
Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Making Fabric Music

After adding a few more fabrics to the mix for my Musical Stairs (Sarah Fielke's Bass Line design) quilt, it was time to start sewing the strips together. Yesterday I laid out the first selection and sewed them together.

Now I had something to show the twins, for this will be their quilt and was their choice of design. They were happy to start laying out strips ready for me to sew, which made me very happy. One has a very random approach, the other takes a little more time to choose her layout.

A little gentle encouragement turned "I can't sew" into a completed block from one twin, which made me more than very happy! I think the other twin (a more confident sewer) will follow suit next time we work together on this quilt, hopefully tomorrow.

Today I finished the first star on my new English Paper Piecing project. I love these fabrics together. The overall plan is still coming together. There is no hurry, just a plan to enjoy the process and to piece together some of my favourite fabrics so I can see them and enjoy them.

I have a question for any EPP experts. I have been sewing the pieces together using quilting thread due to its extra strength, but it seems to make the stitching a little more distinct too. Which thread do you use for EPP?


  1. It's so interesting looking through your projects - I', so looking forward to seeing the final product of the musical stairs quilt. Can you please give a shout out to whichever twin said 'I can't sew'. I can't sew either! I'm hearing you! But I'm guessing that some calm encouragement from that mum of yours got you stepping on a path you were unsure of. Thank you so much Karen for your response to my embroidery sewing query - much appreciated. Will be in touch (these holidays have left me with much less time than I predicted, so I'm sorry for my delays in reply to your posts). Renee

  2. Lovely to see your daughters becoming involved! I bet before long they will have been bitten by the sewing bug! With regards EPP, I saw Sue Daley at my LQS a number of years ago and do what she told me!!;-)) This is a link to her website/blog:
    The You Tube video is very informative. I think you need a finer thread and a fine straw needle! The little spools of thread are very reasonably priced! I look forward to seeing more of those pretty stars!

  3. Dobrze, że córki biorą aktywny udział w tworzeniu ślicznych kołder. Bardzo mi się to podoba. Pozdrawiam.
    Well, that daughters are actively involved in creating a lovely quilts. I really like it. Yours.

  4. Your musical stairs blocks are looking great, and your daughters will definitely not regret learning to sew. I'm very thankful that my mother taught me at a young age. Sorry, no EPP tips from me, but I think your star looks fab!

  5. I am loving the progress of the twin's quilt and seeing their involvement. That star you have done is beautiful. Am assuming that one is hand sewn.

  6. I love what you and the twins are doing. When I EPP I just use normal sewing thread and all my quilts have held together fine over the years

  7. The choice of colours and patterns in these fabrics are lovely. It is great to see teenagers interested in these type of hobbies.

  8. I LOVE the star! And my daughter does as well, she's really into stars.
    Love the colourful 'Music stairs' quilt and it is great to see how concentrated the twins are working on it themselves. Must be fun laying out the coloured stripes as they want them. The sewing though... Let's just say I can imagine how they(or at least the less experienced sewer of the twins) must feel ;)

  9. The star is beautiful! Great fabric choices! Lovely to see lots of sewing going on :)

  10. Ksren, as always, I love seeing what you and your kids are doing. It never fails to amaze me, and love the quilt that the girls are working on. Can't wait to see more. Hugs from texas! Jeanne

  11. I love the star! So beautiful and such wonderful projects for all of you to share! Wonderful captures as always, Karen! Hope your week is going well!

  12. I love the quilt pattern and the happy colors. How nice that you can work together with your daughters on this project. What a treasure it will be to them through the years.

  13. Love it - but I actually don´t think I´d have the patience to pull this off..! :-)

  14. Love that your twins are working on this quilt. It's so fun to see it coming together!

  15. Having my girls sew alongside of me is something that makes my heart so happy; it is a wonderful thing for your girls to be involved in their project! I love the pretty colors and prints of the fabric you have chosen and it will be fun to see how it comes together. For my EEP i use Guetterman's all purpose thread. I have made projects that withstand daily use by my kids and have not had any problems with the thread not holding up. Your star is gorgeous!!

  16. I love what you have going on there! The colors in that star are my favorite colors together! Gorgeous.

    I am stopping by from the WIP hop, hop on by if you can

  17. The musical stairs quilts are coming along that both your girls' personalities are shining through with their fabric choices and colours. Oh my, your stars block is so colourful and pretty. I look forward to seeing the progress of yet another gorgeous quilt stitched by you.

  18. your girls are gorgeous! and their quilts are looking nice, too. good for them getting a turn at the piecing. it's a great choice for beginners. i have a simple project i want to start my 14yo on after summer is over here.

    i really like the bunting print in the center of your star! so cute there. i'll be starting some epp soon, very soon! looking forward to it.

  19. Hello there. Your quilts will be so lovely. For EPP, I use a matching thread. Mettler is my usual choice. Lovely blog you have

  20. Love the fabric choice for both the musical quilt and the star. Sew with your girls is surely a happy time, a treasure for your mother heart.
    As for the thread for EPP, I use a regular all purposed thread (Gütermann) which is thinner than the quilting thread and try to match the color with the fabric if I can.

  21. This is really cool stuff you all are up to.Mum and daughters sewing and learning is really wonderful moment. :)

  22. I love, how you involve your Kids into sewing. I so that too - and I love my Girl sitting so concentrated at the sewing mashine :)

  23. I love the creativity going on in your house :)

  24. Love the way this quilt is turning out! And how wonderful that both girls are enjoying the process of making the quilt! Can't wait to see more!

    As for EPP I have found that my stitches show as well unless I stitch them together in one direction and then go back the other direction and criss-cross the thread (making little x's almost) if that makes sense. I have found that when I do that the stitches rarely show. Love the colors and the block so far. I agree enjoy making it at your own pace, or it will become a chore instead of fun.

  25. Gorgeous flowers. I'm glad your daughter is finding success with sewing. That is one pretty star, those fabrics do work well together. Isn't that the really fun part--selecting the fabrics?

  26. How beautiful and inspiring! I've thought lately of breaking out and beginning a quilting project and your images have definitely inspired.


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