
Saturday, March 16, 2013

Fresh Beginnings

A very tall variety of Sulphur Cosmos

Returning from an evening walk some months ago I collected a few seeds from nearby kerbside flowers and buried them in my garden. With joy have I watched them germinate and grow larger and taller until now they are almost as tall as me. This week the first buds have burst open, reaching high on thin stems towards the bright sunlight. A welcome joy and distraction amongst the emotions and busyness of this week....

Many of you will have read this week of Google Reader's upcoming retirement. I'm exploring  Bloglovin' an alternative way of keeping up (as time permits) with all your wonderful new blog posts. I shall continue blogging on blogger as usual but I will be able to find your latest blog posts using Bloglovin'. It's so easy to import all the blogs you follow into Bloglovin'. It's quite fun exploring something fresh and new!

UPDATE: My friend, Erin (see her comment below) has suggested Feedly as a  possibly better blog reader solution. As with Bloglovin', Feedly also offers a seamless transition form Google Reader. I will be interested to see which suits best. Let me know which you like best or if you have found another option.


  1. So bright and pretty, lovely flower. Have a happy weekend!

  2. This is such a beautiful flower, so very springlike colour.... even if it's not spring in your part of the world. Well, it's not here either, it's still very much winter. No wetness falling from the sky anymore today but a fierce cold wind and low temps, winter. No bright yellow flowers of any sort to be discovered yet.

    Thanks for telling about google reader stopping. I didn't know anything about it. Will have to look into the Bloglovin' thing. Thanks!


  3. A flower is beautiful, sunny as can be seen in the picture. I was a little afraid of changes in blogging, it's too much I do not know what to do. Yours.

  4. I love that flower. Bright sunshiny yellow!

  5. Let's hope the spring finaly starts.


  6. This flower is very beautiful and I like his color, because i love yellow color!
    Have a nice day,

  7. Such a gorgeous flower and I love the warm, bright yellow color! We're beginning to see little spots of color here and there and they do help lighten up the continuing gray days!! Hope you're enjoying a lovely weekend!

  8. I liked the way you obtained the seeds and look how you've been rewarded. I didn't realise Google reader was coming to an end. Not sure what impact this will have on me.

  9. Beautiful flower! We have snow here, but in some weeks spring will come! I don't know bloglovin', perhaps I will try sometime.

  10. Muito bonita, gosto de flores amarelas.

  11. I don't understand why they are even changing google reader. Surely they will replace it with something else??!! Blog lovin doesn't seem to deliver the blog posts in real time. Very annoying all round! But your pretty flower is some sunshine on a cloudy Melbourne day!

  12. Wow, those seeds were a great find - what a pretty flower! I hadn't heard about google reader, so thanks for the heads-up. I'm going to need to look into these new platforms.

  13. Gorgeous- do you know what they are?

  14. Karen
    suggesting feedly to you. can read in entirety, sort into 'blog types' and looks attractive. and automatically transfers your blogs from google reader to feedly.

  15. That flower looks lovely Karen. Ok about alternatives to Googles blog-following software being stopped and alternatives. Good suggestions - Dave

  16. I think you must be a very good gardener. So pleased you've been able to enjoy these blooms. My lack of contacting/comments hasn't translated into lack of thoughts. I've been thinking of you alot this week and really hoping that you are all going ok. It was lovely to read your admiration about your husband's eulogy also. Renee

  17. Thank you so much Erin.

    Deanne, after a google search I have concluded they must be a very tall variety of Sulphur Cosmos. The leaves are different to feathery traditional cosmos foliage, there seems to be a number of different varieties. I have added a name caption to the photo.

  18. Simply gorgeous, so delicate and bright.

  19. Lovely flower...wonderful photo... a technologically challenged the blog reader attached to my blogger post the one that's going out of production???

  20. A very pretty, beautiful flower!!!! Cheers, Ruby

  21. Such a beautiful and happy flower.. I just blog hop off my blog list. I might have to try using a reader.


  22. I love Cosmos flowers. This one is so pretty. Will have to research bloglovin' and Feedly to work out what to do.


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