
Saturday, June 15, 2013


Through my kitchen window

Miss E's handiwork appears everywhere.....

Miss E and Miss E enjoying a movie together on a laptop

Miss E made a birthday card for the Queen on Monday as we celebrated the Queen's birthday with a long weekend in Australia. It shows her crown.  After a little explanation on where the Queen lives (England) and the difficulties of sending it to the Queen, so she was happy to give it to me.

Our neighbour's orange tree is providing us with a fresh bounty - again.

A walk over the bridge and back revealed where the flock of noisy native corellas has been roosting, chasing away the resident pigeons. 

A track maintenance team on the go after the train had passed through.

Pondering another project.....

Miss E has been patiently counting down the days for months until she can go to the movies and watch Despicable Me 2. Every day she tells us how many more days to go. It's due for release in Australia this coming Thursday but our local cinema is having an early screening today! We didn't tell her until an hour before it was time to go.

She was so excited....

She is still there now with Miss O, Miss E, Miss V and her Daddy! Miss N and Miss G stayed home to make celebration cake for afternoon tea - the boys are off watching a local Australian Rules football game....

Hope you enjoyed the peak at our week! Never a dull moment....


  1. Lovely snippets - and as a swede I find it amazing that you can look out and see a bird like that! :-)

  2. Panna E tworzy urocze prace. Mam nadzieję, że będzie zadowolona z filmu na który na tak czekała.Śliczny masz widok za oknem kuchni. Pozdrawiam.
    Miss E creates a charming work. I hope you will be pleased with the film in which the so waited. Lovely view from the window you have a kitchen. Yours.

  3. Our house is all abuzz with the prospect of seeing Despicable Me 2 too! Olivia went today, got there half an hour early and all session tickets were sold out!! Alex hoping to see it tomorrow. I love Miss E's birthday card to the Queen. I think you should send it to her, seriously!

  4. PS The Queen writes back! Or at least her helpers do. Would be a lovely thrill for Miss E :)

  5. We might just do that Bloom - Miss E likes the sound of that very much! Thank you!

  6. Lindas fotos e momentos!Lindo de ver!beijos,chica

  7. What amazing captures!! You really had that beautiful bird right outside your window?? I'm envious!

  8. Oh the colors of that parrot in the first shot are amazing!

    - love the movies!

  9. Very beautiful images!
    Have a nice weekend!;)

  10. Your photos are like a refreshing breeze on a hot summer day. Thank you. That picture of your two daughters is very beautiful. How tastes oranges, just picked? Before reaching Netherlands oranges from Spain ... they are a bit old :-)

    With love.

  11. Lots of wonderful photos my friend. Sounds like a busy but happy week.


  12. love the 'snippets' of your week! everyone busy!
    the 1st pic is so colorful...envious of your view out of your window!! and your Miss E's smile!!
    ^)^ linda
    ps: not blogging anymore ;(

  13. Wow, it is so neat that you have real parrots right outside your kitchen window! We have to travel to a zoo to see them here. :)
    By the way, I finally found out that the paper bark tree here is a River Birch. That post was from last summer, so it's been a long time!
    Looks like you've had a busy and fun week!

  14. Your snippets and photos make Australia seem such a land of wonder. I love getting a peek at many things we just don't see where I live. I love the photo of the two Miss E's watching the movie.

  15. I have only just picked up DS#1 from seeing Despicable Me 2 - love your photos, especially the lorikeet one!

  16. Nice, sweet and touching pictures and story:)

  17. Your birds there are so pretty and colorful. :D We have just boring grey crows here.. :D Ha!

    Nice shots all!!!

  18. One of my Grandsons is eagerly waiting for the school holidays to go see the movie. Lovely photos, especially of your children's art work. The Queen's birthday card is gorgeous.

  19. I think miss E got her inspiration from the beautiful colourful bird in the garden.
    Both misses E look so adorable together.

  20. It is a nice personal post Karen. I love it :-)

    Kind regards from the Netherlands,
    Gert Jan

  21. Adorable little snippets! I love Miss Es excitement - I hope she enjoyed the show!

  22. Great variety in this article. Love the bridge.


  23. Looks like a wonderful week to me! I hope Despicable Me 2 turned out to be as exciting as Miss E hoped it would be. I love the pictures of her, they are truly precious (especially the one with her and her sister).

    I also look forward to see what you are making with those diamond pieces! Can't wait!


  24. The beautiful bird -- smiling children -- beautiful day -- and project. Great snippets. I'm finishing a quilt and went to get material for a border today and came back with too much material. Some just looked like sunshine and I had to have it-- I'll create a project for it.

  25. What colourful birds you have there! Strange that you should have a holiday for the Queen's birthday when we don't in Britain! xx

  26. Your river looks so peaceful and pretty right now. :) And that's so cute how excited she is about the movie. Tell her we're all looking forward to it to! She's lucky - as Australia gets a head start on us for opening day, she'll get to see it before we do. ;D

  27. It's nice to see the water where it belongs and behaving itself. Miss E does look excited, what a wonderful surprise. So that's how to get rid of pigeons! Can you send me a few? Nice railroad trestle, too.

  28. Miss E's excitement & expressions (the love in the photo with big sister) are priceless!
    Your Australian birds never cease to amaze me. Nor your quilting talent - I'm intrigued with that project you're pondering!

    What we wouldn't do to have an orange tree growing near by.. Wrong climate, though! We planted two new apple trees, and our cherry tree is looking promising for good fruit this year.

  29. I adore each and every photo you post,and the stories behind them.
    Your 2 Miss E's are simply gorgeous ladies!

  30. What a wonderful week! I actually miss the busyness of having all my 4 at home and running all over the place with early morning trainings, school runs, afternoon trainings, weekend competitions... sounds weird but I really do!!


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