
Saturday, April 13, 2013

Noisy, Noisy

We heard them (from home) well before we saw them! This weekend our river is the location for the third round of the Australian Formula Powerboat GP series with F1, F2 and F3 classes racing.

Holding an umbrella in one hand and snapping shots with the other, Master T and I enjoyed watching for a good while this afternoon. Tomorrow promises to be finer weather, better for competitors and spectators alike.

The river last night was much calmer - and quieter! 

Have a wonderful weekend whatever your weather.

UPDATE: On our way home from church Sunday (I was driving) the children noticed one of these super fast F2 boats bobbing vertically in the water with the other boats stationary near by. No more racing was heard for a good while. Apparently there had been a crash between two boats near the start line, one boat (recently imported from Europe) may be a write-off, but most importantly, no one was injured.


  1. Very interesting and beautiful photos!

  2. I can imagine the noise and then...look at your peaceful photo of sunset on the water. The reflection is awesome!

  3. I think I would prefer the silince and beauty in your last photo. But the noise won't take weeks. They will be gone. And not many people have the vieuws at the raceboats.
    Have a wonderful weekend Karen.

  4. Szkoda, że padał deszcz. Przeszkadzał pewno zawodnikom i widzom. Może jutro bedzie lepsza pogoda. Bardzo ładne zdjecia, mimo iż robione pod parasolem. Pozdrawiam.
    Too bad it was raining. Certainly disturbed the players and spectators. Maybe tomorrow will be better weather. Very nice pictures, though done under the umbrella. Yours.

  5. The power boats must be very noisy, and must go at incredible speeds! : )

  6. May be noisy, but sure looks fun!!

  7. They make for some very fun looking photos - and wow, that sunset! I love the colors in that photo.

  8. Thats a very different kind of photo's. But also reality. I don't know why but when I read spectators the thought alligators came into my mind. I presume they are not in your river then.

  9. There are no wild alligators in Australia SC, although some places have crocodiles which are even bigger....thankfully not in our area. We do however have some smallish sharks and large eels in our river - I wouldn't like to try swimming in it.

  10. I find your last picture the best and most spectacular.


  11. looks like fun to watch! love that last photo... gorgeous!!

  12. Great action shots, Karen. You did well to snap those while holding your brolly. Love the last shot too - so beautiful and still.

  13. It's a lot of noise but it so awesome and what a power... wow Karen!
    And than is there the silence with a beautiful sky... love it very much... ;))
    Warm greeting, Anna

  14. I never like this noise also because it is too noisy! Take it easy Karen, it will be over before you knew it. Love your last photo, so calm and peaceful to the heart :-)

  15. The sunset is beautiful! Glad no one was injured in the boating accident.

  16. I bet it was fun watching those boat fly by. That last shot is gorgeous. I just love the reflection of the sky.


  17. Those are noisy! But your last photo speaks of calmness and serenity.

  18. Um Blog com alma!

    Visite, comente, divulgue, será sempre bem-vindo.

    Seja membro desta família.
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    : )

  19. god bless you!
    ..i´m a member now.
    : )

  20. I must admit, the calmer river is far more appealing to me. =) Beautiful photo.

  21. we had race boats crash in our river this summer and two ladies were drowned... it can be devastating

    I do love your soft pink calm water photo... sets my heart to dancing. that's a wee bit safer :)

  22. You've captured some wonderful action shots, Karen! The Clarence is such a wonderful wide river. I have great memories of water skiing on it back in 88-89. Your images of the river and surrounds always evoke some happy memories of years ago!


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