
Saturday, October 13, 2012

Beautiful Now

When the realities of life and age take their toll, there still remains much to be grateful for. To try and capture this idea in a personal way I created a gift book (through Shutterfly) for my parents-in-love 57th wedding anniversary which was earlier this week.

I paired some of my favourite quotes with photos of family, nature and familiar places.

 This is how they looked 58 years ago, young and newly in love.

Yesterday I had opportunity to give their book to them.

It was well received and I'm sure they will look over many times, savouring the quotes and photos at their leisure. I hope the thoughts encourage them, particularly now as difficult decisions lie in the very near future.

 They have managed thus far with much in-house assistance each day. When multiple medical issues, mobility and mental ability are compromised in both to varying degrees, life is currently barely workable or safe in their home. Their care requirements are beyond what we could hope to offer and our own home is unsuitable for many reasons. Alternatives need to be looked into.

 Yesterday Master T and I accompanied them as they were given a personal tour of a couple of aged care centres. We are grateful to have such high quality care facilities available within an hour's drive.

The last page of their special book reads.....

"Dreams are renewable.
No matter what our age or condition,
there are still untapped possibilities within us
and new beauty waiting to be born."
                                                         Dale Turner

I trust my parents-in-love will look for those "untapped possibilities" and the "new beauty" in the next season which lays ahead. 

Sharing at Sneak Peek Friday.


  1. Such a wonderful, beautiful gift, Karen, and a very moving post! I hold good thoughts for your parents and for your family. Thank you for sharing!

  2. fantastic gift!so beautiful your article...

  3. Beautiful gift, i wish them well in their new steps, the last quote touched my heart..

  4. Książka, piękna zresztą, z pewnością była wielką radością dla Twoich Rodziców. Stoi przed nimi wielki problem i bardzo trudna decyzja do pojęcia. Ciężko opuszczać własny dom. A czy nie może z nimi zamieszkać osoba wykwalifikowana , która się będzie nimi opiekować. Przepraszam, że się wtrącam, ale jak tak zrobiłam z moją Mamą i stąd moja myśl. Pozdrawiam cieplutko.
    The book, a beautiful, moreover, must have been a great joy to your parents. Standing in front of them, a big problem and very difficult decision to know. It's hard to leave your own home. Do not live with them, the qualified person who will take care of them. Sorry to butt, but I did that with my Mom and my thoughts here. Regards warm.

  5. Was für ein wunderbares Geschenk für Deine Lieben!

    Liebe Grüsse aus der Schweiz


  6. It is a difficult time, day by day we all edge closer to that period, and hope for happy resolutions.
    A lovely, memorable gift, nothing more pleasing for a grandparent than to see their offsprings in happy and fulfilled lives.

  7. What a thoughtful gift Karen for your parents-in-love (such a beautiful name). I really love the quote you used on the last page. Wishing you and your family all the best for the challenging times ahead. Nikki

  8. Imagino o quanto devem ter ficado felizes com esse teu presente maravilhoso!! Emocionante. Parabéns para eles e que tenham muito ainda pra aproveitar! beijos,chica

  9. Nice of you to show the process of making a memory book for your parents in love. We did the same for old friends and the success was stunning. It is the best way today to keep some of the mountain of digitals in a not digital way to share with your loved ones.

  10. What a lovely book that I know they will treasure.

    Good luck to your family in the days ahead with such difficult decisions to make.

    God bless!

  11. I must congratulate you on your book Karen! Exquisite and outstanding, don't know if I could ever come up with one :)
    I feel sad for your parents, really. But then again you know what is best for them. May God give you the strength to go through this difficult time.
    Take care.

  12. What a beautiful and thoughtful gift! It's a treasure that will be in your family for generations to come, I'm sure. Bet your parents-in-love were delighted!

  13. Such a beautiful book I am sure they will love to look at, over and over. With much love around them, the choice they have to make will certainly be a good one :)

  14. What a wonderful idea, and I'm sure they will treasure this book for as long as they live.

  15. So delicate idea... This book is a way to be together all the time.
    I'm sure everyone who looks to your blog is thinking about his own parents...

    Joy can be, here and now...

    Have a good week-end all together.

  16. What a gorgeous book, Karen! Such a lovely gift I am sure they will treasure and read over and over again.

  17. What a very beautiful priceless gift you created Karen! And that picture of your parent-in-love in earlier years is true art. I'm sure they'll both treasure this gift and spend lots of hours having a look in it, over and over again. It'll put a smile on their faces every single time, no doubt about that.

  18. A WONDERFUL gift!
    Have a nice day!

  19. What beautiful memories, and a perfect way to share it with you love ones :0)

  20. What an absolutely lovely gift for your parents-in-love!!! Your book looks wonderful and I'm sure was the most precious gift they received...

    My mother-in-law is also nearing that decision...she's 91 and in great shape mentally but has emphysema and is at the point where 24 hour help may be's a tough decision that we've made before with our other parents, but this last one is the hardest... my thoughts and prayers are with you in this difficult time...

  21. Piękny prezent, piękne wspomnienia. Życzę Twoim Rodzicom dużo, dużo zdrowia i dni pełnych słońca i miłości.
    Pozdrawiam serdecznie.

  22. Thanks for sharing this...the process of honoring and yet caring is such a dance, isn't it? I know they will look at their book many times. We made a book for our parents 60th and they LOVE it! May God lead you as you assist them in this next stage of life!

  23. Good album, the kids in the water are super.


  24. beautiful keepsake, karen! i'm sure they will have many hours of memories. good luck with the search for's a difficult milestone for all of you.
    ^)^ linda

  25. This brought tears to my eyes. Such a beautiful book for your beautiful parents. It is so difficult when your loved ones reach a point when nothing but change is the answer. Prayers are with you and your parents during this new phase in their lives.

  26. i am holding back tears, what a beautiful story, what an amazing gift!!

    it's easy to fall in love, but staying in love is oh so sweet!!

    this reminds me of the movie "the notebook", a very powerful love story!!

  27. oh, what a lovely post, and how moving. My own parents are almost in this same "spot" and now the word cancer has entered their lives.

    I sense the love and care you have for these lovely people. Sending you peace and blessings for this part of the journey...

  28. What a beautiful and precious gift. II love how you ended the book... new beauty waiting! Congratulations on their 57th wedding anniversary! That is awesome!!

  29. What a beautiful and heartfelt gift. I love it! Sending comforting thoughts and prayers your way as you navigate this new season with them.

  30. A beautiful memento of love and family. I've made several books for Grandchildren and they seem to be treasured.

  31. That is such a thoughtful and beautiful treasure of a gift! Of course it was well received! I will pray that your in laws will be able to make a smooth transition to the next phase of life, wishing you much patience and wisdom!

  32. Life doesn't slow down one bit for you guys! But it sure looks like lots of fun, can hardly wait to hear all about the fundraiser! And the seedlings you planted look like they will be delicious...beets or swiss chard?

  33. That gift book is great Karen. I am sure that they will treasure it. A good thought from you. I hope that they can find a suitable retirement home to go to when they are ready. It is a big decision for them and a life-changer. Many elderly parents resist a move like this - Dave

  34. I imagine that they will both look over this book many times, such a beautiful gift that you created for them. I hope that they will look to the new possibilities and benefits a change will make for them, I imagine this can't be easy. I hope that all goes well.

  35. Oh what a beautiful and meaningful gift! Congratulations to your parents! Lovely photos!

  36. Hi Karen,
    What a beautiful special gift you have given to your parents. I'm sure they will enjoy every photo, and I'm sure they are showing it to everyone close to them. Beautiful.

  37. I think I was in aww as soon as I came to this blog. How very very beautiful . What a Gift of Love and honor.

  38. What a thoughtful gift. just lovely.


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