
Friday, February 1, 2013

That's Better

The white stake marks the flood peak line. Quite a stark reminder of how close to disaster we came. These photos were taken on dusk yesterday, 48 hours after my last post's photos, two and a bit days after the peak. Our river has now receded to much lower levels, leaving in its wake mud, sand, debris and smelly vegetation, rotting in our summer heat.

 This gate-fence is well thought out. Once cleared of rubbish the owner will once again close the gates creating a fence. All of these were completely under water.

 You may remember this spot from my last post (photo below), although now you can see the parklike riverbank reappearing. The sandbags still lie on top of this section of the levee. What a difference 48 hours has made. The river still has a good way to go down yet too.

This is the "weak link" which was held together by the makeshift arrangements which I shared previously (below). I sincerely hope there are some serious repairs carried out at this spot - soon - especially as I hear thunder rumbling in the background right now. I prefer seeing the trees and grass through this gap rather than the high water of our previous visit.

Aahh yes, that's much better than below! Still dropping.....

Time to relax some and have a wonder around the garden again. Most of our plants have survived beautifully. The self-seeded zinnia above has been bowed over and its stem has been twisted but it's still blooming with all its might, singing despite the rain and dramas.

And my heart and camera also begin to sing once more.

Sharing at Weekend Flowers.


  1. To cudownie, to wspaniałe że woda opada i rzeka nie jest już taka groźna. Najgorsze już za Wami, ale przeżycia mieliście straszne. Dobrze, że dom i ogród są u Ciebie nie naruszone. Pozdrawiam serdecznie.
    That's wonderful, it's great that the water falls and the river is not so dangerous. The worst is behind you, but I had a terrible experience. Well, the house and garden are at your place intact. Yours sincerely.

  2. If only a little bit of all that water could go to the outback what a difference that would be. Lucky for you that the levels are going to normal again. Greetings from Holland.

  3. Oh that is so much better! Whew! Loved your Zinnia shots, even though the poor thing is a little under the weather.

  4. I love your gate fence... what a great idea! Fencing along the river bank is so hard to maintain sometimes because it just gets washed away. You guys are very clever.

    On the personal note, I'm very happy to see that you escaped that terrible flood. sometimes you don't know what you've been blessed with when there is the treat of something being taken away. I guess that God just wants to remind you that he will bless you, your family and your home...

  5. Incredible how fast the water recedes and as the days go by and the sun shines, it will quickly become a faded memory. Especially the somewhat euphoric feeling of getting on with life after dealing with a trial like this...we have hurricanes here in Florida and one year had 3 in a row in one month... it was so wonderful to get back to simply living regular life after they were over...

  6. So glad that you and your adorable children are okay after the flooding. Beautiful shots of the flowers.

  7. It is incredible how fast the water has receded. Thank you for the comparison photos.

  8. ma bucur ca primejdia a trecut! :)

  9. Great to see the water receding and knowing that you and your family are safe and life life is getting back to normal -- whatever that is these days!!! I hope all of you have a fun, safe weekend!!

  10. I am glad the water is receding and that you are all safe.

  11. This must be so stressful. Good that your house didn't get damaged.


  12. What a difference!!! So glad that you & your camera are singing in harmony again! Your macros and creamy depth of field are just crazy awesome!!!

  13. I am so happy the waterlevel at your place went back to normal again. How scarry it must have been to see the river rising.
    Have a wonderful weekend Karen.

  14. Every petal, every hair, alive with hope! I am so glad for you all. Indeed it looks much more hopeful!

  15. So glad things are almost back to normal again and in between debris and rubbish to be cleaned up, you managed to find beauty in the smallest thing, a gorgeous Zinnia flower. Gorgeous macro shots Karen!
    Have a beautiful weekend,

  16. Gosh - what a difference 48hrs made!
    I'm so glad that the river didn't rise any further and that you're all well and safe.
    Your flower pictures are beautiful!
    Have a good weekend,
    Sarah xx

  17. I feel for your trial..I was flooded once when I was first married..Im glad things are getting back to the beauty

  18. Living with the river can be wonderful and horrible....... i like your weekendflowers.
    have a good time

  19. Yes, we followed these floods closely since our son and his family are in Australia...
    It looks likes you will have some wall repair to do, but it could have been worse, couldn't it?
    The weather is actually strange all over... In the south of France it is very rainy and it's been going on for weeks.
    Our lake, nearly dried up for the last 2 years, has filled up 100% in only one week...
    Beautiful photos of the flower, and thanks for showing this episode, it give a pretty good idea of what people went through lately.
    Week well, cheers!

  20. The last pic of the zinnia is amazing. The photos of the flood are terrifying. I'm glad the water level is going down again.

  21. I'm glad to know you are high and dry!

  22. WOW that is amazing to see how fast the water has receded. I am so happy to see your beautiful flower shots once more. :)


  23. thanx for your lovely weekend flowers! the last pic is amazing :)
    i hope nobody was hurt at the flood!

  24. I'm so happy Karen that you and your family were able to escape any major damage. Amazing photo's of this scary event. I'm so glad the waters are almost back to normal. Let's pray they stay that way too!

  25. How frightening! I assume the rise in water was a result of the Solomon's Island earthquake. So glad it wasn't any worse! Lovely pictures...especially with the water receding!


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