
Sunday, May 5, 2013

Going Bush for Duke of Ed.

Carrying heavy backpacks, they walked for hours along the creek bed, following a trail set by their teachers. Up and over steep hills then through another creek before setting up camp for the night by a river. Master J and his pack, including my pocket camera, took an unexpected dunking as they crossed that last creek Friday afternoon.

Master J set up a fire to dry his clothes and shoes, heat his dinner and warm himself. His shoes became warmest of all, melting a little around the edges....

Saturday morning brought beautiful foggy creek views. Thankfully the camera was still working, even though damp inside and flashing Low Battery.

The fog cleared revealing another stunning day for trekking through the bush, about an hour's drive west of our town. He was very pleased to arrive home safely (there was mention of a dangerous slip/near miss) and grateful for a warm shower and fresh food.

I'm grateful he chooses to take a camera to share his experiences (although the camera isn't too happy at the moment). I have edited these a little but none are cropped - he has a good eye for composition. The camera and shoes can be replaced, Master J is safely home!

Due to popular request, I have just fished Master J's shoes out of the bin to show you. He said they felt a bit rough around the ankles yesterday....but thankfully he could still wear them! 
At least they were his old ones, usually reserved for mowing the lawn.

His previous two Duke of Ed. camps can be seen here and here.

Sharing at Our World Tuesday.


  1. Congratulations to Master J He has done an excellent job of photographing his D of E trek. Would loved a shot of the melting shoes though! A wonderful image.

  2. I thought the shoes might have caused a fire for a minute- thankfully it was just fog! As long as it was only charred shoes!

  3. Nice atmospheric shots from your son. It would be fun if we would see the shoes also.

  4. Master J took some beautiful photos. I love the foggy river scenes. Just beautiful. I am glad to read Master J and your camera were Ok. The shoes look like they did not make it. Great post, have a happy day!

  5. Ha, a nice addition to the post. Still must have been a bit uncomfortable. Thanks for showing.

  6. Ooops! Looks like Master J will need a new pair of shoes- he probably deserves them!

  7. That they arrive home safely is really the most important thing. All other damage diminishes then. I know the feeling. Even though we don't have 'bush' around here, backpacking and trekking is part of the lives of my sons as well, as it was when I was young, I looooooved it! Hope Master J had a great time and wonderful memories to keep. He took the most dreamy pictures. Just breathtaking!

  8. What a great adventure this must have been. Master J did a great job with the camera. I love the misty shots, and the last one is beautifully composed!

  9. The low hanging cloud pictures are the best. They are rare.


  10. Loved the shoes. A great addition.

  11. He did get some nice shots. I never thought about shoes melting! It's good he got them dry, though.

  12. He got some amazing shots with your little camera. So glad he is ok.. I feel in the river when I was hiking in Zion National park. I had my big camera with me and had just gave it to my husband.. Thank goodness...

    Tell Master J I enjoyed his photos.

  13. The shoe episode sounds like something that would happen here :) Lovely shots!

  14. I would definitely agree that Master J has a great eye--he takes after his mom! :) Glad to hear he is safe after the near-misses.

  15. He has taken some great shots! And oh my - those shoes. Well done him!

  16. Goodness - those shoes! :-D

    Love all the pics, looks wonderful. :-)

  17. Thanks to master j (I agree with his skill of composition) for allowing us to view some of his trek. Although i'm particularly impressed with the great length he went to get out of doing the mowing for the next while.

  18. He got some good shots!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  19. what a fantastic adventure, and almost burning his shoe in the process!:p these are beautiful photos--love the foggy shots.

  20. I recall D of E hikes with a mixture of amusement at our antics and amazement they we did not die!!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  21. Such nice places, and the fog makes it eerie..

  22. What a wonderful experience for him and some lovely shots!!
    I had to smile at the shoes as I recall doing similar (along with many of my friends) at a camp I attended during Uni which involved very similar terrain and conditions.

  23. Amazing and beautiful pictures - especially the blue ones! Impressive.


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