
Wednesday, December 12, 2012

"Almost Amish" by Nancy Sleeth

It's time to simplify our lives - to slow down, make faith and family the focal point, and recapture the lost art of simple living. And what group has kept simplicity, family, and faith at the centre of all they say and do better than the Amish? 
Quoted from the back cover of the Almost Amish by Nancy Sleeth

The very first thing which caught my attention about this book was the fabric of the apron - "Amy Butler, I have some of that exact same fabric by Amy Butler in my cupboard!" were my thoughts. The Amish lifestyle holds many attractions for me with many similarities to my simple farming background. I quickly decided to purchase Almost Amish which was published this year.

Having now finished reading this book I'm pleased I found it and plan to reread it. Nancy not only gently explains and relates thoughts and details but she and her now grown family live according to these principles. I have included a few quotes below amongst photos of our yard from the last few days.

Our homes reflect our values. They reflect who we are inside and what we hold most precious. If our homes are cluttered, our hearts are too. Possessions should work for us; we should not work for them.         (page 19)

Self seeded Tom Thumb Tomatoes                                       Passionfruit                                                                baby Lychees

Amish proverbs.....
* He who has no money is poor; he who has nothing but money is poorer.
*A man is rich in proportion to the things he can afford to leave alone.    (page 54)

Most Australians line/air dry all their laundry - we have so much beautiful sunshine too

Lemon                                                 Blueberries                                                                     Apple

Contentment and simplicity are two sides of the same coin. The Amish do not complicate their lives unnecessarily in the insatiable quest for more....         (page 95)

How can we hear the voice of God if we are multitasking nonstop? How can we see the face of God in still waters and green pastures when we are chronically refreshing the screen? The digital generation is a distracted generation.              (page 29)

You may enjoy reading this book also, it's quite thought provoking, especially as one year draws to a close and a fresh one lies ahead. You'll find more details and reviews at Amazon. It's also available for purchase online at Fishpond and Book Depository.  For my local friends, you are most welcome to borrow my copy.

Has anyone else read a thought provoking book recently which you could recommend?

Sharing at Kritsit's  Wordful Wednesday.


  1. Ohhh nice! I hope there will come a dutch translation of this book soon! I'm reading no: The Violiste from Beverly Lewis (in dutch).

  2. Looks like I am checking out a new book! Thanks for the recommendation...and the fabric...luuuuuuuv it!

  3. Sorry, I mean: I'm reading now...

  4. Looks fabulous- would love to borrow it! Love the apron on front- not Amish looking at all!

  5. I haven't read it but I love Amy Butler..hah!! :D

    I do love living simple life but I also love the technique that this modern world provides us.

    Beautiful photos!!! :) And by the way - I also line dry all our laundry despite of that most off Finnish has tumble dryers. We don't even have a dish washer. :)

  6. You must have done a double take when you saw the front cover of the book. I wonder what I would miss first if I lived the simple life of the Amish.

  7. Having the same fabric would certainly catch my eye too!

    I've heard other bloggers talk positively about this book and now you. I love the Amish ways and yearn to know more about them. I will certainly buy this book once I get settled after the move.

    Thanks for sharing such thought-provoking quotes from the book.

  8. Mądre i prawdziwe są cytaty z tej książki i świetnie je zilustrowałaś zdjęciami. Pozdrawiam.
    Wise and true are quotes from the book, and you showed them great pictures. Yours sincerely.

  9. Oh Karen, this is such a comforting post. I get a good feeling from it, I recognize so much of what I think, it was so good to read this, since most people/family surrounding me doesn't see things that way. But I'm so glad I made the decisions I made long ago and I'm so lucky to have my husband support me in that. O, I LOVE to air dry the laundry, but we don't have all that sunshine you do have. In wintertime, like now, my house is often crowded with drying racks full of clothes. I think it was last spring that I made a post about drying the laundry outside and how happy I was that it was possible again.
    thanks for this post,

  10. This looks like an interesting read to me. Love this simplicity and family oriented lifestyle of the Amish.

  11. This sounds like a book I would enjoy.

  12. I hang all my laundry out to dry too. A rare thing in my area. : )

  13. The fabric is so pretty! That's funny how you already owned the same material as the book. Speaking of the Amish, we have a community nearby and like to go there to visit the area. There are also cheesemakers who settled there so we always buy it up when visiting. :)

  14. The book seems interesting. anyway, nice pictures from your garden:)

  15. Yes the book sounds like my kind of book.
    Your garden has such a generous bounty, such a wonderful grounding for your family.
    Blessings, Jan

  16. The book seems interesting. Will try to get it if its available locally. I like the Amish philosophy of simple but meaningful living. Its returning to basics in life.

  17. I've heard of this title before, but now I really want to read it. We spent an evening with an Amish couple when in Indiana, some years ago. A beautiful night, where we went on a buggy ride through freshly rained on streets and surrounding farms.
    I'd love to spend time reading this book and reliving that night. Thanks so much for sharing.

  18. Thought provoking post! Great pictures and I love the fabric!

  19. I think so many of us forget to apply common sense to our lives. Every reminder to simplify, slow down and appreciate, helps :) Great post, love the photos accompanied by the quotes.

  20. I have always admired the Amish ways. We could all do with a simpler life.
    I love drying clothes outside. There is no better smell than God's sunshine on my sheets.
    Thanks for sharing...think I will purchase the book.

  21. Hello! How nice post.
    Wise and important quotes. You showed your beautiful garden.
    Fantastic that you can reap the fruits and vegetables from your garden.
    They look great. For me, snow, cold and frost.
    I send greetings.

  22. Boa dica para presente de natal, parece ser muito bom.


  23. I don't know too much about the amish, but they've always been fascinating to me, at least from what I could see in the movies.. I think it would be interesting to read about them..

  24. Beautiful photos and quotes, looks like a great book! I'm reading One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp, a very "heart" book, if you know what I mean. She also has a blog called

    The simple life is beautiful especially when the Lord is included!

  25. This looks very interesting and delicious. Thanks for sharing......

  26. Oh... this sounds like a really interesting book! I love all your photos between the quotes. Beautiful post!

  27. Oh, that quote about multitasking and the digital screen really hit home for me. Thank you so much for sharing these with us! And I love your photos!

  28. you are so right about a more simple life. After watching the Amish documentary on TV I have been inspired to simplify my life and not be so materialistic. I will have to look at getting that book. I have been reading the books by Beverley Lewis as well, a friend lent them to me, such a good wholesome read. thanks again for sharing!

  29. The book sounds lovely--but it those chard greens I am drooling over. They look so lush and tender. :)

  30. This does look like a book I'd like... At times I feel like I have too much stuff and it's not a good feeling.

  31. I really did love all the lines you quoted from your book. I really do think the simple life is the best. Not always easy to accomplish. But something to strive for. Thanks so much for sharing this with us. Your garden looks amazing. Such pretty photos.

    Wishing you a happy weekend.


  32. Wonderful post. When we lived in Ohio, we would visit Amish country in Holmes County. Their farms are amazing to see, so lush and well tended... like your garden seen here I think :^)

  33. I have always found the Amish people fascinating. I love watching documentaries or reading about their lives.
    I absolutely LOVE that first quote about the clutter. I have always hated clutter. I married a wonderful man who lived in a home overflowing with clutter and disorder (he would be the first to admit this) but he never knew how to get out of it. It's been a real challenge to change those tendencies in him & his children.

    It sounds like a great book - I would love to read it!!

  34. Thank you for your lovely review--your garden looks absolutely scrumptious! My husband and I are planning on coming to Australia in the fall; the details are still being finalized, but you can check back on later in the year to see if we'll be in your area...
    Every blessing,
    Nancy Sleeth

  35. A little bit later in commenting on this post - I have just requested Almost Amish from my local library and I book I would like to recommend to you is - The Morville Hours by Katherine Swift -it makes you sit back and think about the countryside you live in, gardens and seasons and the history of your country and life. A really interesting read.


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