
Friday, May 31, 2013

May's End

A beautiful sunny day marks the end of autumn here. Our multi-purpose outdoor table is just the spot for warming up while one reads, eats or joins in with miscellaneous art and craft activities.

We celebrated my mother-in-love's 80th birthday this earlier week. She enjoyed a few days in her old bayside home (she has recently moved into an aged care centre in our town). One of the gifts we gave her was an copy of the Australian Women's Weekly magazine 80th Birthday souvenir edition. She had a wonderful time flipping through and reminiscing over so many events.

 Miss O is enjoying sharing photos of her cooking and other happenings on her brand new blog. I love seeing each one develop their own interests, try new things and have a platform for sharing. Four of our older children already have blogs but only one of these continues to add posts.

Our weekend will include several games of hockey (I rarely stay to watch), music for Sunday's church service (three eldest daughters), mil joining us for Sunday lunch, a girls' rep. cricket training session, Master J heading off with fellow students to explore a nearby Uni, food shopping, washing, cooking, sewing and a little gardening. Hopefully we will also see some improvement in my husband's eczema as he begins an adjusted regime of cortisone creams, lotions and moisturisers and yet another course of high dosage oral cortisone.


  1. Looks like a lovely day for a birthday, you mother-in-love (my mother-in-law also uses that term) must have felt very loved on such a joyous occasion. From the looks of your daughter's blog you have another person in your family who has a great talent for taking pictures!

    PS. I would recommend handmade soap for your husband if you can find it. My mother makes all natural handmade soap (plant based, not animal based) and it really seems to help people with issues like eczema.

  2. It sounds like you need some of our rain - would you like some?! Now chance of cricket or gardening here this weekend! Your m-i-l looks delighted with her gift! Happy days!

  3. beautiful images! :)
    have a nice day!

  4. Happy birthday!!!! Very beautiful photos!

  5. The look on your mother-in-love's face says it all. I love the name your daughter has chosen for her blog, sweet and simple :)

  6. I hope the treatment for the eczema will do its work and your husband will get some relief. Is he still on the strict diet as well?
    I wonder what your son will have to tell after his visit to uni. Our oldest son is starting uni in september for the first year as well. It will be a big change for us and him but he is very much looking forward to it.
    Happy birthday to your mother in love , she looks so very happy!
    So great to have a warm end of autumn. I won't bother you with the weather we've been having....
    Have a lovely weekend,

  7. Oh, hope it works for him!

  8. Like the tea set and 80 years that is a blessed age. Congratulations.


  9. Congratulations to your mother in law!

  10. Your Autumn is very beautiful... love the herb photo. Your Mother-in-law looks exceptional for 80. Love your daughter's blog!
    For your husbands excema.... my dad went off every bit of dairy for six months and it all went away... not only that but he could then return to eating dairy with moderation without any more recurances.

  11. We have tried many diets and treatments over the years, including a mostly raw vegan diet with lots of carrot juice for about a year. Since early January he has been following an eczema diet which avoids all dairy products, sugar, tea, coffee, wheat, beef, most oils/fats, pork/ham/bacon, processed foods, most fruits, many vegetables etc. This helped clear his sinuses and eyes but has had limited success with his skin.

    If only it were so simple as avoiding a particular food......He has just had a 60 skin patch allergy tests this week which only showed one possible chemical allergy....none the wiser.

  12. Sounds like a jam packed weekend. I'm at Rosie's swimming now - an early start but kind of good in a way. Soccer photos then soccer game then thankfully we're done on the outside commitments for the next two days as i'm flying solo this weekend. Really like the look of those tins and labels for your herbs.

  13. Miss O is following in your footsteps, Karen. Your M-i-L looks much younger than 80 - she has a lovely smile.

  14. Happy 80th birthday to your Mother In Love Karen. I left a comment on your daughter's blog. She has made a very good job of it - Dave

  15. Congrats to your mom in law...going to pop over to your daughters new blog and say hi, hope you fit a bit of mom time into your busy weekend...;)

  16. Sounds like it was a wonderful birthday and those are such beautiful pictures!! I hope you have a great weekend!

  17. Sounds like a busy weekend! My eldest suffered with eczema as a baby and toddler, which turned into asthma when she was 3. Allergy testing showed up wheat and dust. Wheat was fairly manageable but dust is tough as its everywhere. Last year she became very ill and tests revealed cealiacs disease which hereditary in our family. She has now been completely gluten free for the past year and is feeling much better. She's going back for a follow up endoscopy in a couple of weeks to see how her gut is healing. Diet is such a big factor in so many illnesses something I think many people under estimate. We follow a mainly traditional foods diet eating fermented grains eg sour dough and fermented dairy and rarely eating sugar. Good luck in your search for a solution to your husbands eczema.

  18. Thank you for your comment Saskia..... We are well familiar with the eczema - asthma - allergy connections which affect more than half our children as well. Wheat is another food eliminated from my husband's diet the last few months. It seems to help a little but there are many more pieces missing in the puzzle. Allergy to dust/dust mite is one is another we have changed many things to accommodate over the last 20 years - bare floor boards, leather lounge etc.

  19. I love the look of delight on your MIL's face. How delightful to have another blogger in the family.

  20. What wonderful things you record here!

    I love the shiny tin can herb holders.

    Those photos of your mother-in-law are priceless. What Joy! She seems to be doing okay...yes?

    Your daughter is learning from a master. I do believe blogging can be a good pasttime for them when used correctly.

  21. HI Karen,
    How do you black out the background in the photo shoot? Do you do this through Pic monkey?? Looks awesome. Anna

  22. Hi Mama Bear....both the black background here and also the white are made by placing a free standing tri-fold foam core board directly behind the little coffee table. I bought both from Lincraft and use them sometimes for photos. If you look carefully at the white one above you can see one of the fold lines.


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