love this post Karen, it brings back a floot of memories. My children loved this kind of photos and there were so many "have you seen" and "look" while little fingers tipped on cats, dogs and sort of things. And red tractor means memories of my own childhood....
    Miss E looks so happy!

    Liebe Grüße,

  23. Very cute and loving pictures Karen.

  24. pretty amazing that she can construct that puzzle all by herself!

    please come follow me and I will follow you too!

  25. Oh, how cozy with puzzle - and she made it. You have such a wonderful blog and take lovely shots :0)

  26. I used to do puzzles all the time. LOVED it. Too bad I don't have the space or time to do it these days. Such a relaxing hobby! :)

  27. I to love to do puzzles. I find them so relaxing. Such great photos of Miss E.. She looks so proud..


  28. Love puzzles, but don't do them much anymore!

  29. I also like jigsaw puzzles, but lose patience with the 1000-small-piece puzzles, though I persevere until they are done. Glad that you and your children enjoy doing them too Karen - Dave

  30. Puzzles, games and coloring books....storybooks and favorite stuffed friends or dolls. Why have we drifted so far away from these treasures?


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