
Sunday, September 2, 2012

Father's Day

"There are three things that will endure 
- faith, hope, and love - 
and the greatest of these is love."
                                           1 Corinthians 13:13

To have an earthly father who does his best is a wonderful blessing,
to know our heavenly Father loves us perfectly is the greatest of all.

 Following Father's Day gifts we headed to our church on the hill (today is Father's Day in Australia).
 There were even more kangaroos than usual in the church grounds today.

 Master J loves to fly his planes before and after church, a sight which many enjoy watching.

A quiet afternoon brought a little time to potter in the garden, weeding, enjoying the flowers and being grateful for all life's blessings, including fathers who are still with us and those who have gone before us.

Sharing at Our World Tuesday, Sweet Shot Tuesday, Weekly Photo Show & Tell (Family).


  1. Lindo! Feliz dia aos papais daí!! Aqui foi em agosto! beijos,chica

  2. today was definitely the perfect day to look around and be grateful for life's beauty.
    happy September to you

  3. What a beautiful day, much to be grateful for. So glad that you enjoyed your day today. x

  4. Very important to celebrate the important people in our life, especially the ones that love us :) The emotions in your first picture will last a lifetime. My 24-year-old daughter has a picture like that with her grandfather and it still has a place on her bedroom shelf today!

    Thank you so much for being so wonderfully helpful and generous in sharing your macro details with me, much appreciated!

  5. What a special "Father's Day" thank you for sharing your day with us. What a sight those kangaroos are...!!

  6. A beautiful and special day indeed! Wonderful captures! Thank you for sharing the fun and the beauty with us today, Karen!

  7. a beautiful day! gorgeous images! :)

  8. Thanks for your pictures and thoughts on Father's Day. For some reason I thought about you (and we've never even met!) on my way home from church. Hope it is a great day of being with those who are special to you!

  9. Fantastic pictures. Everyone seems happy.


  10. happy father's day to your children's father!
    ^)^ linda

  11. Beautiful photos encompassing 'Fathers day'

  12. A fantastic day all around! Your opening image is precious. So many kangaroos, it is amazing to me to see this, like cattle on a ranch!

  13. The kangaroo photos are amazing! Sounds like you had a lovely Father's Day!

  14. Looks like a wonderful Father's Day celebration! Such a special day to celebrate... both our earthly and heavenly Father! :)

  15. Looks like the perfect day to me.

  16. What a beautiful post. Special days are such treasures.

  17. Beautiful shots of your family day
    Love seeing that mob of kangaroos too

  18. Spring is really blooming all over your area, lovely photos!

    Your father is a very handsome man and looks like a loving grand father too. You are blessed in so many ways!

  19. I love the top capture .... It's just priceless. A moment forever captured.

  20. What a lovely post! The only kangaroos I have ever seen are in a zoo! How very cool to just see them roaming about!

  21. Happy Australian Father's Day to your husband and I love the way Kangaroos are normal visitors to the church grounds!

  22. Very moving impressions !

    Please have a good Tuesday you all.

    daily athens photo

  23. Looks like a lovely and fun day, spent with the family. The flowers are pretty. The kangaroos are so cute! Thanks for sharing your day. Have a wonderful week!

  24. Loving post with fantastic photography ~ (A Creative Harbor)

  25. What a lovely post...

  26. A beautiful post and a wonderful day to look around and be grateful.

  27. Oh what a fun experience..kangaroos going to church ;) awesome... hope Father's day was filled with love and hope.

  28. Such beautiful photography as always!! I am struck by how common place some animals and birds are to the natural habitat and then are seen as very exotic to so many others! How cool to experience wild kangaroos!!

    I love the look of J's face as miss 'E' is helping to carry the plane :)

  29. Looks like a blessed day! Those flowers at the end of the post are wonderfully composed and the light is phenomenal!

  30. It was Fathers Day here too Karen, and I was spoiled. I enjoyed all of the photos in this blog, and was specially interested to see the kangaroos so prominent - Dave

  31. How touching and beautiful! Thankful, with you, for the things that endure.

  32. that top shot is wonderful!!! Love in action!!!

  33. How amazing is that to have kangaroos on the church grounds! Happy father's day.

  34. the first picture is so sweet! I am so happy you linked up to the Photo Show and tell last week and we all got to share in this. I hope to see you linking up again this week. The topic is "photographer's choice" and it will be live later tonight!

    Thanks again,


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